The closing ceremony of the Paralympic games 2014 was held on March 16
in Sochi at the Olympic stadium at the same time, as the ceremony of opening, at
20:14. The show at the closing ceremony of the Paralympic games was called
"Reaching the impossible”. It glorified Paralympic athletes and said that the
impossible becomes possible through the power of the spirit and persistent pursuit
of the best results.
The ceremony was opened with the music of the Russian composer Alfred
Schnittke and a choreographic composition performed by groups of dancers with
disabilities (members of the Russian Federation of sport dancing in wheelchairs)
and the air gymnasts in unique glow costumes that will line up in the air abstract
Our Champions gold medal winners in Sochi brought the flag of the
Russian Federation to the stadium. Only one gold medallist could not bear the flag.
That was Roman Petushkov, and he was sitting in the stands next to Vladimir
Putin. Our team made the whole stadium to jump from their seats. Camera flashed
sparkle in the stands. All wanted to capture the winners.
Under Kashmir famous group Led Zeppelin the word "Impossible" went up
in the air. The main character of the ceremony was the winner of Paralympic
games in 2012, an athlete, a wheelchair user Alexey Chuvashev. Showing the
wonders of strength and courage, Alexey using only hands , went up by the rope
on the 15meter height and once again proved that impossible is possible. And then
“Impossible” turned in “I'm possible”.
After that, the stadium hosted the ceremony of flags of the participating
countries. They, traditionally, appear from under the stadium. The flag of the
Russian Federation was carried by an athlete, a threetimes champion of
Paralympic games in Sochi Mikhalina Lysova. She won six medals in Sochi three
gold and three silver.
And at the stadium there was the next part of the ceremony. Dashing dance
was performed by the Cossacks, dressed in the colors of the Russian flag. And
next to them break dancers demonstrated their skills. Among the participants of
this dance there were performers with disabilities: Maxim Sedakov, Ivan Svorob,
Vladimir krivulya, Daniel Anastasiin and Victor Kochkin. A fantastic
The blind pianist Oleg Akkuratov performed the Paralympic anthem. To this
song the Paralympic flag was slowly descended.Then there was a solemn ceremony of the Paralympic Committee. The next
Paralympic Games will be held Pyeongchang. In the ceremony the President of the
International Paralympic Committee Philip Craven and the mayor of Sochi
Anatoly Pakhomov participated.
Then the national anthem of South Korea was played. The Korean
calligrapher who has lost both hands, depicted Paralympic athletes on a large sheet
of paper. Immediately a traditional Korean dance was performed and South Korea
invited guests to its Paralympic games.
Philip Craven called Games in Sochi the best ones. The President of the
International Paralympic Committee ended his speech in Russian.
Then at the stadium a bowl with the Paralympic flame and the children
appeared participants of the choir, with everburning fires with fires in their
The children blew out the lamps and with them the Paralympic torch has
gone out.
There is a huge ship, in the arena "Fisht" which floats with the phrase "I’m
possible". And the ceremony was ended with fireworks.
Some statistics. The delegation of Russia at the Paralympics was made of
197 people: 69 athletes, 12 athletesleading, 116 trainers, doctors, therapists,
engineers and other professionals.
They were great games! The Russian sportsmen have really proved that
impossible is possible! We must be proud of our country!