Older - Younger
Оценка 4.6

Older - Younger

Оценка 4.6
Карточки-задания +1
английский язык
6 кл
Older - Younger
Данный материал представляет собой карточку по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных old и young". Предназначен для обучающихся 6 класса, которые обучаются по УМК "Enjoy English - 5 - 6" (старая редакция), авторов М.З. Биболетовой и других. Возможно использование с другими УМК. Направлен закрепление степеней сравнения слов "old" и "young".
Older - Younger.docx

Form 6                       Name: _________________________________


Read and do as in the example:


Example:   I am 10. My elder brother is 14.

                   I am four years younger than my elder brother.

                   My brother is four years older than me.


1.    My sister is 20. My elder brother is 14.



2.    Our mother is 42. Our father is 45.



3.    My father`s mother is 70. My father is 45.



4.    My uncle is 37. His wife is 36-and-a-half.

_______________________________________________________ (half a year older).

           _____________________________________________________ (half a year younger).



Form 6                       Name: _________________________________


Read and do as in the example:


Example:   I am 10. My elder brother is 14.

                   I am four years younger than my elder brother.

                   My brother is four years older than me.


1.    My sister is 20. My elder brother is 14.



2.    Our mother is 42. Our father is 45.



3.    My father`s mother is 70. My father is 45.



4.    My uncle is 37. His wife is 36-and-a-half.

_______________________________________________________ (half a year older).

           _____________________________________________________ (half a year younger).


Form 6

Form 6
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