Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов технических специальностей
Оценка 4.8
Работа в классе
английский язык
Целью пособия является обучение профессионально-ориентированному английскому языку.
Пособие включает тексты научно-технического содержания и нацелено на развитие навыков устной речи, беспереводного понимания и чтения на английском языке по тематике, предусмотренной программой.
Пособие состоит из 17 тем. Структура каждой темы идентична: тематический словарь, состоящий из лексический единиц, подлежащих обязательному заучиванию; основной текст, целью которого является обучение чтению научно-технической литературы; дополнительные тексты для ознакомительного чтения; послетекстовые упражнения для развития навыков разговорной речи и интерпретации полученной информации.
В учебно-методическое пособие также включено приложение, содержащее информацию о знаменитых ученых.
Методическое пособие может быть использовано как на уроках иностранного зыка, так и для самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы обучающихся.
Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов технических специальностей.docx
Департамент образования Вологодской области
БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий химикотехнологический колледж»
Учебнометодическое пособие по английскому языку
для обучающихся 2 курса
1 г.Череповец
2 Учебнометодическое пособие по английскому языку для обучающихся 2 курса
Череповец: БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий химикотехнологический колледж», 2017.
Составитель: О.С. Гежина – преподаватель иностранного языка первой квалификационной
На заседании ЦМК по ООД, ОГСЭ, ЕН
Протокол № 02
от «20» сентября 2017г.
Председатель ЦМК
Рекомендовано к внутреннему использованию.
3 Аннотация
Целью пособия является обучение профессиональноориентированному
английскому языку.
Пособие включает тексты научнотехнического содержания и нацелено на
развитие навыков устной речи, беспереводного понимания и чтения на
английском языке по тематике, предусмотренной программой.
Пособие состоит из 17 тем. Структура каждой темы идентична:
тематический словарь, состоящий из лексический единиц, подлежащих
обязательному заучиванию; основной текст, целью которого является обучение
чтению научнотехнической литературы; дополнительные тексты для
ознакомительного чтения; послетекстовые упражнения для развития навыков
разговорной речи и интерпретации полученной информации.
В учебнометодическое пособие также включено приложение, содержащее
информацию о знаменитых ученых.
Методическое пособие может быть использовано как на уроках
иностранного зыка, так и для самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы
4 Пояснительная записка
Учебнометодическое пособие предназначено для студентов 2 кура,
обучающихся по программам подготовки специалистов среднего звена:
15.02.07 Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств;
13.02.11 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и
электромеханического оборудования (химическая отрасль);
15.02.01 Монтаж и техническая эксплуатация промышленного
оборудования (химическая отрасль).
Целью пособия является обучение профессиональноориентированному
английскому языку.
Пособие включает тексты научнотехнического содержания и нацелено на
развитие навыков устной речи, беспереводного понимания и чтения на
английском языке по тематике, предусмотренной программой.
Пособие состоит из 17 тем. Структура каждой темы идентична:
тематический словарь, состоящий из лексический единиц, подлежащих
обязательному заучиванию; основной текст, целью которого является обучение
чтению научнотехнической литературы; дополнительные тексты для
ознакомительного чтения; послетекстовые упражнения для развития навыков
разговорной речи и интерпретации полученной информации.
В учебнометодическое пособие также включено приложение, содержащее
информацию о знаменитых ученых.
Методическое пособие может быть использовано как на уроках
иностранного зыка, так и для самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы
THEME 1. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY………………………………..……………..
THEME 2. PHYSICS AS A SCIENCE……..…………………………………….………….
THEME 3. MATHEMATICS AS A SCIENCE……………………………………………... 17
THEME 4. CHEMISTRY AS A SCIENCE…..…………………………………….………..
THEME 5. MATERIALS. METALS………………………………………………………… 23
THEME 8. MACHINETOOLS……………..………………………………………..……… 33
THEME 9. COMPUTERS………………….…………………………………………………. 35
THEME 10. AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS……………………………….…………...
THEME 11. TECHNICAL DRAWING………………………………………….…………..
THEME 12. WHAT IS ELECTRICITY….……………………………………….………… 52
THEME 13. ELECTRIC CIRCUIT………………………………………………….………. 55
THEME 14. HOW ENERGY IS PRODUCED…………………………………….………… 57
THEME 15. WHAT IS ELECTRONICS?..............................................................................
THEME 16. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE…………………………………………..………. 66
ЛИТЕРАТУРА…………………………………………………………………………..…… 75
Topic vocabulary
a science, a scientist, scientific – наука,
ученый, научный
to research, a researcher – исследовать,
to unify – объединять
to appear поваляться
to attempt – пытаться
to prove – доказывать
to explain – объяснять
to contribute – вносить вклад
to refer ссылаться
to measure – измерять
to satisfy – удовлетворять
to process data – обрабатывать данные
a complicated problem – сложная задача
closely interconnected – тесно
a tool – инструмент
a discovery, an invention – открытие,
Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
a steam engine – паровой двигатель
nuclear, nuclear power – ядерный, ядерная
digital, a digital computer – цифровой,
цифровой компьютер
a quantity, a physical quantity – величина,
физическая величина
liquid – жидкость, жидкий
annual ежегодный
availabe доступный
consequence следствие
decade десятилетие
influence – влияние; влиять
to occur возникать
periphery периферия
to simplify облегчать
to tear ( oneselt) away оторвать( ся)
virtual виртуальный
The word “science” coms from the Latin word “scientia”,
which means “knowledge”. Science covers the board field of
knowledge that deals with facts and the relationship among these
Scientists study a wide variety of subjects. Some scientists
search for clues to the origin of the universe and examine the
structure of cells of living plants and animals. Other researchers
investigate why we act the way we do, or try to solve complicated
mathematical problems.
Scientists use systematic methods of study to make
observations and collect facts. The develop theories that help them
order and unify facts. Scientific theories consist of general principles or laws that attempt to explain
how and why something happens or has happened. A theory is considered to become a part of
scientific knowledge if it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true.
Scientific study can be divided into three major groups: the natural social and technical
sciences. As scientific knowledge has grown and become more complicated, many new fields of
science have appeared. At the same time, the boundaries between scientific fields have become less
and less clear. Numerous areas of science overlap each other and it is often hard to tell where one
science ends and another begins. All sciences are closely interconnected.
