Picture description "On the beach"
Оценка 5

Picture description "On the beach"

Оценка 5
Раздаточные материалы
английский язык
Picture description "On the beach"
Описание картинки и выполнение заданий к ней
on the beach.docx


1.     Look at the picture and write Yes or No

1)     There are three balls on the beach.

2)     The children are playing football.

3)     The boy on the swing is wearing blue shorts.

4)     There are two birds in the sky.

5)     It is a cold windy day.


2.     Now close the picture and speak about it.


3.     Work in pairs and ask questions about the picture.

Example: Are the children happy? – Yes, they are.


Look at the picture and write

Look at the picture and write
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