Презентация на английском языке «The holidays of the don Cossacks»
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английский язык
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У казаков существовало множество различных религиозных обрядов и праздников. Казаки были глубоко верующими людьми. В казачьих обрядах, преданиях, праздниках вере отводилась одна из главных ролей. Наравне с любовью, честью, отвагой, героизмом и беззаветной преданностью своему донскому краю стояло у казака понятие - веры.
«The holidays of the Don Cossacks».pptx
Презентация на английском языке «The holidays of the don Cossacks»
Presentation on the
«The holidays of
topic :
the Don
Презентация на английском языке «The holidays of the don Cossacks»
on September 1, the day
of the Donskoi icon of the
Mother of God - the main
holiday of the Russian
In 2010, Patriarch Kirill announced the day
of the Donskoi icon of the Mother of God,
September 1, the feast of the Orthodox
revered in Russ way.
Cossacks. The history of the Russian
Cossacks linked with the one of the most
Презентация на английском языке «The holidays of the don Cossacks»
on October 14, the Cossacks
celebrate one of their most
significant holidays - the
protection of the blessed
virgin. Historically, this
tradition was dedicated to the
miraculous defeat of the Turks
under Azov. .
Презентация на английском языке «The holidays of the don Cossacks»
Презентация на английском языке «The holidays of the don Cossacks»
During wide pancake
week was conducted
interesting ceremony.
With its help company
expressed their
disapproval of those
young people, who were in
the age at marriage, " but
not yet created a family.
Early in the morning in the
house bachelors or
haapala brides came a few
married women and tied
the young people speck,
decorated with a flower.
Презентация на английском языке «The holidays of the don Cossacks»
30 October-
Military festival
of the don
Cossack host
Before each of the
Cossack troops had its
own patron Saint of his
day is celebrated as a
chief of the military
Презентация на английском языке «The holidays of the don Cossacks»
The Foundation of
the don Cossacks
Their most important
holiday - the Day of the
Army of the don Cossacks
has been celebrated
annually on October 14. June
17, 1997
Презентация на английском языке «The holidays of the don Cossacks»
first, the don
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