Прямая и косвенная речь
Оценка 4.9

Прямая и косвенная речь

Оценка 4.9
Подготовка к тестированию
английский язык
Прямая и косвенная речь
Данный опорный конспект поможет усвоить и подготовиться к тестированию по теме: Перевод прямой речи в косвенную в английском языке.
косвенная речь.docx


Предложение с прямой речью состоит из двух частей, назовём их условно - вводная и основная. Вводная – кто говорит. Основная – что говорит (эта часть заключается в кавычки, это и есть прямая речь).

Jane says:     «I will go to the country at the week-end”.

  вводная                                       основная

При переводе прямой речи в косвенную обращай внимание на вводную часть.

Если вводная часть стоит в настоящем времени: She \He says … They announce… и т.д., то в основной части меняются по смыслу местоимения, но не меняется время.

He says: “I am busy now”.          He says that he is busy now.

They announce: “We met foreign delegation yesterday”.        They announce that they met foreign delegation yesterday.

Если вводная часть стоит в прошедшем времени: She /He said … They announced…и т.д., то в основной части меняются по смыслу местоимения и время.

He said: «I have already seen this film”.        He said that he had already seen that film.

Правила изменения времен смотри в таблице:

Present Simple (V1)


They said: “We often have family reunions”.


Past Simple (Ved/V2)


They said that they often had family reunions.

Past Simple (Ved/V2)


Не said: “I helped them”.

Past Perfect (had +Ved/V3)


Не said that he had helped them.

Present Perfect (have/has +Ved/V3)


She said: “I have done the task”.


Past Perfect (had +Ved/V3)


She said that she had done the task.


Past Perfect (had +Ved/V3)


Не said: “I had visited them”.


Past Perfect (had+Ved/V3)


Не said that he had visited them.

Present Continuous ( am/is/are +Ving)


We said: “We are reading now”.


Past Continuous ( was/were +Ving)


We said that we were reading then.

Past Continuous ( was/were +Ving)


We said: “We were reading then”.


Past Continuous ( was/were +Ving)


We said that we were reading then.

Present Perfect Continuous (have/has been +Ving)


I explained: “I have been translating since morning”.


Past Perfect Continuous (had been +Ving)


I explained that I had been translating since morning.


Past Perfect Continuous (had been +Ving)


I explained: “I had been translating since morning”.


Past Perfect Continuous (had been +Ving)


I explained that I had been translating since morning.


Future Simple (will V1)


I said: “I will go there”.


Future Simple in the Past (would V1)


I said that I would go there.

Future Perfect (will have Ved/V3)


He  explained: “ I will have finished the work by tomorrow”.

Future Perfect in the Past (would have Ved/V3)


He  explained that he would have finished the work by the next day.

Future Continuous (will be Ving)


She said: “I will be doing the task”.


Future Continuous in the Past (would be Ving)


She said that she would be doing the task.


Future Perfect Continuous (will have been Ving)


She said: “I will have been doing the task till 5 o’clock”.


Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

(would have been Ving)


She said that she would have been doing the task till 5 o’clock.






ПРЯМАЯ И КОСВЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ Предложение с прямой речью состоит из двух частей, назовём их условно - вводная и основная

ПРЯМАЯ И КОСВЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ Предложение с прямой речью состоит из двух частей, назовём их условно - вводная и основная
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