7 Science has great influence on our lives. It provides the basis of modern technology – the
tools and machines that make our life and work easier. The discoveries and inventions of scientists
also help to shape our view about ourselves and our place in the universe.
Two Kinds of Research: Basic and Applied
Research—the quest for information —was born when people first started asking questions
and searching for answers. The inventors of the wheel were great researchers. Modern research,
based on study and experimentation, got its true start in the 1500s with the work of Galileo.
In the natural sciences—such as biology, chemistry, and medicine — methods of research are
very exact. Scientists have developed very accurate instruments such as electronic microscopes.
Basic research is aimed at discovering more about the laws of nature. As they push into the
unknown, scholars doing basic research may have little idea of what lies ahead. They may be trying
to find out why birds migrate or whether plants grow on Mars. Wishing only to add to the world’s
knowledge, they don’t concern themselves with the practical applications of their findings.
Applied research is aimed at a practical goal. Researchers focus on discovering or inventing
new and useful products or better ways of doing something. The first synthetic plastic, for example,
was developed to find a substitute for ivory in the manufacture of billiard balls. This early plastic—
called Celluloid—paved the way for development of today’s enormous plastics industry.
Basic and applied researchers work hand in hand. Applied research is often built on ideas
from basic research. In turn, basic researchers depend on applied research for the invention of
instruments that make further investigations possible.
Exercise 2. Translate the following definitions of the words.
Science is the study of knowledge that can be made into system and which usually depends on
seeing and testing facts and stating general natural terms.
Technology is a branch of knowledge dealing with scientific and industrial methods and their
practical use in industry.
Research is a serious and detailed study of a subject that is aimed at learning new facts, scientific
laws, testing ideas etc.
Exercise 3. Match each word with its correct definition.
to prove, to process, to unify, to explain, to appear
1. To combine parts of something to form a single whole.
2. To make clear or easy to understand, usually by speaking or writing.
3. To become able to be seen, to come into sight.
4. To show to be true by means of facts, documents, information etc.
5. To put information? Numbers etc. into a computer for examination.
Exercise 4. Write T or F to show whether each statement is true or false.
1. _____ Modern research got its start with the discovery of the wheel.
2. _____ Scientists involved in applied research are trying to solve specific problems.
3. _____ The words knowledge and information are synonyms.
4. _____ Basic researchers try to discover more about the laws of nature.
Exercise 5. Complete the crossword puzzle with words from the reading. Clue words are
synonyms (words with a similar meaning) of the answer words.
1. targeted
4. precise
6. data
7. improved
2. tools; devices
3. to rely
5. to concentrate
Exercise 6. Read and translate the text.
The scientific and technical revolution has changed our life very much. The computers, the
mobile phones and other digital devices have entered our everyday life.
The atomic, space and energy age was followed bу the age of computers. The tasks which had
seemed eternal before have been solved one bу one bу computers. During the last decade many
fundamental changes occurred because of electronic devices. It is even difficult to imagine the
social and economic consequences of the microelectronic revolution.
The large use of computers has influenced our life in such а way that it was difficult to
imagine 15 or 20 years ago. On the one hand, computers have simplified our life greatly. If you
typed а text on the typewriter and made а mistake you had to type the whole page again. Making
several copies of the same document used to bе а difficult job too. But now it's quite different.
Correcting mistakes is easy. Computer also helps us to buy goods, find information, book tickets,
make presentations and annual reports, and make difficult calculations. Time is saved for leisure.
Leisure time is also influenced bу computer and other periphery devices. You no longer go to
the music shops many things are available on the internet. You needn't write letters to your
relatives or friends – you can send an email. And your photo albums are on computer too.
Computer games are probably also а part of your free time. They became more and more
realistic and complicated, and for many people it becomes impossible to tear themselves away. This
means that electronic devices, such as computer and ТV set are used mostly for entertainment and
consume most of the time that could bе spent on work, going for а walk and sleeping. Man becomes
а slave of the devices which were designed to make him stronger.
Is there а way out? In fact, there is, but many people don't know it and are still slaves. The
best decision is not to give these equipments place in your heart. They should do their work. And
when you have а rest, prefer real communication to virtual one and living an active life to watching
films about crime. Then electronics will bе not our lord or enemy but our friend!
Exercise 7. Answer the following questions to the text.
1. The technical revolution has changed our life very much, hasn't it?
2. What were the predecessors of computer age?
9 3. Do computers make our life easier and simpler? In what way?
4. Computers influence our free time too, don't they?
5. Can you get music and video on the Interment? What other infoпnation can you get there?
6. What devices became compatible with computer during the last years?
7. Can you communicate with your friends on the Internet? Do you like such communication or you
prefer real one?
8. In what way do computer games influence the people?
9. Do electronic devices take all our free time?
10. Is man а slave of the devices which were designed to make him stronger?
11. Does the author suggest а way out?
12. What is the way out in your opinion?
Exercise 7. Insert the missing words.
1. _____helps you to send letters quickly.
2. If there is an interesting program on ТV, it's difficult for а person to_____.
3. During the last two _____scientific progress and digitization took place.
4. For some people а computer is an equivalent of а _____: а device for printing and editing
5. Do you have many _____? Yes, I have parents, grandparents, two sisters and three brothers.
6. I don't buy _____ any more, all my photos are on my computer.
7. Computer is а multifunctional device. So the _____is that it саn bе used both for work and for
8. _____age was followed bу а microelectronic one.
Exercise 8. Continue the following statements.
1. The atomic, space and energy age was followed bу ...
2. It's difficult to imagine the social and economic consequences ...
3. Computers have simplified ...
4. Computer helps us to buy goods, find information ...
5. Leisure time is also influenced ...
6. You no longer go to the music shops ...
7. You needn't write letters to your relatives ...
8. Computer and ТV set are used mostly for entertainment ...
9. The best decision is not to give these equipments .. .
10. When you have а rest, prefer real communication .. .
Exercise 9. Write аn essay оn оnе of the following topics.
1. Man: а slave or а master of electronic devices.
2. The fundamental changes caused bу technical revolution.
3. The use of computer for work.
Topic vocabulary
matter – материя, вещество
motion – движение
to gain – получать
proof – доказательство
to deal with – рассматривать, иметь дело
theory of relativity – теория
distance – расстояние
direction направление
to distribute распространяться
considerable определенный
Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
wireless waves – беспроводные волны
to resolve –
convenient – удобный
behavior – поведение
to seek out –
installation – оборудование, установка
forefathers –
to push – толкать
to pull – тянуть
to apply применять
Physics is the science of matter, motion and energy. Newton was the
physicist in the modern sense. As he stated the three laws of motion in 1687,
physics has advanced at a rapid pace along a broad road which may be
divided into three stages.
