My name is Viktoriya Dmitrieva. I am a pupil of 10th form. I study at school № 2 in Taiynsha. I like to study because knowledge is useful sometimes. I'm fond of reading. I read lots of literature and I liked the novel "Martin Eden" American writer Jack London. I chose the works for the project because I was curious to know why the fate of two different characters, different time was equally tragic.
Jack London (12.01.1876 - 22.11.1916) - American writer.
was born on 12 January 1876 in
San Francisco
- in 1889 he started working at Hickmott’s Cannery
- in 1896 Jack London entered the University of California
-at the age of 21 Jack London joined the Klondike Gold Rush
-from 1898 Jack London started working intentionally to publish his writings
After several days of sailing he slips into the sea through the window. To deceive the will to live, he takes a breath and dives to great depths. When ends all the air, he cannot rise to the surface. He sees the bright, white light and feels that flies into the dark abyss, and then the consciousness permanently leaves him…
The main characters of the novel
A former sailor from a working-class background, who falls in love with the young, bourgeois Ruth and educates himself to become a writer, aiming to win her hand in marriage.
The young, bourgeois university student who captivates Eden while tutoring him in English. Though initially both attracted and repelled by his working-class background, she eventually decides that she loves him.
A sickly writer who encourages Eden to give up writing and return to the sea before city life swallows him up. Brissenden is a committed socialist and introduces Eden to a group of amateur philosophers.
Martin Eden
Ruth Morse
Russ Brissenden
Martin Eden = Evgeny Bazarov - the main character of the novel «Fathers and sons»
by Ivan Turgenev
Martin Eden is from Oakland.
He is 21. He is fond of Literature.
Evgeniy Bazarov is from Russia.
He is 32. He is fond of Science.
A quotation from the novel «Fathers and children» -
«Is a decent chemist twenty times more useful than any of the poet -said Bazarov.
Ivan Turgenev (1818- 1883) – Russian writer.
- was born October 28, 1818 in Orel
- in 1827 Turgenevs to give children an education, settled in Moscow
- the literary activity of Turgenev with 1847, when the first essays
- Turgenev, after the moment in 1855, a new band of public life, writes "Fathers and children" (1862), which is the most notable spokesman for the first half of the epoch
The creative history of the novels
«Martin Eden » «Fathers and children»
In 1860 in the town of Ventnor of English Isle of Wight Turgenev is considering a plan for a new novel, which is later called «Fathers and children».
Work on the novel continues autumn and winter 1860-1861 in Paris.
- Martin Eden is a (1909) novel by American author Jack London about a young proletarian autodidact struggling to become a writer. It was first serialized in the Pacific Monthly magazine from September 1908 to September 1909 and published in book form by Macmillan in September 1909.
The path of life of Martin Eden
before our eyes it from a simple, uneducated sailor turns into a man of great knowledge
firmly decided to make a career writer
sleep a little and kept on random earnings
takes part in a political rally and defends their views
The path of life of Evgeniy Bazarov
Bazarov - "new man”: democracy; severe life school; "I want to work” passion for the natural Sciences; humanism hero; self-esteem.
Evgeniy Bazarov, as his father was a chemist, a doctor.
He is self-confident, says abruptly. Speak with the people, though really despise it. Artistic element does not have and doesn`t recognize.
The test
of love
Martin Eden
Unexpected success brings Martin satisfaction. Ruth Morse turned finds itself fashion and secured the writer Martin Eden, and offers him a hand and heart. She is even ready to break for him relationships with family and friends. In this moment, Martin understands that his feelings for Ruth passed, that he "loved bright and radiant image, not bourgeois girl". He rejects the proposal. When Martin holds Ruth home, he finds out that she lied to him, come with the knowledge of the family and, accompanied by her brother Norman. To this point, Martin seemed to achieving the goal of his life (finally recognized him publishers!), completely loses interest in literature and in life itself.
The test
of love
- Bazarov and Odintsova
delivered as if in equal footing: neither he neither she had never experienced love. But Bazarov is able to love, and Odintsova no.
- Bazarov suffer and the
Odintsova can have such
strong feelings, it feels only
slight sadness. Odintsova,
no doubt, in the eyes of the
reader loses Bazarov.
Evgeniy Bazarov
The test
of death
Martin decides to buy in the Pacific small island and hide it from the Madding crowd. On Board the steamer he reads a volume of verse ofSuinbern And suddenly he notices that his gaze along the same lines:
From too much love of living,
From hope and fear set free,
We thank with brief thanksgiving
Whatever gods may be
That no life lives for ever;
That dead men rise up never;
That even the weariest river
Winds somewhere safe to sea.
This condition long ago was in his breast, but could not find sense in my head. He gets from his cabin and jumps into the water. On the second attempt he manages to outsmart the will to live: immersed in great depth, it opens its light ocean water...
The test
of death
«Die the death of Bazarov, - all the same,that make a great feat...»(D. I. Pisarev)
He could not realize that Titanic task that the set. He could fight, but not to win. Print doom laid on him. It is clear that Bazarov was doomed to the very impossibility of their Affairs, the defeat and destruction.
Знаете ли вы произведения зарубежной литературы?
Как вы относитесь к зарубежной литературе?
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Назовите произведения зарубежной литературы, которые вы уже прочитали.
Социологический опрос
по социологическому опросу
В опросе принимало участие 47 человек в возрасте от 14 до 42 лет.
Проанализировав результаты соцопроса я увидела, что:
- 36 % прошенных относятся нормально к зарубежной литературе, но из них 29 % читают зарубежную литературу .
- 71% опрошенных, принимавших участие в социологическом опросе, не читают;
Из опрошенных участников соц.опроса 28 % взрослых читают зарубежную литературу, и 72 % учащихся школы. Произведения зарубежной литературы, наиболее читаемые среди опрошенных:
- Уильям Шекспир - Джек Лондон
Жюль Верн - Бернард Шоу
Сестры Бронте - Оскар Уайльд
CONCLUSION «What are they –
Martin Eden and Evgeniy Bazarov»:
The world belongs to the strong, strong, and noble and not lying trough of mercantilism and speculation. The world belongs to the people a true nobility, gorgeous blond women who can approve himself and his will. And they absorb you socialists who are afraid of socialism and they imagine themselves Your slave morality and respectful transcend will not save you. Yes, of course, you do not understand much, I don't think I will this bother. But remember one. In Auckland individualists times two and a handful, and one of them, Martin Eden and Evgeniy Bazarov in Russia.
Джек Лондон, «Мартин Иден»
Иван Тургенев, «Отцы и дети»
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