Пояснительная записка
1. Автор (ФИО, должность)
Гилева Нина Викторовна, преподаватель английского языка ГБПОУ «СПК»
2. Название ресурса «Правила королевской семьи в Великобритании»
3. Вид ресурса Презентация
4. Предмет, УМК Английский язык, любой
5. Цель и задачи ресурса
познакомить учащихся с правилами королевской семьи в Великобритании
• научить учащихся связывать исторические события с языковыми изменениями;
• формировать настойчивость к достижению знаний на иностранном языке;
• воспитывать уважение к представителям англоязычных стран.
6. Возраст учащихся, для которых предназначен ресурс 8-11 классы
7. Программа, в которой создан ресурс Microsoft Office Power Point - 2007
8. Методические рекомендации по использованию ресурса Данная презентация предназначена для проведения урока английского языка по теме «Правила королевской семьи в Великобритании». Также данный ресурс можно использовать во внеурочной деятельности и кружковой работе.
9. Источники информации (обязательно!)
• http://www.mummewear.com/_img/greenbackground.jpg
• https://kwork.ru/pics/t3/77/237877-1.jpg
• https://henryhallshopfitting.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/queen.png
• https://abiturients.info/sites/default/files/foto-uz/uk_0.png
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_royal_family#Members
• https://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_37/373010/15831910-EN_01218102_0081-1504013353-650-f636634511-1504507460.jpg
• https://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_37/373010/15831960-400056-5-0-1504127115-1504127119-650-7b882c3afe-1504507460.jpg
• https://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_37/373010/15832110-EN_01136416_1249-1504011971-650-10d99dba19-1504507460.jpg
• https://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_37/373010/15832160-EN_00943073_0044-1504171428-650-121d8b15e3-1504507460.jpg
• https://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_37/373010/15832210-2017-08-29161938-1504012767-650-683d272468-1504507460.jpg
• https://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_37/373010/15832260-8578760-400023-0-1504126306-1504126309-650-1-1504126309-650-cab513060a-1504507460.jpg
• https://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_37/373010/15832310-EN_01237320_0607-1504003224-650-287aeca71f-1504507460.jpg
• http://fototelegraf.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/novosti-v-fotografiyah-28-22.jpg
• https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6a/Coat_of_Arms_of_Jane_Seymour.svg/688px-Coat_of_Arms_of_Jane_Seymour.svg.png
• https://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_37/373010/15832060-8579910-400023-3-0-1504126848-1504126855-650-1-1504126855-650-0890a86ae7-1504507460.jpg
• https://files.brightside.me/files/news/part_37/373010/15831860-8578360-400056-0-1504125821-1504125826-650-1-1504125826-650-16f17a3ea6-1504507460.jpg
на тему:
«Rules of the Royal family
of Great Britain»
ученицы 10А класса
ГБОУ «АООШ IIII ступеней №2»
Луганской Народной Республики
Долгорукова Юлия Николаивна
Дерябина Елизавета Александровна
Сontent :
The British royal family
Rule #1: Young princes always wear shorts
Rule #2: They do not vote
Rule #3: They cannot wear black unless it’s a period of mourning
Rule #4: They shouldn’t eat shellfish
Rule #5: Direct heirs cannot travel together
Rule #6: They cannot sign autographs
Rule #7: They cannot practice any religion but Anglican
Rule #8: They cannot wear fur
Rule #9: The royal family must be together at Christmas
Источники информации
The British royal family
The British royal family comprises Queen Elizabeth II
and her close relations. There is no strict legal or formal
definition of who is or is not a member of the British
royal family.
The Queen and the Duke of Edinburghh (the monarch and her husband)
The Prince of Waless and the Duchess of Cornwall(the Queen's son and daughterin
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge(the Queen's grandson and granddaughterinlaw)
Prince George of Cambridge (the Queen's greatgrandson)
Princess Charlotte of Cambridge (the Queen's greatgranddaughter)
Prince Louis of Cambridge (the Queen's greatgrandson)
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (the Queen's grandson and granddaughterinlaw)
The Princess Royal (the Queen's daughter)
The Duke of York (the Queen's son)
Princess Beatrice of York (the Queen's granddaughter)
Princess Eugenie of York (the Queen's granddaughter)
The Earl and Countess of Wessex (the Queen's son and daughterinlaw)
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester (the Queen's cousin and cousininlaw)
The Duke and Duchess of Kent (the Queen's cousin and cousininlaw)
Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy (the Queen's cousin)
Prince and Princess Michael of Kent (the Queen's cousin and cousininlaw)
Rule #1: Young princes always wear shorts
Recently Internet users started wondering why Prince George wears
shorts in any weather. The reason is simple: there is a rule in high
European society which states that pants can only be worn by adult
men. Boys are supposed to dress less "formally," at least until the
age of 8.
Rule #2: They do not vote
There is no law that prevents
the royal family from voting.
It means that legally they can
vote, but
they prefer not
to do it so that nobody
accuse them of being biased
to one
We still wonder if the Queen
would have voted for the new
Prime Minister, Theresa May
(on the
of the
in the
Rule #3: They cannot wear black unless it’s a period of mourning
Black, which we all wear every day,
is a color of mourning in the royal family.
That’s why we’re unlikely to see Prince
William’s wife in a black cocktail dress.
However, his mother, Princess Diana,
dared to break this rule. In 1994, when she
was still officially married
to Prince
Charles, she appeared in a stunning black
dress at the annual Vanity Fair summer
party at the Serpentine Gallery in London.
The outfit was later called "The Revenge
Dress" because that was the very day when
Prince Charles publically confessed his
longterm adultery with Camilla Parker
Rule #4: They shouldn’t eat shellfish
The rule book says that the Queen and her relatives shouldn’t eat
shellfish for health reasons. Perhaps it is considered dangerous
because of the toxins that clams and mussels can accumulate. This
rule is not usually violated, but Prince Charles obviously decided
to stand out: he visited the Whitstable Oyster Festival in Kent
specifically to eat this prohibited food. Some other foods are also not
recommended. Fortunately, ice cream is not on the blacklist.
Rule #5: Direct heirs cannot travel together
In this case, it all makes sense: unfortunately, planes fall, ships
sink, and trains crash. It would be twice as terrible to lose 2 heirs
at once. That’s why it’s highly unlikely that Charles and William
would travel together.
Rule #6: They cannot sign autographs
The royal family is very friendly with their fans, and they willingly
talk to them during official events. However, there is no way you
can get their autograph. It is believed to be dangerous for the royal
family to put a signature on anything but official documents. Prince
Charles stood out again: in 2010 he signed a fake autograph
"Charles 2010 for one of the victims of the flood in Cornwall.
Rule #7: They cannot practice any religion but Anglican
be quite
It is a wellknown fact that the
monarch in Great Britain is also
the head of the Anglican Church.
So it would
if he or she practiced a different
religion. In the past, the royal
family couldn’t marry people
of different religious faiths, but
as of 2011, this rule was changed.
Rule #8: They cannot wear fur
According to the rules, royal clothes shouldn’t be too luxurious.
Protocol recommends that the Queen and her relatives do not appear
in public wearing fur except on very rare occasions. One of these
occasions was the Queen’s visit to Russia in 1993 (the photo on the
left). This rule only applies to fur coats — fur collars and hats are
Rule #9: The royal family must be together at Christmas
The royal family spends every
Christmas together in Sandringham
House in Norfolk. They prefer not
to share photos of their
holidays. However, Madame
Tussauds wax museum imagined
what such a holiday might look
like and dressed waxworks of the
in funny sweaters. The
corgis in the photo are real, and the
of this breed.
is famous for her
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