The first consists in gaining quantitative knowledge about
some particular phenomena. The next stage involves theoretical study,
including, mathematical proof of theories. The last stage is experimental
of the most important theories. Until quite recently physicists were in
favour of mechanical explanation. The physicist today deals with
mathematics to a large extent. Einstein`s theory of relativity by when the universe is explained
mathematically is a powerful tool of physics.
Electricity and magnetism, and electromagnetic radiation of all kinds, from wireless waves to
Xrays, were based on Maxwell`s theory. It resolves the world into electric charges and electric and
magnetic waves.
Physics originally developed, and is still taught today, along several different lines:
mechanics, heat, light, electricity and magnetism, and sound. When it was shown that light had the
characteristics of a wave motion, heat may be converted into mechanical work, and electricity and
magnetism can be generated by mechanical means, physics got a proof of the unity of nature.
The Nature of Physical Knowledge
In physics, certain properties of matter are measured and the results examined to see if there is
any mathematical relationship between them. It is important to understand the true meaning of the
equations we find in a physics book.
They do not tell us what things are in themselves, but are simple a convenient way of
expressing the laws governing their behavior. This is the main purpose of science, to seek out the
laws of the universe and, if possible, to express them in precise mathematical form. Technologists
use this information for such purposes as designing electric dynamos and motors, radio, television
11 and radar installations, artificial satellites and spacecraft, nuclear power generators and so on, all of
which have helped to make our material way of life so different from that of our forefathers.
All measurements in physics, even of such things as electric current, are related to the three
chosen fundamental quantities of length, mass and time. Until about the year 1800, workers in
various countries used different systems of units. Thus, while an Englishman used inches, a
continental scientist would measure lengths in centimetres. Fortunately, this unsatisfactory situation
has now been changed by the efforts of various international committees of scientists who have met
for discussion regularly over many years. In 1960, the General Conference of Weight and Measures
recommended that everyone should use a metric system of measurement called the International
System of Units (abbreviated SI in all languages). The SI units are derived from the earlier MKS
system, so called because its first three basic units are the metre (m), the kilogramme (kg) and the
second (s). These will be explained shortly.
At the present time, however, we still have to consult books and scientific and technical
papers which use the older centimetregrammesecond system (CGS units). Some mention of these
units will therefore be made later on so that the reader may be enabled to understand scientific
literature in which they have been used.
Exercise 2. Give the definitions of the underlined words.
1. The science of physics is the science of matter and energy.
2. The laws of physics are to a large extent like the laws of other natural sciences.
3. The characteristics of this phenomenon are quite different from the characteristics of a
wave motion.
4. Einstein`s theory of relativity is the theory explaining the universe mathematically.
Exercise 3. Define the part of the speech of the underlined words.
1. The study of this phenomenon is very important.
2. The scientists study the structure of matter.
3. The generator charges the batteries. The charges of an electric and of a proton are equal in
4. The group of young physicists works at some theoretical problems. Maxwell`s works on
electricity and magnetism are widely known.
5. By what means can electricity be generated?
Exercise 4. Match Russian and English words.
1) general;
2) term;
3) force;
4) body;
5) by another part;
6) from a distance;
7) area;
8) straight line;
9) magnitude;
10) of indefinite length;
11) opposite;
12) point of application;
13) to act;
14) in special cases;
a) на расстоянии;
b) действовать;
c) точка приложения;
d) термин;
e) в особых случаях;
f) площадь;
g) противоположный;
h) тело;
i) представлять, изображать;
j) прямая линия;
k) величина;
l) другой частью;
m) вычитать;
n) неопределенной длины;
12 15) equivalent;
16) to represent;
17) difference;
18) to subtract.
o) разность;
p) общий, общеупотребительный;
q) равнозначный, эквивалентный;
r) сила
Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into English.
1. В науке существует много различных теорий.
2. Они являются мощным инструментом для объяснения явлений природы.
3. В физике имеется несколько направлений.
4. Ими являются следующие.
5. В природе существуют электрические и магнитные волны.
6. Они являются причиной электромагнитных явлений.
Exercise 6. Read and translate the text.
The word force is a general term for any push or pull. A force is always exerted on a body by
another body or on a part of a body by another part.
A force may act through a contact, or it may act from a distance like gravitational or magnetic
attraction. It may act on a point of a body or be distributed over a considerable area. But whether
exerted through a contact or from a distance a force is always exerted on something and by
The force acts along the line. The line of action of any force is a line of indefinite length
parallel to the direction of the force and containing its point of
application. To specify a force, it is necessary to know its
direction, magnitude and sense. Hence, forces are vector
quantities. They must be added, subtracted, multiplied and
divided vectorially. The ordinary arithmetic rules of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division used for scalar quantities
cannot be applied, except in special cases. Forces can be
represented by straight lines.
The length of the line represents the magnitude of the force. The direction of the line is that of
force. The head of the arrow of the line shows whether the force acts up of down, to the right or to
the left, etc.
If a force acts on a body that is free to move, the body moves in the direction of the force.
When two forces are applied in opposite directions, the body moves in the direction of the greater
force. The force tending to move the body in this case is the difference between the two forces.
When the forces act in the same direction, the equivalent force known as the resultant is the
sum of the two forces.
Exercise 7. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the word force?
2. What is a force always exerted by?
3. How may a force act?
4. What is the line of action of any force?
5. What quantities are forces?
6. Can ordinary arithmetic rules be applied to vector quantities?
7. How can forces be represented?
13 8. Where does a body move under the action of two forces?
Exercise 8. Read and translate the text.
What is the weight of a body? It is simply the amount of the gravitational attraction of the
earth for the object. This means that a body has weight only because it is near a very large object
like the earth. If a onepound stone is moved father (дальше) from the earth surface, its weight
decreases because the earth does not pull so hard.
In other words (другими словами), the weight of a body depends on how near the earth it is,
but its mass is the same everywhere in the universe.
For example, two bricks (кирпичи) together have twice the mass of a single (один) brick, but
if we take these bricks to the height of 1,600 miles, their weight will be about that of a single brick
at sea level.
