Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Российская Федерация." (9 класс).

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  • pptx
  • 09.11.2017
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Публикация в СМИ для учителей

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Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

В данной презентации рассказывается о Российском флаге - описание, дата принятия.Герб Российской федерации - описание, дата принятия. Гимн РФ. Географическое положение РФ. Население РФ. Описывается Красная площадь в Москве. О первом Президенте РФ Борисе Ельцине, год его вступления на должность президента. Какие национальности проживают на территории РФ. Краткое содержание о ВОВ.
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History of the Russian flag   In 1552 Russian troops were victorious assault on Kazan under the banner of "All- Merciful Saviour." In the chronicle record of the siege of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible (1552) says, "and told the emperor herugvi razvertiti Christian, that is to say the banner on their image of our Lord Jesus Christ, not made with hands, and hoisted aloft the life-giving cross, others like baa at his grandparent, our sovereign, dostohvalnogo of Great Prince Dmitry on the Don. "Banner of Ivan the Terrible and a half centuries was accompanied by the Russian army. When the queen Sophia Alekseevne it visited in the Crimean campaign, and under Peter I - in the Azov campaign and the war against the Swedes. In the Personal chronicles the plotting banner of Ivan the Terrible in Kazan campaign - cloven white with the image of the Savior and the eight-pointed cross on it. According to others banner (probably regiment) was red with a picture of the Savior. A copy of this banner, many times restored, is still stored in the Kremlin Armoury.  Well-known so-called "Great banner" Ivan the Terrible. This flag in the form of a trapezoid (the slope). Flagstaff on azure field depicts St. Michael on horseback. On the slope "sugar" color depicts Christ. The Banner has fringe "cranberry color" in repose additional fringe "poppy" colors.
Flag of the Russian Federation
Coat of Rossiykoy Federations
Hymn of the Russian Federation Russia is our sacred power, Russia is our beloved country. Mighty will, great glory are  Your property for all times! Be glorious, our free Fatherland, A centuries-long union of brotherly nations, Peoples’ wisdom given by the foregoers! Be glorious, country! We are proud of you! From southern seas up to the polar land, Our forests and fields have spread. You are the one under the sun! You’re the only one of such a kind – Protected by God darling land! Be glorious, our free Fatherland, A centuries-long union of brotherly nations, Peoples’ wisdom given by the foregoers! Be glorious, country! We are proud of you! A wide space for dreams and for living The coming years open to us. Our faithfulness to the Motherland gives us power. That was and that is and that will be for good! Be glorious, our free Fatherland, A centuries-long union of brotherly nations, Peoples’ wisdom given by the foregoers! Be glorious, country! We are proud of you!
The geographical position of the Russian Federation Russian Federation - the state, occupying the main part of Eastern Europe and northern Asia. Russian Federation - the largest country in the world by land area (17 million 75 thousand. 400 sq. Km, or 11.46% (1/9) of the total land area, which is almost twice more than the second-ranked Canada). The population of Russia - 142.1 million. People (as of 1 April 2007, according to Rosstat [1] (2.15% of the total population), and 4/5 of the population lives in the European part of Russia. At present, the Russian Federation ranked eighth in the the world on this indicator. Most of the population lives in urban areas - 72.9%. The population of Russia is multinational: Great addition to constituting 79.83% in the territory of the state is home to more than 180 other nations. The official language of the Russian Federation - Russian. RF borders with sixteen States by land are: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, the sea is: Japan and the United States, which allows it play a significant role both in Europe and in Asia. Being the political and legal heir to the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation is one of the key actors in international relations.
Russian Federation population  Census of 1897 recorded in the Russian Empire 125,640,021 inhabitants, of them lived in cities 16,828,395 people (13.4%). The literacy rate was 21.1%, while among men it was significantly higher than among women (29.3% and 13.1%, respectively). By religion, the largest denomination, in descending order, were: Orthodox - 69.3%, Islam (Muslims) - 11.1%, Roman Catholics - 9.1% and the Jews - 4.2%. The main estates according to the 1897 census in Russia were the peasantry - 77.5%, commoners - 10.7%, foreigners - 6.6%, the Cossacks - 2.3%, noblemen (hereditary and personal) - 1.5% clergy - 0.5%, honorable citizens (and personal honor) - 0.3%, merchants - 0.2% other - 0.4%. The population of the state (in modern borders) was 67 million 473 thousand. Man. [6] The population is indicated on the first day of the relevant year (for example, the population in 2009 are as of January 1, 2009). The population for 2010, given the results of the census on 1 October 2010.
