(a party for 2-4 forms students)
Dear friends! Today we have a nice holiday - the ABC party.
These are our students from the tenth form. They will help you in your
nice and funny journey. They prepared a present for you. Listen to them attentively.
(Students (Form 6-7) read the short poems about the English alphabet)
Now I want you to be divided into 4 teams. Please stand in one line and count 1,2,3,4. Choose your leader and name your team. Ready? Let’s start.
These are your route lists. Your task will be to visit 6 stations and do some interesting tasks there.
During our ABC competition you have to think carefully and to show us how well you know the English alphabet.
1 The station “The ABC Gallery”
a) Your first task is to put the cards with the English letters in the right order.
(26 points)
Name, street, nose, bed, black, jump, big, hand, six, cup.
b) Now you must collect two flowers with the letters. The first flower consists from letters A-M, the second – N-Z. (26 points)
c) You have free time. Please every student in your group will tell us the English alphabet. But don’t stop! Be quick!
2. The station “Poetical”
a) Your first task is to find the rhythms to these words (on the card)
bear, dog, bat, house, pig, one, buy, new, skirt, milk.
silk, frog, shirt, mouse, big, few, hat, run, fly, hare. (10 points)
b) Your next task is to finish my Russian poem with the English word.
Я уже учу английский, этим я горжусь.
И сегодня всем, что знаю, я с друзьями поделюсь.
Бабушку зову я - …(Granny), маму -…(Mummy), папу - ….(Dad)
Брата называю -…(brother), он доволен - …(He is glad)
Прибежала кукла - …(doll), отобрали мячик -…(ball)
Кто забрал? Мальчишки -…(boys) унесли игрушки - …(toys)
Вмиг найду я забияк. Всё верните! … (Bring them back!)
Вдруг я вижу: мышка -…mouse забежала в домик - …(house)
Увидала кошку -…cat и прыгнула в шляпу - …(hat).
Я хочу вам рассказать, как животных называть.
Ослик по-английски - …(donkey), обезьянка в рифму - …(monkey)
Кошка -…(cat), собака - …(dog), а лягушка просто…(frog) (17 points)
c) Now you must read the English poem properly. (3-5 points)
Form 3
This is my house,
It’s number two.
There’s a bedroom, a bathroom
And a kitchen too.
In my house there’s a living room
And in the garden
All the flowers bloom!
Form 4
Country and city
Some people live in the city
Where the houses are very tall.
Some people live in the country
Where the houses are very small.
But in the country where the houses are small,
The gardens are very big.
And in the cities where the houses are tall,
There are no gardens at all.
d) Remember and name. Listen to me attentively. I’ll tell you some English words. You have to repeat them after me quickly and in the same order.
(cat, dog, pen, book, red, blue) (1-6 points)
3. The station “Miss Paints’ House”
Как только в руки кисточку возьмёшь,
Ты в гости к краскам сразу попадёшь,
И в этой сказочной стране цветов
К сюрпризам разным будь готов.
Ты вспомни все названия в пути,
Чтоб нужный цвет ты мог всегда найти!
a) I’ll read you the English poem about different colours. And your first task is to name them.
Белый как снежное поле – white
Как чёрный уголёк – black
Красный как земляника – red
Зелёный как лист и трава – green
Синий как синее небо – blue
Коричневый как земля – brown
Жёлтый как жаркое солнце – yellow
Оранжевый как апельсин – orange
Лиловый как лепесток фиалок – violet (purple)
Розовый как букет роз – rosy, pink
Как камешки у моря – grey
Такой чудесный сегодня день! (points)
b) There are some words on the blackboard. Please put them in alphabetic order.
White, yellow, blue, orange, purple, grey, black, green, red, brown, pink
(11 points)
c) Now you must draw the portrait on your paper. I’ll read you the poem. Please listen to me attentively and draw it.
Я рисую твой портрет. Ротик будет красный – RED.
Глазки голубые – BLUE. Эту краску я люблю.
Нет, давайте-ка один сделаем зелёный – GREEN.
Щёчки вымазались в соусе. Стали розовыми – ROSY.
Бровки нарисуй скорей Карандашик серый – GREY.
А оденемся давай в брючки беленькие – WHITE.
В жёлтый - YELLOW – жилетик.
Чубчик будет чёрный – BLACK. Симпатичный человек.
d) You have free time. Please translate the saying into Russian.
Each hunter wants to know where the bird sits. (3-5 points)
4. Станция «Зашифрованная грамматика» “The Coded Grammar”
1. The first task is to find and correct the mistake in each sentence.
1) Ann and Mike is friends.
2) We Russian are.
3) They has many toys.
4) I have five book.
5) I see one dogs.
2. Your next task will be to make up sentences.
1) Ann, is, name, my.
2) from, she, England, is.
3) you, do, English, speak?
4) can, they, run, jump, and.
5) after, comes, Thursday, Wednesday.
3. Name the antonyms.
1. little in
2. cold winter
3. sleep large
4. open hot
5. spring get up
6. out close
4. Your last task is to connect two parts of one word.
1. school board
2. grand room
3. black book
4. living parents
5. news bag
6. pencil paper
7. exercise box
1. The phonetic exercises Repeat after me. Be very attentive.
One, one, one – please, dogs, run!
Two, two, two – cats, run, too!
Three, three, three – tigers run to me!
Four, four, four – monkeys touch the floor!
Five, five, five – please, birds, fly!
2. Your second task is to read the words using the transcription.
(day, sleep, long, English, mother, zoo, house, them, three, one)
3. Now you must find the Russian and the English proverbs.
1) Live and learn
2) First think, and then speak.
3) Two heads are better than one.
4) Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise/
5) There is no place like home.
6) An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
7) Few words, many deeds.
8) One man, no man.
9) A friend in need is a friend indeed.
10) All is well that ends well.
1) Одно яблоко в день гонит доктора прочь.
2) Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
3) Один в поле не воин.
4) Меньше слов, больше дела.
5) В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
6) Кто рано встаёт и рано ложится, у того всё в порядке.
7) Век живи, век учись.
8) Две головы лучше, чем одна.
9) Друзья познаются в беде.
10)Сначала думай, потом говори.
4. Say the word by letters. Apple –a, p, p, l, e.
5. The station “MISSED LETTERS”
1) The first task is to listen to my riddle in Russian and give the English answer.
1. Кто осенью спать ложится, а весной встаёт? (a bear)
2. Рыжий клубок за серым скок. (a fox and a rabbit)
3. Шёл по улице бульдог, по-английски он… (a dog)
4. Не царь, а в короне. Не всадник, а со шпорами. Не сторож, а всех будит. (a cock)
5. Длинный хвост, крохотный рост. Серая шубка, острые зубки. (a mouse)
6. Днём спит, ночью летает и прохожих пугает. (an owl)
7. I am green. I can swim. I cannot jump. I like fish and meat. (a crocodile)
8. I can run. I can climb. I can catch a mouse. (a cat)
9. I live in the river. I am not a fish. I am green. What am I? (a frog)
2) There are no some letters in the ABC. Please find them and put them in the right place.
3) Your next task is to fill in some missed letters.
4) The last task is to read the sentence using the numbers and the letters.
9 12, 15, 22, 5 5, 14, 7, 12, 9, 19, 8
Conclusion: Team “ ” has won the game. You are the best. This is your prize (sweets) and the diplomas of winners. All the other participants get the certificates. You also were great at all stations. I thank all of you and wish you to be the best students in studying the English language.
Let’s finish our party with the English ABC- song
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