But a given volume of one material has a different weight than the same volume of some
other material, because they have different density, for instance, we say that iron is "heavier" than
The density of a substance is the weight of any portion (часть) of it divided by the volume.
Stated as a formula D = m/V where D stands for density, m for mass and V for volume. Of
course, this equation may be solved for m and for V: m = D x V (m equals D multiplied by V); V =
Exercise 9. Translate the following word combinations into English.
1. атомный, объемный вес;
2. заряженное, твердое тело;
3. плотность плазмы, энергии;
4. земная, контактная поверхность;
5. центр, плотность земли;
6. равный, молекулярный, большой объем;
7. энергетический, квантовый, технический уровень.
Exercise 10. Match the words from the column A with word from the column B
1. about
2. mean
3. equal
4. height
5. stated
6. pound
7. heavy
a) высота
b) фунт
c) равный
d) установленный
e) приблизительно
f) означать
g) 7. тяжелый
1. поверхность
2. движение
3. вес
4. объем
5. уровень
6. земля
7. плотность
1) weight
2) volume
3) earth
4) density
5) surface
6) movement
Exercise 11. Math the beginnings and the endings of the sentences.
1. A body has weight...
2. The mass of a body is...
3. The density of iron is...
4. The density of a substance is...
a) greater than that of wood.
b) the same everywhere.
c) when it is near the surface.
d) the weight of any portion of it divided by the volume.
Exercise 12. Read and translate the text.
Physics is known as an exact science and this means that it is possible to
make measurements of the things we talk about, because we must not only
know how to describe things but be able to measure them.
There are many types of measurements. Some are very simple, others
require the use of highly complex instruments.
The simpliest kind of measuring operation is finding the length of an
object. The fundamental length unit in the Metric system is the standard
The following table gives the most commonly used Metric units of length:
1 kilometer (km) = (equals) 1,000 meters; 1 METER (m) = PRIMARY UNIT; 1 centimeter (cm) =
0.01 meter; 1 millimeter (mm) = 0.001 meter.
Length units in the English system: 1 in (inch) = 2.54cm; 1 ft (foot) = 30.5cm; 1 mile =
For area measurement we have square centimeters (cm), square meters (m), etc.
Volume requires a cubical unit for its measurement. Thus there are cubic centimeters (cm),
cubic feet (ft), etc.
The fundamental Metric standard of mass is the kilogramme. When we weigh an object we
compare the mass of the object with that of the standard using the earth's attraction.
Exercise 13. Translate the following word combinations into English.
1. большая, маленькая, равная площадь
2. притяжение частиц, молекул, земли
3. простое, трудное, то же самое уравнение
4. единица длины, площади, веса
5. измерение высоты, глубины
6. простой, сложный прибор
7. сравните приборы, оборудование, установки
8. измерьте территорию, длину, глубину
Exercise 14. Answer the following questions.
1. Why do we call physics as an exact science?
2. What kind of measuring operations do you know (length, volume, mass)
3. What are the exact commonly used Metric units of length?
4. Do you know the length units of English system? What are they?
(1 inch = 2.54 cm; 1 foot = 30.5 cm; 1 mile = 1609 m)
Exercise 15. Read and translate the text.
Words like watt or volt have become part of our language so completely that we sometimes
forget that these are the names of famous scientists. Let us recall a few such units.
An ampere is the unit of electric current in common use. It is that current which when passed
through a solution of silver nitrate in water will deposit water (0,0001118 gram per second). The
unit is made after AndreMarie Ampere (17751836), the famous French physicist and
15 A bell is a unit for comparing two values of power. It is 10 times the size of the more
frequently used decibel, which is used as a measure of response in all types of electrical
communication circuits. The unit is named after Alexander Graham Bell (18771922), the American
inventor of telephone.
A coulomb is a unit of electric charge equal to the quantity of electricity transferred in one
second by a current of one ampere. It is named after Charles Augustin de Coulomb (17361806),
the prominent French physicist.
A curie (Cu) is the unit of the measurement of radioactivity. It is named after Pierre and
Marrie Curie, French physicists.
A farad is a unit of electrical capacitance. It is named after Michael Faraday (17911867), the
famous English physicist.
A gal is a unit of acceleration used in describing the effects of gravity. It is an acceleration of
one centimetre per second each second. This unit is named after Galileo Galiley (15641642), the
prominent Italian scientist.
A kelvin is a degree on the thermometric scale that takes absolute zero as it starting point ( 0o
K). It was named after Willian Thomson (1824 1907), who later became Lord Kelvin, a British
professor, the inventor of mirror galvanometer.
A newton is the unit of force in the metrekilogram second measurement system. It is named
after Sir Isaac Newton (16421727), the English cientist, a professor of Cambridge University.
A roentgen is a unit of radiation. It is named after Wilhelm Condrad Roentgen (18451923),
the famous German physicist.
A volt is the difference of potential between two points, if one joule of work is required to
transport one coulomb of charge from one point to the other. It is named after Alessandro Volta
(17451827), the Italian physicist.
A watt is a unit of power. It is named after James Watt (17301819), the English inventor of a
Exercise 16. Make up sentences using the model and using clichés.
Model: Ampere is the famous French physicist. He is from France.
Clichés: As far as I know... As to ...
1. Bell is ... (America American)
2. M.Faraday is ... (England English)
3. G.Galilei is ... (Italy Italian)
4. Lord Kelvin is ... (British Britain)
5. W. Roentgen is ... (German Germany)
Exercise 17. Make up sentences trying to learn about the inventions.
Could you tell me
Tell me, please
I'd like to know
invented telephone?
opened the xrays?
invented the steamengine?
discovered radioactivity?
invented the mirror galvanometer?
Exercise 18. Give definitions of units and say after whom they were named.
1) an ampere; 2) a roentgen; 3) a curie; 4) a farad; 5) a gal; 6) a bel; 7) a newton; 8) a watt.
16 A unit of power, a unit of electrical capacitance, a unit for comparing two values of power, a unit
for measuring radioactivity, a unit of electrical current, a unit of acceleration, a unit of force in the
metrekiligramsecond measurement system, a unit of radiation.
Exercise 19. Finish the sentences.
1) We measure magnetic field intensity by ....
2) Two values of power are measured in ...
3) Radioactivity is measured in ...
4) Electrical capacitance is measured in ...
5) The difference of potential between two points is measured in ...
Exercise 20. Read and translate the text.
