Раздаточный материал на отработку слов к учебнику Афанасьевой Rainbow English 11 класс
Оценка 4.7

Раздаточный материал на отработку слов к учебнику Афанасьевой Rainbow English 11 класс

Оценка 4.7
Раздаточные материалы
английский язык
9 кл—11 кл
Раздаточный материал на отработку слов к учебнику Афанасьевой Rainbow English 11 класс
карточки для отработки или проверки слов к разделу 3, урок 3, стр.108

Rainbow English. Form 11. Unit 3, step 3, p.108


Card 1. Complete sentences with the following words amazing, adult, convince, employee, entire, hire, faith, release, be/get fired, falling out.

1.     It was ________how much we managed to do in a day.

2.     You should act like an________.

3.     Maybe I could ______ you.

4.     We've got 4100_________.

5.     It was the worst day in my _________ life.

6.     _________ someone who speaks both languages.

7.     But the priest said we must have_______.

8.     We had a ________ many years.

9.     She was __________ from her job.

10. Tom is afraid he'll__________ .



Card 2. Complete sentences with the following words amazing, adult, convince, employee, entire, hire, faith, release, be/get fired, falling out.

1.     Her grandmother was really an ________ woman.

2.     Some children find it difficult to talk to___________ .

3.     What else can I say to ________ you that I'm just...

4.     We have a lot of___________, but we're one big, happy family.

5.     An _________ civilization vanished.

6.     ________ a babysitter so you can.

7.     I still have ________ in him.

8.     I had a _________ with my parents.

9.     Oil was __________ into the sea.

10.  Do you want me to__________?



Card 3. Complete sentences with the following words amazing, adult, convince, employee, entire, hire, faith, release, be/get fired, falling out.

1.     New York is an _________ city!

2.     He was a little boy, but he behaved as if he was________ .

3.     Try to _______ me to come back.

4.     I came to Tokyo with a group of__________.

5.     Her __________ attention centered on her children.

6.     _______ a marketing expert to fully take advantage.

7.     Nothing is more important to her than her ________ in God.

8.     I mean, she said you guys were friends, you had a___________.

9.     He was  _______ from the hospital yesterday.

10.  At work...You _______ if you get caught.



Rainbow English. Form 11. Unit 3, step 3, p

Rainbow English. Form 11. Unit 3, step 3, p

I mean, she said you guys were friends, you had a ___________

I mean, she said you guys were friends, you had a ___________
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