Образец написания "Report" на английском языке
Оценка 4.7

Образец написания "Report" на английском языке

Оценка 4.7
Домашнее обучение +5
английский язык
9 кл—11 кл
Образец написания "Report" на английском языке
Образец написания Report на английском языке.docx


To : Marina Scripnikova
From : Maria Matafonova
Subject : School canteen
Date : 12-th February
Introdaction :
Dear Marina Nicolaevna, this report is to make you know how good our school canteen is.
Food : 
As fas as I remember, there always has been a huge number of tasty dishes. So, you can always choose that one that you want.
Service :
Every student thinks that workers are the nicest people in the World. Every dish is cooked with love because of workers' kindnest. If you look for for a help they will be able to give you a helding hand.
Prices :
My classmates and I don't think that prices are big. That's why every student can buy everything he want and spend a lot of free tine in the canteen.
Recommendations :
Maybe it'll be better to add some ice-creams and different types of juice to the menu. All of us, especially small children, are fond of such as sweet food.

All in all, I believe, that our canteen is really nice place with wonderful people work here.
And none wants to leave it.

Образец написания "Report" на английском языке

Образец написания "Report" на английском языке
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