Some substances, such as radium and uranium, are .radioactive. This means that the nuclei of
the atoms of these substances are continually splitting up. When the nucleus of an atom of radio
active substance disintegrates, very small particles, known as alpha and beta particles, are thrown
off with verygreat energy. At the same time, invisible rays, known as gamma rays, are produced.
These rays are capable of passing through several inches of solid metal. The energy produced by the
splitting of the nucleus of an atom is called nuclear or atomic energy.
The electrically charged particles which are thrown off by radioactive substance can be
accelerated to a very high speed. If one of these accelerated particles hits the nucleus of another
atom, it will cause it to disintegrate. Atomic energy will thus be released. It is possible, though very
expensive, to transfer atoms of one element to atoms of another by this means. But more energy is
used in accelerating the particle than is released by the disintegrating of a nucleus. So this is not a
method of obtaining atomic power for practical purposes.
Some atoms contain uncharged particles called neutrons. If the
nucleus of an atom of Uranium 235, a rare from of uranium, is struck by a
moving neutron, the nucleus will split, releasing both energy and another
neutron. If the two neutrons collide with the more nuclei the same thing
will happen. More energy and more neutrons will be produced, and the
process will continue. Though the amount of energy released by a single
nucleus is very small, when such a .chain reaction is started, a great deal
of energy can quickly be produced.
Exercise 21. Answer the following questions.
1. What substances are known as .radioactive?
2. When are alpha and beta particles thrown off?
3. When are gamma rays produced?
4. What is called .atomic energy?
5. How can electrically charged particles be accelerated?
6. When will atomic energy be released?
7. What is a neutron?
8. What is a chainreaction?
Exercise 22. Match following words.
17 1. substance;
2. energy;
3. to use;
4. several;
5. atomic;
6. to hit;
7. to transform;
8. to change;
9. to start;
10. speed;
11. purpose;
12. ray;
13. a great deal;
14. to accelerate
to begin;
very much;
to speed up;
to vary;
b) nuclear;
c) power;
k) matter;
to utilize;
to strike;
to convert
1. possible;
2. high;
3. visible;
4. to release;
5. to charge;
6. to start;
7. solid;
8. to integrate;
9. to accelerate;
10. to produce;
11. to build
a) to discharge;
b) to finish;
c) low;
d) invisible;
e) impossible;
to liberate;
g) to disintegrate;
h) liquid;
k) to arrest
to destroy;
to decelerate;
Topic vocabulary
observation – наблюдение
to treat – обрабатывать
feature – черта, характеристика
aerobatics –
precise –
in connection with – в связи с
Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
to enable – давать возможность
prediction –
to confirm –
to loop
to increase – увеличивать, повышать, расти
to penetrate
In mathematics and, in particular, in mathematical analysis practical work and observation of
nature are, as in other sciences, the main source of scientific discoveries. In their turn, mathematical
methods play a very important role in natural sciences and
Mathematical methods lie in the foundation of
physics, mechanics, engineering and other natural sciences.
For all of them mathematics is a powerful theoretical and
practical tool without which no scientific calculation and no
engineering and technology are possible.
Mathematical analysis that treats of variables and
functional relationships between them is particularly important since the laws of physics,
mechanics, chemistry, etc. are expressed as such relationships.
An important feature of the application of mathematics to other sciences is that in enables us
to make scientific predictions, that is to draw, on the basis of logic and with this aid of
mathematical methods, correct conclusions whose agreement with reality is then confirmed by
experience, experiment and practice. Here is one remarkable example illustrating what has been
As is known, the modern science of aviation was created by the famous Russian scientist
Professor N. E. Jukovsky (1847—1921). He derived by means of mathematical methods certain
formulas and laws which enabled him to predict impossibility of aerobatics, and, in particular, of
looping the loop. Soon the loop was performed by the Russian pilot, captain P.N.Nesterov. The
possibility of looping the loop was discovered mathematically before it was realized physically.
In recent years the role of mathematics has still increased especially in connection with the
appearance of modern highspeed electronic computers. Realization of space flights, launching
rockets to other planets and establishing radio and television communication with them require
extremely complicated and precise mathematical calculations which cannot be performed without
computers. Mathematical methods are penetrating deeply even into such traditionally «non
mathematical » sciences as economics, biology, medicine, etc. It can be said that no modern
scientific and technical project can be realized without mathematics and its methods.
1 one – один
2 two – два
the first – первый
the second – второй
19 3 three – три
4 four – четыре
5 five – пять
6 six – шесть
7 seven – семь
8 eight – восемь
9 nine девять
10 ten – десять
11 eleven одиннадцать
12 twelve двенадцать
13 thirteen тринадцать
14 fourteen четырнадцать
15 fifteen пятнадцать
16 sixteen шестнадцать
17 seventeen семнадцать
18 eighteen восемнадцать
19 nineteen девятнадцать
20 twenty двадцать
30 thirty тридцать
40 forty сорок
50 fifty пятьдесят
60 sixty шестьдесят
70 seventy семьдесят
80 eighty восемьдесят
90 ninety девяносто
100 hundred сто
1,000 thousand – одна тысяча
1,000 000 million один миллион
the third – третий
the fourth – четвертый
the fifth – пятый
the sixth – шестой
the seventh – седьмой
the eighth – восьмой
the ninth – девятый
the tenth – десятый
the eleventh – одиннадцатый
the twelfth – двенадцатый
the thirteenth – тринадцатый
the fourteenth – четырнадцатый
the fifteenth – пятнадцатый
the sixteenth – шестнадцатый
the seventeenth – семнадцатый
the eighteenth – восемнадцатый
the nineteenth – девятнадцатый
the twentieth – двадцатый
the thirtieth тридцатый
the fortieth – сороковой
the fiftieth пятидесятый
the sixtieth – шестидесятый
the seventieth – семидесятый
the eightieth – восьмидесятый
the ninetieth – девяностый
the hundredth сотый
the thousandth тысячный
Сomposite numerals
22 – twentytwo
66 – sixtysix
1,001 – one thousand and one
5,550 – five thousand five hundred and fifty
1,500 – fifteen hundred
Exercise 2. Read and study these words.
the twentysecond – двадцать второй
the sixtysixth – шестьдесят шестой
the thousand and first – одна тысяча первый
the five thousand five hundred and fiftieth
to add – сложить,
addition – сложение
to subtract – вычесть
subtraction – вычитание
plus – плюс
minus – минус
to equal – равняться
to be equal to – быть
to multiply – умножить
multiplied by – умноженный
multiplication – умножение
to divide – разделить
divided by – разделенный на
division – деление
once – один раз
twice – дважды, два раза
fractions – дроби
decimal fractions –
десятичные дроби
common fractions –
простые дроби
numerator – числитель
denominator – знаменатель
point – точка
nought – нуль
20 равным
three times – три раза
zero – нуль
O нуль
5 + 7 = 12 – five plus seven is equal to twelve
66 + 13 = 79 – sixtysix plus thirteen equals seventynine
a + b = c – a plus b is c
15 – 6 = 9 – fifteen minus six equals nine
81 33 = 48 – eightyone minus thirtythree is equal to fortyeight
c – b = a – c minus b equals a
Exercise 3. Read and solve these problems.