Red Square  Red Square - the main square of Moscow and a symbol of Russia - is located near the walls of the Moscow Kremlin. It is Lenin's Mausoleum, Kazan and St. Basil's Cathedral, Historical Museum and other attractions.
President of the Russian Federation The first president of post-Soviet Russia was Boris Yeltsin (1931-2007). He was twice elected to the post in June 1991 (when she was still called "The President of the RSFSR") in July 1996. Total Yeltsin Russian president served eight and a half years before his famous resignation on December 31, 1999 and the transfer of power to Putin.
National composition  РФ является многонациональным государством, на территории которого проживает более 180 народов.  Народы, численностью более 15 тыс. человек (по данным переписи 2002 года). Численность — 141 млн 985 тыс. человек (на 15 мая 2007 года).  великороссы — 115 млн 889 тыс. 107 чел. (79,83 % населения)  татары — 5 млн. 554 тыс. 601 чел. (3,83 %)  украинцы — 2 млн. 942 тыс. 961 чел. (2,03 %)  башкиры — 1 млн. 673 тыс. 389 чел. (1,15 %)  чуваши — 1 млн. 637 тыс. 094 чел. (1,13 %)  лица, не указавшие национальность — 1 млн. 460 тыс. 751 чел. (1,01%)  чеченцы — 1 млн. 360 тыс. 253 чел. (0,94%)  армяне — 1 млн. 130 тыс. 491 чел. (0,78%)  мордва — 843 тыс. 350 чел. (0,58%);  аварцы — 814 тыс. 473 чел. (0,56%);  белорусы — 807 тыс. 970 чел. (0,56%)  казахи - 653 тыс. 962 чел. (0,45%)  удмурты - 636 тыс. 906 чел. (0,44%)  азербайджанцы - 621 тыс. 840 чел. (0,43%)  марийцы - 604 тыс. 298 чел. (0,42%)  немцы - 597 тыс. 212 чел. (0,41%)  кабардинцы - 519 тыс. 958 чел. (0,36%)  осетины - 514 тыс. 875 чел. (0,35%)  даргинцы - 510 тыс. 156 чел. (0,35%)  буряты - 445 тыс. 175 чел. (0,31%)  якуты - 443 тыс. 852 чел. (0,31%)  кумыки - 422 тыс. 409 чел. (0,29%)  ингуши - 413 тыс. 016 чел. (0,28%)  лезгины - 411 тыс. 535 чел. (0,28%)  коми - 293 тыс. 406 чел. (0,2%)
тувинцы - 243 тыс. 442 чел. (0,17%) евреи - 229 тыс. 938 чел. (0,16%) грузины - 197 тыс. 934 чел. (0,14%) карачаевцы - 192 тыс. 182 чел. (0,13%) цыгане - 182 тыс. 766 чел. (0,13%) калмыки - 173 тыс. 996 чел. (0,12%) молдаване - 172 тыс. 330 чел. (0,12%) лакцы - 156 тыс. 545 чел. (0,11%) корейцы - 148 тыс. 556 чел. (0,1%) табасараны - 131 тыс. 785 чел. (0,09%) адыгейцы - 128 тыс. 528 чел. (0,09%) коми-пермяки - 125 тыс. 235 чел. (0,09%) узбеки - 122 тыс. 916 чел. (0,08%) таджики - 120 тыс. 136 чел. (0,08%) балкарцы - 108 тыс. 426 чел. (0,07%) греки - 97 тыс. 827 чел. (0,07%) карелы - 93 тыс. 344 чел. (0,06%) турки - 92 тыс. 415 чел. (0,06%) ногайцы - 90 тыс. 666 чел. (0,06%) хакасы - 75 тыс. 622 чел. (0,05%) поляки - 73 тыс. 001 чел. (0,05%) алтайцы - 67 тыс. 239 чел. (0,05%) черкесы - 60 тыс. 517 чел. (0,04%)
литовцы - 45 тыс. 569 чел. (0,03%) лица других национальностей - 42 тыс. 980 чел. (0,03%) ненцы - 41 тыс. 302 чел. (0,03%) абазины - 37 тыс. 942 чел. (0,03%) эвенки - 35 тыс. 527 чел. (0,02%) китайцы - 34 тыс. 577 чел. (0,02%) финны - 34 тыс. 050 чел. (0,02%) туркмены - 33 тыс. 053 чел. (0,02%) болгары - 31 тыс. 965 чел. (0,02%) киргизы - 31 тыс. 808 чел. (0,02%) езиды - 31 тыс. 273 чел. (0,02%) рутульцы - 29 тыс. 929 чел. (0,02%) ханты - 28 тыс. 678 чел. (0,02%) латыши - 28 тыс. 520 чел. (0,02%) агулы - 28 тыс. 297 чел. (0,02%) эстонцы - 28 тыс. 113 чел. (0,02%) вьетнамцы - 26 тыс. 206 чел. (0,02) курды - 19 тыс. 607 чел. (0,01%) эвены - 19 тыс. 071 чел. (0,01%) чукчи - 15 тыс. 767 чел. (0,01%)
The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 The Beginning Of The Great Patriotic War . June 22, 1941 at 4 a.m. without a Declaration of war fascist troops invaded the USSR. Began the Great Patriotic war of the Soviet people against the German invaders. Hitler's plan "Barbarossa" provided a lightning war on three main areas - on Leningrad, Moscow and Kiev. It was supposed to defeat the Red Army in the shortest possible time - even before you have finished the war with England. Already on the fortieth day of the war was planned to go to Moscow and to the beginning of autumn to capture her. Near Moscow, Hitler hoped to strike a final blow to the remnants of the red Army.
The End Of The Great Patriotic War. Victory!!! At 22 hours 43 minutes on Central European Time on May 8 the war in Europe ended with the unconditional surrender of Germany's armed forces. The fighting lasted for 1,418 days. However, accepted the surrender, the Soviet Union did not sign the peace treaty with Germany, that is, formally remained with Germany at war. War with Germany was formally finished January 25, 1955 edition of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decree "On the termination of the state of war between the Soviet Union and Germany" [66]. June 24 in Moscow Victory Parade was held. [67] At the meeting in July - August 1945, the Potsdam conference of the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States reached agreement on postwar Europe.
This is our homeland!