Мой дом - моя крепость.
Оценка 4.9

Мой дом - моя крепость.

Оценка 4.9
английский язык
5 кл
Мой дом - моя крепость.
Иллюстрированный материал к учебнику "Английский в фокусе", 5 класс, авторы Ю. Е.Ваулина, Д.Дули 3 модуль
Мой дом - моя крепость..ppt

Module 3 My home is my castle.

Module 3 My home is my castle.

Module 3 My home is my castle.

Block of flats ground floor the first floor the second floor the third floor

Block of flats ground floor the first floor the second floor the third floor

Block of flats

ground floor

the first floor

the second floor

the third floor

There are different houses in the

There are different houses in the

There are different houses in the UK

There is a garden, a garage outside of the house

There is a garden, a garage outside of the house

There is a garden, a garage outside of the house.

There are different rooms inside

There are different rooms inside

There are different rooms inside.

a kitchen a bedroom a living-room a dining-room A FLAT

a kitchen a bedroom a living-room a dining-room A FLAT

a kitchen

a bedroom

a living-room

a dining-room


a bathroom a hall

a bathroom a hall

a bathroom

a hall

There is/ are ………

There is/ are ………

There is/ are ………

There is/ are ………

There is/ are ………

There is/ are ………

Мой дом - моя крепость.

Мой дом - моя крепость.

Мой дом - моя крепость.

Мой дом - моя крепость.

Мой дом - моя крепость.

Мой дом - моя крепость.

There is a bed in the bedroom.

There is a bed in the bedroom.

There is a bed in the bedroom.
Is there a bed in the bedroom?
Yes, there is.

Is there a bed in the bathroom?

Is there a bed in the bathroom?

Is there a bed in the bathroom?

No, there is not a bed in the bathroom.

Мой дом - моя крепость.

Мой дом - моя крепость.

Мой дом - моя крепость.

Мой дом - моя крепость.

Притяжательные местоимения Единственное число

Притяжательные местоимения Единственное число

Притяжательные местоимения



















Finish the sentences: 1. Do you feed ______ cat? 2

Finish the sentences: 1. Do you feed ______ cat? 2

Finish the sentences:

1. Do you feed ______ cat?

2. He makes _______ bed.

3. She feeds _______ cat.

4. They feed _______ cat.

5. We make _______ bed.






Мой дом - моя крепость.

Мой дом - моя крепость.

The cat is…….the ball on

The cat is…….the ball on

The cat is…….the ball


The cat is………....…….the ball next to

The cat is………....…….the ball next to

The cat is………....…….the ball

next to

The cat is…....………….. the table

The cat is…....………….. the table


The cat is…....………….. the table.


above The cat is………....… the ball

above The cat is………....… the ball


The cat is………....… the ball

behind The cat is………... the ball

behind The cat is………... the ball


The cat is………... the ball

in front of The cat is..………....….…the ball

in front of The cat is..………....….…the ball

in front of

The cat is..………....….…the ball

The cat is..………....…..the dogs

The cat is..………....…..the dogs


The cat is..………....…..the dogs.

in The cat is.…....…the basket.

in The cat is.…....…the basket.


The cat is.…....…the basket.

Phonetic drill. Repeat after me all together

Phonetic drill. Repeat after me all together

Phonetic drill. Repeat after me all together.

[w]- wall, wardrobe, window
[e]- bed, set, shelf
[ð]- the, that, there
[r]- run, running , there is, there are
[ʧ]- chair, armchair, kitchen

The dog is……. The cat is…….. The monkey is …

The dog is……. The cat is…….. The monkey is …

in the table under the table on the table

The dog is…….
The cat is……..
The monkey is ….

next to the table

next to the table

next to the table

behind the box

behind the box

behind the box

in front of the box

in front of the box

in front of the box

Where is the bed? Where is the painting?

Where is the bed? Where is the painting?

Where is the bed? Where is the painting?

Мой дом - моя крепость.

Мой дом - моя крепость.

These are typical houses in the

These are typical houses in the

These are typical houses in the UK. These are semi-detached houses.

upstairs downstairs

upstairs downstairs



There are many rooms inside. There is a garden outside

There are many rooms inside. There is a garden outside

There are many rooms inside.

There is a garden outside.

This is a typical izba. It’s a small wooden house with one or two rooms

This is a typical izba. It’s a small wooden house with one or two rooms

This is a typical izba. It’s a small wooden house with one or two rooms.

The family room is a bedroom, kitchen and living room all in one

The family room is a bedroom, kitchen and living room all in one

The family room is a bedroom, kitchen and living room all in one.

This is a ‘beautiful corner’ (krasny) with the family icon and a special table for guests

This is a ‘beautiful corner’ (krasny) with the family icon and a special table for guests

This is a ‘beautiful corner’ (krasny) with the family icon and a special table for guests.

This is a large pech. There is sleeping benche (polaty) on the oven

This is a large pech. There is sleeping benche (polaty) on the oven

This is a large pech. There is sleeping benche (polaty) on the oven.

There are low benches, one or two tables and a cupboard for dishes

There are low benches, one or two tables and a cupboard for dishes

There are low benches, one or two tables and a cupboard for dishes.

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