99 + 77 =
61 – 50 =
114 + 316 =
b + a =
8 – 3 =
47 – 18 =
1,203 + 419 =
d – c =
315 + 145 =
859 – 600 =
4,444 + 7,777 =
a – c =
1 * 1 = once one is one
2 * 2 = twice two is equal to four
3 * 3 = three times three equals nine
4 * 4 = four times four equals sixteen
12 * 10 = 120 – twelve multiplied by ten is equal to one hundred and twenty
35 : 7 = 5 – thirtyfive equals five
1,000 : 25 = 40 – one thousand divided by twentyfive is equal to forty
a : b = c – a divided by b is c
Exercise 4. Read and solve these problems.
10 * 7 =
100 * 100 =
234 * 6 =
a * b =
49 : 7 =
175 : 25 =
12 * 12 =
n * m =
10,660 :10 =
749 : 7 =
1 * 1 =
l * k =
½ = one half (a half)
1/3 = one third (a third)
2/7 = two sevenths
3 ½ = three and a half
5 1/7 = five and one seventh
6 5/7 = six and five sevenths
0.7 – O point seven
nought point seven
zero point seven
0.002 – zero double zeroes two
1.1 – one point one
5.36 – five point three six
65.237 – sixtyfive point two three seen
Exercise 5. Read these common and decimal fractions.
21 20.23
7 ½
9 5/8
Topic vocabulary
chemistry химия
science наука
to include включать
property свойство
composition состав
codas structure структура, состояние
to undergo – подвергаться
accompanying сопутствующие [
energy changes – преобразование энергии
abundance изобилие
overall volume of production – общий
объем продукции
much credit for this is due to our
scientists – в этом большая заслуга наших
ученых research – исследование
to win worldwide recognition – получить
всемирное признание
to serve – служить
theoretical basis – теоретическая основа
to enable – давать возможность
to set up основывать
contribution – вклад
to reveal открывать, показывать
condition условие
processing – обработка
chain reaction – цепная реакция
discovery открытие
to achieve достигать
to play an important part – играть
важную роль
branch отрасль
close links – тесная
largescale production – производство в
больших масштабах
compound – соединение
to evolve разрабатывать
simultaneously одновременно
field – область, отрасль
It was ... considered (thought) – предполагали,
to consist of состоять из
to derive – происходить от
to include – включать, содержать в себе
hydrocarbon – углеводород
substance вещество
to contain – содержать
for instance например
behaviour поведение
current – электрический ток
relation – соотношение, зависимость
whereby – посредством которого
to cause – вызывать
conducting medium – проводящая среда
solution раствор
molten – расплавленный
method of deposition metals – метод осаждения
to draw (drew, drawn) – тянуть
to repel – отталкиваться
boundary граница
Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
The science of chemistry includes a study of properties, composition, and structure of
matter, the changes in structure and composition which matter undergoes, and the accompanying
energy changes.
The Russian chemical industry now holds second place in the world in overall volume of
production. Much credit for this is due to our scientists whose research has won worldwide
recognition. The classical works by Mendeleyev, Butlerov, Zelinsky, Zaitzev, Lebedev,
Favorsky and many others not only served as a theoretical basis for the development of the
chemical industry, but enabled our scientists to set up a number of modern branches of the
chemical industry as well.
23 The close links between science and industry enabled the chemical
industry to make great progress.
The Soviet Union was the first country to organize largescale production
of synthetic rubber.
Zelinsky's works formed the basis for the synthesizing of a large number
of new chemical compounds. These compounds are now counted in
thousands, and they are extremely important in the country's economy. Our
scientists evolved an original method of extracting phenol and acetone
simultaneously from benzene and propylene. Phenol and acetone are needed
for the manufacture of plastics, textile fibres, organic glass and other chemical products.
Scientists are making a major contribution to the production of aniline dyes, and many
new dyes have been evolved with their help.
The research of our scientists has revealed the physical and physicochemical conditions
necessary for the industrial production and processing of polymeric materials.
The theory of chain reactions is a major discovery of our time. The development of this
theory is linked with the name of the Soviet scientist Semyonov, a Nobel Prize winner.
The successes achieved by chemistry and engineering have played an important part in
our country's achievements in space.
Fields of Chemistry
The field of chemistry is now a very large one. There are more than 30 different
branches of chemistry. Some of the better known fields are inorganic chemistry, organic
chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, biological chemistry, pharmaceutical
chemistry, nuclear chemistry, industrial chemistry, colloidal chemistry, and electrochemistry.
Inorganic chemistry. It is originally considered that the field of inorganic chemistry
consists of the study of materials not derived from living organisms. However it now includes
all substances other than the hydrocarbons and their derivatives.
Organic chemistry. At one time it was thought that all substances found
in plants and animals could be made only by using part of a living plant or
animal. The study of these substances, most of which contain carbon was
therefore called organic chemistry. It is now known that this idea is quite wrong,
for in 1828 F. Wohler made an "organic" substance using a simple laboratory
Organic chemistry now merely means the chemistry of carbon
Physical chemistry is concerned with those parts of chemistry which
are closely linked with physics as, for in stance, the behaviour of substances when a current of
electricity is passed through them.
Electrochemistry is concerned with the relation between electrical energy and chemical
change. Electrolysis is the process whereby electrical energy causes a chemical change in the
conducting medium, which usually is a solution or a molten substance. The process is generally
used as a method of deposition metals from a solution.
Magnetochemistry is the study of behaviour of a chemical substance in the presence of a
magnetic field. A paramagnetic substance, i.e. one having unpaired electrons is drawn into a
magnetic field. Diamagnetic substances, i.e. those having no unpaired electrons, are repelled
by a magnetic field.
