The Myths
about the
Olympic Games
in Sochi
Myth 1. Olympics
cost to every
Russian 4 million
Social Networking
stubbornly applies
agitation , in which
the authors divide the
cost of the Olympics
on the number of
citizens of Russia and
claim that instead of
the Olympics 4
million rubles could
be distributed to
every Russian. In fact,
elementary arithmetic
calculation shows that
If you multiply 4 million
rubles to 143 million people
in Russia you get 572 trillion
rubles - an astronomical
sum, which corresponds
approximately to the entire
U.S. public debt .
Myth 2. The state
has spent on the
Olympics $ 50 billion
In fact, directly on the
Olympics the budget
has spent about 100
billion rubles , which is
about $ 3 billion.
Another 114 billion
rubles was payed by
investors .
In fact, the Olympics
cost every Russian only
704 rubles. And if you
divide the entire
construction period ,
that is about 9 rubles
per person per month .
Not the most significant
sum for a country
where the average
salary for 2013 is about
30 thousand rubles.
The rest of the money went not to the
Olympics , but the development of
infrastructure in Sochi - which would
have to be developed in any case ,
regardless of the Games.
Thus , the real cost of the Olympics -
214 billion rubles, or $ 6.5 billion .
Adjusted for inflation, this amount is
consistent with the cost of hosting the
Myth 3. Instead of the
Olympic Games it
would be better build
sports facilities across
Supposedly instead of
developing the sport
throughout Russia, public
money has been spent on
the Olympic Games. But
it is not true. It’s enough
money for that and for
the other. We are holding
the Olympic Games, and
at the same time build
the entire Russian sports
complexes, swimming
pools, sports grounds and
Myth 4. Sochi will not keep as many stadiums
Firstly, the oppositionists are inconsistent. Now they do not like the
fact that the maintenance of the stadiums will need money. And
before they resented the fact that there are few sports facilities in our
cities, while western cities have a lot of pools and stadiums.
Secondly, there will be only three of the six stadiums in Sochi. The
other three after the Games will be disassembled and transported to
other regions of Russia.
Myth 5. In December, the roof in bobsleigh
track collapsed
December 10 channel Eurosport citing record
oppositionist on Facebook began to spread the
news that the roof of the bobsleigh track
allegedly collapsed on the acceleration lane .
As it turned out in the end , a temporary roof
awning over training snout slightly sagged
under the weight of snow. Snowdrift cleaned off
Myth 6 . Western politicians boycotted
Olympic Games
Negative sentiment of mass media towards Russia
gleefully reported that the Sochi Olympics faced
boycott by politicians – as Russia oppressed
sodomites and did not allow Georgia to join
Abkhazia and South Ossetia by force.
Here are the statistics of visits dignitaries Winter Olympics
2002 , Salt Lake City , USA. 20 heads of states and
governments of the world .
2006 , Italy , Turin. 15 heads of states and governments
of the world .
2010 Canada, Vancouver . 39 heads of states and
governments of the world .
2014 , Russia, Sochi . 60 Heads of State and
Putin replied to criticism of the
Sochi Olympics.
The President of the Russian Federation
replied to the critics of the Sochi Olympics.
Keeping the Olympic facilities will cost Russia $ 7
billion rubles
This is roughly equivalent to the amount that Canada
spent on the Olympics in Vancouver in 2010.
According to the sources, still no one knows exactly how
much money will be needed on the maintenance of
Sochi 2014, as the Russian authorities have not decided
Sochi: Enemies and Innocents
It staggers that foolishness and absurdity of their lies are often
evident, but still a considerable number of people trust them.
A specific example - the Olympic Games in Sochi.
They say and repeat: it is impossible to hold winter Olympic Games
in the subtropics. This absurd nonsense is repeated and increased,
people believe in it.
Guests are just dumb with astonishment: it is warm, the bright sun
shines, they can walk in a light jacket near the sea, among the palms,
blooming magnolia and profuse green and then they can reach the
mountain slopes by train, car or helicopter in less than an hour and
there to ski.
Here is a great, developed infrastructure: the roads with public
transport, boarding houses, sanatoria, resorts, hospitals, hotels,
stadiums, restaurants, canteens, cafes, entertainment and other
institutions, but in winter they are idle. Long it was suggested to
A.Zudin : Information attacks on Olympic games
are not able to reach the goals they set.
Some heads of different states ignored the invitation and
didn’t attend the Olympic games in Sochi. The Russian
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said : «To reject the
invitation, in fact , is to reject the invitation of IOC». In
addition, he noted that he couldn’t remember even one
Olympic Games , which were accompanied by a
discussion of how many heads of state would come.