Victory Day is the greatest holiday and all the counties which fought in the Second World War celebrate it.
We must always remember all those who put
an end to fascism and never came back to
their homes.
Everyone in the USSR, men and women,
old and young and even children, helped the Soviet Army to fight against the fascists, our enemies.
The Soviet soldiers and officers fought bravely at the fronts and there were many women among them. More than 20 million Soviet people gave their lives, defending
their Motherland. They saved the world
from fascism.
The enemies tried to destroy our cities, towns and villages, but soviet people fought like real heroes to defend our country.
The people of our country had to fight
against the fascists from the White Sea
in the north to the Black Sea in the south.
There are several Hero Cities in our country:
Murmansk, Leningrad, Brest, Minsk, Tula,
Moscow, Smolensk, Volgograd, Kiev, Kerch,
Odessa, Sevastopol, Novorossiisk.
That spring day of May 9 went down in the history of our country as Victory Day.
It is celebrated by meetings and marches.
People bring flowers to the monuments
where war heroes lie.
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