Biochemistry. Just as the physical chemist works on the boundaries between physics and
chemistry, so the biochemist works on the boundaries between biology and chemistry. Much of the
work of the biochemist is concerned with foodstuffs and, medicines. The medicines known as
antibiotics, of which penicillin is an early example, were prepared by biochemists.
Exercise 2. Give English equivalents for these words.
24 отрасль
Exercise 3. Answer the questions.
1) Which branch of chemistry deals with the study of materials not derived from living
2) Which branch of chemistry studies the behaviour of a chemical substance in the presence of a
magnetic field?
3) What is the study of substances containing carbon called?
4) What other branches of chemistry do you know?
5) By whom were antibiotics prepared?
Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box.
production repelled unpaired solution foodstuffs compounds
enabled branches electrolysis chain
... is the process whereby electrical energy causes a chemical change in the conducting medium.
1) Diamagnetic substances are ... by a magnetic field.
2) Much of the work of the biochemist is concerned with . . . and medicines.
4) Electrolysis is generally used as a method of deposition of metals from ....
5) The theory of ... reactions is a major discovery of our time.
6) The close links between the science and industry ... the chemical industry to make great progress.
7) Zelinsky's works formed the basis for the synthesizing of a large number of new chemical ... .
8) Scientists are making a major contribution to ... of aniline dyes.
9) There are more than 30 different . . . of chemistry.
10) Diamagnetic substances have no ... electrons.
Exercise 5. Make up sentences out of these words.
1) And, phenol, an original method, acetone, our scientists, simultaneously, benzene, and, evolved, from,
extracting, propylene, of.
1) Substance, field, the study, in the presence, behaviour, chemical, magnetochemistry, of, of, is, a, of, a,
2) Worldwide, this, to, scientists, recognition, much, due, research, credit, our, is, whose, won, has.
2) Other, needed, manufacture, textile fibers, plastics, acetone, and, are, organic glass, for, the, products, of,
and, chemical, phenol.
Physics, chemistry, parts, linked, which, concerned, are, closely, with, with, physical, chemistry, is, those, of
Exercise 6. Translate into English.
1) Наши ученые разработали новый метод обработки металлов.
2) Биохимики внесли большой вклад в производство антибиотиков.
3) Электрохимия связана с изучением отношений между электрической энергией
и химическими изменениями.
4) Русские ученые основали большое количество современных отраслей химической
5) Они не знают состава этого соединения.
25 союз
6) Советский
крупномасштабное производство синтетического каучука.
7) Этот ученый определил физические и физикохимические условия необходимые
для промышленного производства и обработки полимерных материалов.
Topic vocabulary
property — свойство
metallurgy — металлургия
separation — разделение, отстояние
dense — плотный
arrangement — расположение
to slide — скользить
malleable — ковкий, податливый,
способный деформироваться
bend (bent, bent) — гнуть
to fracture — ломать
ductile — эластичный, ковкий
to draw — волочить, тянуть
wire — проволока
lead — свинец
iron — железо, чугун
grain — зерно
to depend on — зависеть
mould — форма (для отливки)
treatment — обработка
quenching — закалка
tempering — отпуск после закалки
annealing — отжиг, отпуск
rolling — прокатка
to hammer — ковать (напр. молотом)
metal fatigue — усталость металла
creep — ползучесть
stress — давление,
failure — повреждение, разрушение
Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
vessel — сосуд, котел, судно
lathe — токарный станок
milling machine — фрезерный станок
shaper — строгальный станок
grinder — шлифовальный станок
to melt — плавить, плавиться расплавить
to cast — отливать, отлить
coarse — грубый, крупный
stiff — жесткий
to corrode — разъедать, ржаветь
rusty — ржавый
stainless, rustproof — нержавеющий
to resist — сопротивляться
considerably — значительно, гораздо
forging — ковка
welding — сварка
cutting tools — режущие инструменты
surgical instruments — хирургические ин
spring — пружина
inclusion — включение
to affect — влиять
manganese — марганец
silicon — кремний
nitrogen — азот
tungsten — вольфрам
carbon— углерод
Metals are materials most widely used in industry because of their
properties. The study of the production and properties of metals is known as
The separation between the atoms in metals is small, so most metals are
dense. The atoms are arranged regularly and can slide over each other. That is
why metals are malleable (can be deformed and bent without fracture) and
ductile (can be drawn into wire). Metals vary greatly in their properties. For
example, lead is soft and can be bent by hand, while iron can only be worked by hammering at red
The regular arrangement of atoms in metals gives them a crystalline structure. Irregular
crystals are called grains. The properties of the metals depend on the size, shape, orientation, and
27 composition of these grains. In general, a metal with small grains will be harder and stronger than
one with coarse grains.
Heat treatment such as quenching, tempering, or annealing controls the nature of the grains
and their size in the metal. Small amounts of other metals (less than 1 per cent) are often added to a
pure metal. This is called alloying (легирование) and it changes the grain structure and properties
of metals.
All metals can be formed by drawing, rolling, hammering and extrusion, but some require
Metals are subject to metal fatigue and to creep (the slow increase in length under stress)
causing deformation and failure. Both effects are taken into account by engineers when designing,
for example, airplanes, gas turbines, and pressure vessels for hightemperature chemical processes.
Metals can be worked using machine tools such as lathe, milling machine, shaper and grinder.
The ways of working a metal depend on its properties. Many metals can be melted and cast in
moulds but special conditions are required for metals that react with air.
Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.
1. What are metals and what do we call metallurgy?
2. Why are most metals dense?
3. Why are metals malleable?
4. What is malleability / alloying / crystalline structure / creeping?
5. What do the properties of metals depend on?
6. What changes the size of grains in metals?
7. What are the main processes of metal forming?
Exercise 3. Find the following words and word combinations in the text.
способы обработки металлов
8. прокатка
10. горячая обработка
11. усталость металла
12. лавка и отливка в формы
1. свойства металлов
2. правильное расположение
3. сильно отличаются по своим свойствам
4. кристаллическая структура
5. размер / форма / структура / свойства зерен
Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences:
1. Metals are...
2. Metallurgy is...
3. Most metals are...
4. The properties of the metals depend...
5. Alloying is...
6. All metals can be formed by...
7. Creep is...
8. Metals can be worked using...
Exercise 5. Translate into English.
