Passive Voice
Оценка 4.9

Passive Voice

Оценка 4.9
Работа в классе
английский язык
Passive Voice
проверочная работа для 7 класса по теме: Пассивный залог
7 кл (пассив).docx

Form 7  (Passive Voice)

1.      Choose the right answer.


1)The streets ……. next Friday.

a) are decorated        b) will decorate       c) will be decorated     


2) The letters (sort) into the different towns every week.

a) were sorted         b)  is sorted          c) are sorted   


3) The doctor ……. for an hour ago.

a) was sent           b) is send          c)  will be sent


4)  Bread ……… every day.

a) is  eaten           b) are eaten          c) was eaten


5)  St. Petersburg …….. in 1703.

a) is founded          b) was founded         c) was found


6)  Nick ………. to Moscow next week.

a) is sent         b) will sent         c) will be sent


7)  We ……… to a concert last Saturday.

a) were invited        b) was invited         c) are invited



2.      Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.

1.      They usually sing such songs in class.

2.      I read twenty pages yesterday.

3.      My  friends gave me many presents for my birthday.

4.      Thousands of tourists visit London every year.

5.      They will award him a Nobel Prize next year.


3.      Translate into Russian

1.      Tennis is played all over the world.

2.      Many flowers were planted by our children last spring.

3.      The picture will be painted with a pencil.

4.      The dinner was cooked by my mother.

5.      Letters will be sent tomorrow morning.


Form 7  (Passive Voice)

1.      Choose the right answer.


1)The streets ……. next Friday.

a) are decorated       b) will decorate        c) will be decorated     


2) The letters (sort) into the different towns every week.

a) were sorted         b)  is sorted           c) are sorted   


3) The doctor ……. for an hour ago.

a) was sent          b) is send       c)  will be sent


4)  Bread ……… every day.

a) is  eaten          b) are eaten           c) was eaten


5)  St. Petersburg …….. in 1703.

a) is founded          b) was founded         c) was found


6)  Nick ………. to Moscow next week.

a) is sent          b) will sent          c) will be sent


7)  We ……… to a concert last Saturday.

a) were invited          b) was invited          c) are invited



2.      Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.

1.      They usually sing such songs in class.

2.      I read twenty pages yesterday.

3.      My  friends gave me many presents for my birthday.

4.      Thousands of tourists visit London every year.

5.      They will award him a Nobel Prize next year.


3.      Translate into Russian

1.      Tennis is played all over the world.

2.      Many flowers were planted by our children last spring.

3.      The picture will be painted with a pencil.

4.      The dinner was cooked by my mother.

5.      Letters will be sent tomorrow morning.




Form 7 ( Passive Voice ) 1

Form 7 ( Passive Voice ) 1
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