Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 9 - 11 классов. школьный этап, уровень сложности В2. Данная олимпиада содержит задания по чтению в виде 2 текстов и заданий к ним. Данный материал может быть использован для подготовки учащихся к любому этапу олимпиады.олимпиада по английскому языку
Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 911 классов
Школьный этап. Уровень сложности В2
2012/2013 учебный год
стр. 1 из 4
Time: 45 minutes
Text 1
Task 1
Read the article and match the summaries (AH) with each paragraph (17). There are two
summaries you do not need.
A. Clothes Don't Matter So Much
B. I Couldn't Stand Being All Alone
C. I Have My Own Opinion
D. I Just Wanted to Be Popular
E. I Prefer to Have Friends Who I Have Something in Common
F. Peer Pressure: the Origins
G. Sometimes It's Hard to Make the Right Decision
H. You Can Get Under Peer Pressure By Chance
Task 2
Now choose from the paragraphs (AG) the one which fits each gap in the text (712). There
is one paragraph which you do not need to use.
1. _____ We all need to feel that we belong – that we are valued,
cared about, appreciated and understood. This is a healthy need
that must be met for us to feel good about ourselves.
Unfortunately, our families don't always do such a good job of
meeting that need. On top of that, the competition over grades, the
right clothes, social standing, and school sports can make us feel
like an outsider even among our peers. If you feel left out of the
"right" company, you may be tempted to find any company, just
to belong. 7_______
2. _____ "Peer pressure is scary because sometimes it seems like
what you think is right is pulling at one of your arms and what
other people think and …" (Carol, 13) 8. _______
3. _____ "For me, just saying no didn't work in the end. When the
odds were 24 to 1, it became pretty scary. I forgot about my
parents' warnings. I forgot about the commercials on TV, and
forgot about my own beliefs. All I could think about was the
drug. I knew it could hurt me, but that didn't matter any more. …"
(Jennifer, 15) 9. ______
4. _____ "Asking advice from friends is fine as long as you do
what you want to do, not what your friends want you to do. …"
expect from you is
pulling at your other arm.
Hang around with
someone you like to be with.
C. I love my friends and
value their opinion, but it's
not their life I'm living, it's
D. the risks are choosing the
wrong crowd to hand outВсероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 911 классов
Школьный этап. Уровень сложности В2
2012/2013 учебный год
стр. 2 из 4
(Doris, 17) 10. _______
5. _____ "Another bad thing about following the popular crowd is
that I never got to do any of the things I wanted to do – I was
afraid to tell them what I wanted. So don't hang around with the
popular crowd just because they are popular. …" (Rachel, 14)
6. _____ "I don't think you go to school and say, "Ok, I want to be
with these people or those people." You just start talking to
people and all of a sudden you're friends. The benefits are lasting
friendships, …" (Loretta, 15) 12. _______
E. What mattered was being
one of them.
F. What's the difference if
you are a beautiful person in
Nikes or in sandals, you're
still a beautiful person.
G. You may find yourself
doing stuff, saying stuff,
even being someone you
Text 2
Task 3
You are going to read an article. For questions 1320, choose the answer (A, B or C) which
you think fits best according to the text.
Derek Bentley was sentenced to death and was subsequently hanged on 28 January 1953.
He was 19 years old and had been found guilty of murder. However, many thought that his trial
was a great legal tragedy and it served to help end the use of the death penalty in Britain a few
years later. So, why was he hanged?
It all began on a Sunday in November 1952 when Bentley attempted to carry out a
burglary with his friend Christopher Craig. Whose idea the burglary was isn’t known for sure,
although the personalities of the two men do suggest who might have been the leader. Craig was
loud and had a high opinion of himself, whereas Bentley, in contrast, was quiet and reserved, and
very much impressed by his younger friend’s confidence. Both were armed with knives, but
Craig also had a revolver concealed in his jacket, something that Bentley almost certainly knew
about. Bentley himself also carried a knuckleduster, a small metal weapon that could seriously
hurt someone in a fight.
The two were on the roof of a building when the police spotted them. They had earlier
been seen breaking into the building by a young girl whose mother had called the police, and
now they were trapped. Two policemen chased them, and soon caught Bentley, but Craig
decided to try and get away. He fired his gun, hitting a policeman in the shoulder. It was then
that Bentley shouted to Craig, ‘Let him have it!’, words that would become famous as a key
piece of evidence in the trial. Moments later, more police arrived and started to chase Craig up
some stairs. He turned and fired, killing a policeman before jumping from the roof and breaking
his back. He was then arrested.
Both Bentley and Craig were charged with murder, and both, at their trial, told the court
that they were innocent. This was a mistake. There was so much evidence to prove that CraigВсероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 911 классов
Школьный этап. Уровень сложности В2
2012/2013 учебный год
стр. 3 из 4
had committed the crime that it would have been better for him to plead guilty. Unsurprisingly, it
took the jury little more than an hour to find both men guilty, and Bentley was sentenced to death
by hanging. Craig, however, was only 16, and avoided the same punishment.
The trial, and particularly Bentley’s sentence, shocked many people. In part, this was
because of the prosecution lawyers’ arguments. Central to their case against Bentley was that he
and Craig were equally responsible for the murder. The prosecution was able to prove to the jury
that by planning a burglary, carrying a weapon, although not the murder weapon, and shouting
‘let him have it’ to Craig, Bentley was as much a murderer as his younger friend. However, the
court didn’t consider it important that Bentley had a mental age of 11, that the phrase ‘let him
have it’ could mean ‘shoot him’ but could also mean ‘give him the gun’, and the fact that, unlike
Craig, Bentley was restrained, though not arrested, by another policeman at the time of the
Fortyfive years after the trial, following years of arguing, campaigning and protests by
Bentley’s father and sister, the Court of Appeal finally ruled, admitting that the original sentence
and verdict were mistaken. Sadly, neither his father nor his sister lived long enough to see
Bentley’s name cleared.
Example: Derek Bentley was hanged for __________.
A murder B burglary C arson
13 According to the text, the burglary was probably the idea of __________.
A Craig B Bentley C Bentley and Craig
14 Craig’s character could be described as __________.
A arrogant B easygoing C sensitive
15 Bentley was armed with __________.
A a gun and a knife B a knife and a knuckleduster
C a gun and a knuckleduster
16 Bentley and Craig were reported to the police by __________.
A a passing policeman B a mother C a young child
17 Unlike Craig, Bentley __________.
A said that he was guilty B was given the death penalty
C knew there was a lot of evidence against him
18 At the trial, __________.
A only Craig was charged with murder
B there was too much evidence to listen to
C it didn’t take the jury long to reach their verdict
19 The writer feels that an argument in favour of Bentley's innocence was that _________.
A he was under arrest at the time
B he obviously wanted Craig to give the policeman the gun
C what Bentley shouted could be understood in more than one way
20 The Court of Appeal changed the original verdict as a result of __________.
A a long fight by Bentley’s family
B a change of mind by the trial judge
C a change in the legal system
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Школьный этап. Уровень сложности В2
2012/2013 учебный год
стр. 4 из 4