1. Металлы — плотные материалы потому, что между атомами в металлах малое расстояние.
2. Металлы имеют кристаллическую структуру изза правильного расположения атомов.
3. Чем меньше зерна, тем тверже металл.
4. Закалка и отжиг изменяют форму и размер зерен в металлах.
28 5. Легирование изменяет структуру зерен и свойства металлов.
Exercise 6. Read and translate the text.
The most important metal in industry is iron and its alloy — steel.
Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. It is strong and stiff, but corrodes
easily through rusting, although stainless and other special steels resist
corrosion. The amount of carbon in a steel influences its properties
considerably. Steels of low carbon content (mild steels) are quite ductile
and are used in the manufacture of sheet iron, wire, and pipes. Medium
carbon steels containing from 0.2 to 0.4 per cent carbon are tougher and stronger and are used as
structural steels. Both mild and mediumcarbon steels are suitable for forging and welding. High
carbon steels contain from 0.4 to 1.5 per cent carbon, are hard and brittle and are used in cutting
tools, surgical instruments, razor blades and springs. Tool steel, also called silver steel, contains
about 1 per cent carbon and is strengthened and toughened by quenching and tempering.
The inclusion of other elements affects the properties of the steel. Manganese gives extra
strength and toughness. Steel containing 4 per cent silicon is used for transformer cores or
electromagnets because it has large grains acting like small magnets. The addition of chromium
gives extra strength and corrosion resistance, so we can get rustproof steels. Heating in the
presence of carbon or nitrogenrich materials is used to form a hard surface on steel (case
hardening). Highspeed steels, which are extremely important in machinetools, contain chromium
and tungsten plus smaller amounts of vanadium, molybdenum and other metals.
Exercise 7. Answer the following questions.
1. What is steel?
2. What are the main properties of steel?
3. What are the drawbacks of steel?
4. What kinds of steel do you know? Where are they used?
5. What gives the addition of manganese, silicon and chromium to steel?
6. What can be made of mild steels (mediumcarbon steels, highcarbon steels)?
Exercise 8. Find the following words and word combinations in the text.
1. сплав железа и углерода
2. прочный и жесткий
3. легко коррозирует
4. нержавеющая сталь
5. низкое содержание углерода
6. ковкость
7. листовое железо, проволока, трубы
8. конструкционные стали
9. пригодны для ковки и сварки
10. твердый и хрупкий
11. режущие инструменты
12. хирургические инструменты
Topic vocabulary
fibre — волокно, нить
identical — одинаковый, идентичный
molecule — молекула
branch — разветвленный
to synthesize — синтезировать
chemicals — химические вещества
to soften — смягчать
cellulose — клетчатка, целлюлоза
wax — воск
thermosetting plastics — термореактивные
to harden — делать твердым
to subject — подвергать
resin — смола
similar — сходный, подобный
sufficient — достаточный
to prevent — предотвращать
Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
stretched — растянутый
transparent — прозрачный
rubber — резина, каучук
to decompose — разлагаться
softdrink — безалкогольный напиток
coil — спираль
polyurethane — полиуретан
fibreglass — стекловолокно
reinforced — упрочненный
expansion — расширение
matrix — матрица
ceramic — керамический
specific strength — удельная прочность
specific stiffness — удельная жесткость
anisotropic — анизотропный
Plastics are nonmetallic, synthetic,
materials. They can be moulded, shaped, or extruded into
flexible sheets, films, or fibres. Plastics are synthetic polymers.
Plastics are lightweight compared to metals and are good
electrical insulators. The best insulators now are epoxy resins
and teflon. Teflon was first made in 1938 and was produced
commercially in 1950. Plastics can be classified into several
broad types.
1. Thermoplastics soften on heating, then harden again
when cooled. Thermoplastic molecules are also coiled and because of this they are flexible and
easily stretched.
Typical example of thermoplastics is polystyrene. Polystyrene resins are characterized by high
resistance to chemical and mechanical stresses at low temperatures and by very low absorption of
water. These properties make the polystyrenes especially suitable for radiofrequency insulation and
for parts used at low temperatures in refrigerators and in airplanes. PET (polyethene terephthalate)
is a transparent thermoplastic used for softdrinks bottles.
2. Thermosetting plastics (thermosets) do not soften when heated, and with strong heating they
decompose. In most thermosets final crosslinking, which fixes the molecules, takes place after the
plastic has already been formed.
Thermosetting plastics have a higher density than thermoplastics. They are less flexible, more
difficult to stretch, and are less subjected to creep. Examples of thermosetting plastics include urea
formaldehyde or polyurethane and epoxy resins, most polyesters, and phenolic polymers such as
phenolformaldehyde resin.
30 3. Elastomers are similar to thermoplastics but have sufficient crosslinking between molecules
to prevent stretching and creep.
Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the definition of plastics?
2. What do polymers consist of?
3. What are the main types of polymers? Give examples of plastics belonging to these types.
4. What plastics are the best electrical insulators?
5. What are the most important properties of plastics?
6. Give the examples of various uses of plastics because of their characteristic properties.
Exercise 3. Find English equivalents in the text.
1. синтетические полимеры
2. молекулы с длинными цепями
3. характерные свойства полимера
4. хороший электрический изолятор
5. размягчаться при нагревании
6. затвердевать при охлаждении
7. гибкий и легко растяжимый
8. течь под нагрузкой
9. более высокая плотность
10. достаточная взаимосвязь между
Exercise 4. Match the beginning and the ending of sentences.
1. Polymers consist of
a) be linear, branched, or crosslinked, depending on the
2. The giant molecules of which
polymers consist may
3. Most plastics are
4. These properties make
5. Examples of thermosetting
plastics include
b)the polystyrenes especially suitable for radio
frequency insulation and for parts used at low temperatures
in refrigerators and in airplanes.
c) ureaformaldehyde or polyurethane and epoxy resins,
most polyesters, and phenolic polymers such as phenol
formaldehyde resin.
d)longchain molecules made of large numbers of
identical small molecules (monomers).
e) synthesized from organic chemicals or from natural
gas or coal.
Exercise 5. Read and translate the text.
The combinations of two or more different materials are called composite materials. They
usually have unique mechanical and physical properties because they combine the best properties of
different materials. For example, a fibreglass reinforced plastic combines the high strength of thin
glass fibres with the ductility and chemical resistance of plastic. Nowadays composites are being
used for structures such as bridges, boatbuilding etc.
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