Работа с текстом по теме «Еда», 3 класс
Прочитайте текст, ответьте на утверждения Yes (да), No (нет), подчеркните подтверждения в тексте.
My friend Alice has got porridge and cheese sandwiches for breakfast. She likes a milk shake too. Alice likes to eat bananas in the morning (утром).
The girl eats some mashed potatoes and sausage for lunch. She has got some corn too. She doesn’t like coke, she likes to drink tea with milk.
In the evening (вечером) Alice is hungry. She has got some vegetable salad, chicken soup and pasta.
She likes to have ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Her favourite is strawberry.
Дорисуйте и раскрасьте картинку: 1. Alice has got two apples. They are green. 2. The table is grey 3. You can see (увидеть) a yellow banana.
1. My friend is a boy._______
2. My friend doesn’t eat porridge for breakfast _____
3. My friend likes fruit. ________
4. Alice has got some veggies for lunch. _______
5. She likes to drink coke. ______
6. In the evening Alice is hungry. ____
7. She likes raspberry ice cream. ________
Составьте слова и запишите: fodo, beadr, ceehse,egsg, pous, ridgpore ,ifhs ,mha
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