"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)
Оценка 5

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

Оценка 5
Презентации учебные
английский язык
7 кл
"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)
Данная презентация была разработана для урока в 7 классе по теме "Праздники в Великобритании". Здесь представлены основные факты, связанные с данным праздником. Кроме того можно познакомиться с некоторыми традициями празднования Пасхи, такими как: катание яиц с горки. Также можно узнать о символе данног празника, пасхальном кролике.

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)
Easter in Great Britain

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)
Facts about Easter It is any Sunday from March 22nd to April 25th. Easter is celebrated on 1st Sunday after the fool Moon in March. The week before Easter is called Holy week. It is dedicated to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Easter seems to come from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring in Northern Europe.

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)
Features of Easter

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)
Easter baskets It dates back to ancient times, when offered their eggs in grass nests to Eostre. Today’s Easter baskets are filled with eggs and sweets and decorated with ribbons, straw and flowers.

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)
Giving and receiving eggs Egg is a symbol of new life and Easter time of the resurrection Ancient cultures believed that the world began with a single of life. egg. Today people give decorated eggs as a present to their relatives and friends.

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)
Egg rolling It is an old Easter game played on Easter Monday. Children roll eggs down a grassy slope and the first egg to reach the bottom without breaking is the winner.

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)
Easter bunny hare. Eater bunny became a symbol of Easter because according to the legend children found some eggs in the forest and they decided that they belong to the

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)
Easter cakes Easter cakes are hot cross buns, small round sweet cakes with a cross on top in memory of Christ. They are usually eaten on Good Friday.

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)
Pancake races Pancake races are held in many parts of Britain. They are thought to have started when the Then pancake races became popular. housewife, who was cooking pancakes, heard the church bells ring. Thinking she was late she arrived at the church holding a pan in her hand.

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)

"Пасха" (7 класс, английский язык)
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