Цель урока: обобщить и систематизировать знания, умения и навыки учащихся по теме: “Seasons” и активизировать употребление пройденного лексико-грамматического материала в речи.
-активизировать употребление в речи лексико-грамматического материала (лексика по теме «Seasons and the weather» и структуры It is/was, May is in, правильные глаголы The Past Simple, развитие навыков чтения с получением детальной информации, с полным охватом содержания.
- воспитывать у обучающихся познавательный интерес к окружающему миру, любовь к природе;
- воспитывать культуру работы в группе по достижению общей цели, чувство сотрудничества, умение уважать мнение других, повышать мотивацию изучения английского языка.
-развивать навыки говорения, чтения
-развивать интеллектуальные и творческие способности обучающихся.
Оборудование: учебник «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ» для 6 класса, О.В.Афанасьева Михеева, раздаточный материал с текстом для чтения и упражнениями
Тип урока: комбинированный
Ход урока
I Организационный момент.
1. Приветствие.
T: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? Nice to see you! Sit down, please! We have an unusual lesson today. Many guests are visiting our lesson. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you to our English lesson.
2. Сообщение темы урока.
T: Today we are going to talk about seasons, the weather in different seasons and activites in different seasons. We continue the talk about The Past Simple Tense.
II Фонетическая зарядка, актуализация изученного материала.
T: Look out of the window. What’s the weather like today? (lexic card-on the BB)
-Is it warm today? - Was it warm yesterday? (lexic)
P: P: P: Yes/No answers, with is/was
T: The weather is not always nice. But we must not be in a bad mood.
Look and read this tongue twister with me.
When the weather is
We must not threat.
When the weather is cold,
We must not scold.
But be joyful together
Whatever the weather!
P: P: P: as fast as possible. (individually)
III Проверка ДЗ
T: Your HT was to learn the dialogue by heart. R.B.p.48.
But first answer some questions about it.-
-Who would like to go to Britain?
- Is it often rainy in Britain?
- What’s the weather like in April?
- What’s the weather like in May?
- Where can Rose stay?
-Where do The Bells live in Scotland?
- How can they travel about?
P: P: P: (answers about the dialogue). -2 couples retell it.
-Let’s check the task on the Blackboard. (checking the task from the board).
P: (The rule about the month words)
IV Введение новой лексики и отработка изученного
T: Look at the diagram on the blackboard.
-How many seasons are there in a year? When is March?...
P: P: P: March is in spring ….
T: That’s not all. I have some riddles for. Read them and stick. (cards with riddles)
P: P: P: (read expressions and stick, explain new words, хоровое повторение за учителем, перевод R-E
?T: Every season is different! Let us learn more about each.
?(Slides with poems)
?P: P: P: (Reading after teacher, explaining why, reading individually)
Поисковое чтение
T: This time I want you to work in groups. I have a letter for every group. You will read a letter and draw a picture about the place. First, tell me where your letter is from.
P: P: P: (group work) -2 min, read, draw a picture and show their pictures.
T: Good work. You know a lot about different seasons. I want you to make up a story out of the strips and present it
P: P: P: (stick the strips, read the arranged text)
T: All of you worked hard. Now I’d like to know what your favorite season is.
Who can give a talk about it?
P: P: P: (a talk about favourite season)
V Закрепление грамматического материала в чтении
T: It’s time for grammar practice.
Last class we began a talk about past events. Чтобы описать события в прошлом, мы используем грамматическую форму глагола - The Past Simple Tense. Как она формируется?
P: V+ed. Кто может рассказать о правилах чтения?
P: правила чтения. //T: (chart on the BB)
T: This time I want you to go to the BB one by one and write the word into the correct column.
[d] [t] [id]
Played cooked hated
Cleaned kissed started
Smiled worked counted
Enjoyed liked
Listened jumped
Opened finished
P: P: P: (one by one go to, write and say a word)
VI фонетическая отработка – хоровое чтение после учителя
T: It’s time for reading. Open your StB p.206
- What’s the name of the story? - Before reading look at the picture. -What can you see? -Read the story and give a title to each part.
P: P: P: (read and give s explanation to their choice)
T: Let’s retell the story one by one.
P: P: P: (retell the story)
V. Подведение итогов урока, Домашнее задание
T: I think that today we had a very interesting and useful lesson. You worked very well and I liked your work. . Now you know a lot about seasons, weather. I’m sure that your good knowledge of English will help you in doing your homework for the next lesson - you are to rewrite a story in The Past Simple Tense W.B.p.74 -24,25,27
Our lesson is over. Thank you. Goodbye.
Strips for making stories
Summer comes after spring. The days are long and sunny. The sky is blue and clear. But sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning. Parks and gardens are full of flowers. Birds sing their songs. It’s time for summer holiday. Children don’t go to school. They go to the country, swim and play with friends.
September is a month of autumn. Pupils go to school and a new school year begins. Early autumn is a tasty season. There are many fruit and vegetables: apples, plums, pears, potatoes. But in November it’s often rainy and windy.
The sky is grey and cloudy. Birds fly away to warm countries.
Winter is usually a cold season. The days are short, the sky is usually grey, nature sleeps and sometimes it gets boring. In Abkhazia it often rains but sometimes snows. When it rains, we stay at home, read books, play board game or watch TV. When it snows, we can make a snowman or play snowballs.
Spring is a nice season. The weather is usually warm and dry. The sky is blue and there are no clouds in it. Parks, gardens, and streets are green. All trees are in blossom. Flowers come out. Birds come back and built their nests. Children like playing outside. They ride their bikes and roller-skate.
Dear Cousin Jack,
I am in Rome and I love it here! Rome is very beautiful in spring: the trees are green and there are a lot of flowers in the streets. The weather is nice – warm and sunny, and the sky is always blue. I walk a lot in Rome, and look, and listen. I like listening to Italian music. See you in London in June.
Best wishes
Hi mum,
Thank you for your birthday card. I am fine and very happy. Jane and I are taking lessons in an old art school in central Paris. We often go to the park and paint there. The parks in Paris are beautiful, but the weather is often nasty: rainy and cloudy but warm. Please come and stay with me in June.
Dear Frank,
I am writing to you from Moscow hotel. Behind my window there is a blue sky with white clouds. It’s sunny, dry and very hot. The weather is really beautiful. I have little time and a lot of work but in the evenings I walk about Moscow. I like it very much.
See you soon in London.
Your friend
Dear Alice,
I am in London but I’d like to be at home with you and our friends. I don’t go out here: it’s very cold, rainy and windy. It’s often foggy. In the evening I watch television and read books. Give my love to Jack and Ron.
1. Choose the words with [d]
Listened, walked, opened, loved, looked, hated, enjoyed,
cleaned, smiled, kissed, helped, thanked, played, helped
2. Choose the words with [t]
Listened, walked, opened, loved, looked, hated, enjoyed,
cleaned, smiled, kissed, helped, thanked, played, helped
3. Unscramble the words
n u j a a r y - _______________
b e r s e p t e m - __________________
r y f e b r u a - _____________
t o o c b e r - ____________
n o b e r v e m - ________________
m c h r a -___________________
g a s u t u - ________________
d e b e r c m -____________________
p r a i l - ______________
This is the season
When snowdrops
When nobody likes
To stay in the room.
This is the season
When fruit is sweet.
This is the season
School-friends meet.
This is the season
When children ski
Grandfather Frost
the New Year Tree
This is the season
When vegetables grow.
I come to the garden
And make
water flow
Put the words into the correct column
morning, year, evening, week, afternoon, month, Sunday, weekend, Friday
Yesterday Last
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