Every tradition is good because the whole family is together. It is so great when my family is close. In such moments you forget all the troubles and in becomes warm and cozy on the soul. And nothing else matters. I like the fact that we not only observe these family traditions. But also enjoy it.
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Источники информации.The other tradition is celebrating New Year. We usually celebrate this holiday at home in the circle of our family. Our mother usually cooks tasty dishes. She always bakes chicken for a holiday dinner. She took this tradition from her mother. My sister and I always help our parents at this day. We clean our house and decorate Christmas tree. Sometimes our mother ask me to help her lay the table. When all preparations are behind, we watch TV and wait for our guests . When the Kremlin chimes strike twelve times, all of us wish each other Happy New Year. In the morning we find gifts under the tree. It is so cool and magical!
Buryakova Diana
Kalininskaya school
7th form
Teacher: Markina T.P.
A h a p p y a n d h a r m o n i o u s
l y
f a m i
i s b a s e d o n s t r o n g
f e w
T h e r e a r e a
l y
f a m i
l y w h i c h I
i o n s .
f a m i
t r a d i
i n m y
i o n s
a b o u t
t r a d i
t e l
t o
i k e
w o u l d
For each person, tradition means
something different.
The family exists
as long as
traditions remain
in it.
we spend our weekends together
come to see our grandparents
celebrate family holidays
go to the seaside.
Summer holidays are the best time
for me!
New Year is a special holiday in our
Family tradition is an important
component of every family.
1. https://yandex.ru/
2. www.en365.ru/traditions of my family.htm
3.1 hello.ru/leksika/
traditions of my family.html
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