Данный сборник текстов и упражнений составлен для углубленного изучения лексики по теме "Кazakhstan is my motherland". В брошюре даны опорные слова с переводом и транскрипцией, послетекстовые задания, небольшие тексты. Тексты также носят воспитательный характер это любовь к родине, развитие чувства патриотизма.
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КГУ «Уалихановский сельскохозяйственный колледж»
Сборник текстов и упражнений на тему «Kazakhstan is my motherland»
Составила преподаватель иностранного языка
Кишкенеколь 2014 Данный сборник текстов составлен для углубленного изучения лексики английского по
теме«Kazakhstanismymotherland». В брошюре даны опорные слова с переводом,
послетекстовые задания , небольшие тесты. Тексты также носят воспитательный
характер это любовь к родине, развитие чувства патриотизма. Большое внимание
уделяется заданиям на развитие коммуникативной компетенции, задания направлены на
развитие языковых навыков, формирование словарного запаса. Kazakhstan
The Republic of Kazakhstan is situated in the central part of the Euro Asian
continent. The area is 2753000 square kilometers. Its territory stretches from West to
East for 3000 km and from North to South for 1600 km. In the West, Northwest and
North Kazakhstan borders on the Russian Federation. In the South and Southwest are
the Republics of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In the Southeast and East,
there is China.
Kazakhstan consists of 14 regions, 223 districts. There are 83 cities and 204
townships. The main cities are Astana, Aktobe, Atyrau, Taraz, Pavlodar, Karagandy
and Kostanai.
The population of Kazakhstan is 15 million people. People of 120 nationalities live in
the country. Kazakh is the state language but Russian is officially used on an equal basis
with Kazakh.
In December 1991 a new independent country – The Republic of Kazakhstan – joined
the World Community. The 16 th of December is now celebrated as an Independence
Day of Kazakhstan. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary country with a presidential form of the Government. The first president of Kazakhstanis N.A.Nazarbayev. He
became the first president in April 1990.
Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resourses oil, copper, zinc, gold and silver.
Mining, machinery manufacture, the production of petro – chemicals and agriculture are
important sectors of the economy. The people of the country grow grain, fruit, cotton,
millet, corn.
The Republic of Kazakhstan has played a great role in the history and
development of the Central Asia. In 1957, the first satellite was short into space from
the Baikonur Space Centre, which lies in the steppeland of Kazakhstan.
The Republic of Kazakhstan is a member of eleven international organizations
including United Nation, UNESCO, UNICEF, IMF and others.
1.Read the following words after the speaker.
UnitedNation [ju na t d ne
ɪ ɪ
ɪʃə ] ] – Организация Объединенных Наций
UNESCO — The United Nations Educational, Scientificand Cultural Organization —
Организация Объединённых Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры
UNICEF UnitedNationsInternationalChildren'sEmergencyFund
IMF InternationalMonetaryFund Международныйвалютныйфонд, МВФ
Ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] adj древний
Remarkablе[rɪˈmɑːkəbl] adj замечательный, выдающийся
Landmass [lændmæs] n территория, суша
Stretch[str tɛ ʃ] v тянуться
Fit [f tɪ ] v соответствовать
Multinational [m lt næ nl
ʃə ] adj многонациональный
Affirmation[æf me
ɪʃə ] n подтверждение
ʌ ɪˈ
ː] n ценность
Value [ vælju
ˈ ˈ ɛ ]v поселяться
Tosettle [ s tl
Guarantee [gær n tiə ˈ ː] n гарантировать
Creation [kri e
Decent [ di s nt
ːˈ ɪʃə ] n создание
ː ə ] adj приличный
ˈ ɪ ɪ
ə ˈ ɪʃə ]условия жизни
Livingcondition [ l v ŋ
k n d
Todivide [dɪˈvaɪd] vделить
Comprise[k m pra z
ə ˈ
ɪ ]v заключать в себе
Steppe степь
Semidesert полупустыня
Desert[ dɪˈzəːt] n пустыня
Occur [ kəˈ əːr]v иметь место, случаться, приходить в голову
Dry[draɪ] adj сухой
Clay[kleɪ] n глина
Sandy [ sænd
Stony [ st un
ɪ] adj песчанный
ˈ ə ɪ] adj каменистый
ər]v рассыпать
Scatter [ skæt
Gained [ge nɪ d] v обретать
Independence[ɪndɪˈpɛndns] n независимость
Shift [ʃɪft] v перемещать, переменять
2. Fill in the blanks using the active vocabulary
1. Kazakhstan________almost in the centre of the Eurasian ______________.
2. Kazahstan is a ____________ ______ with population is about 17 million
3. The ethnocultural __________ of the Kazakhs in no way restricts the
national Values and rights of other people’’s who live or come ____________ in the
4. The are four main vegetational climatic zones: _________, _____,
________________ and __________.
The desert zone ____________ much of the plains and consists of three
types of
Desert: __________, __________ and _________.
throughout the country.
7.In 1991 on the 16th of December Kazakhstan _______________ its
Kazakhstan is the second largest country of the
former Soviet Union
Kazakhstan doesn`t share its border with China.
The country is rich in mineral recources.
The population of Astana is not expected to
Residents are happy to share hospitality with their
The official language is Kazakh.
Russian is the language of international
Answer the following questions.
1.Where is Kazakhstan located?
2.What countries does Kazakhstan border on?
3.What is the total area of Kazakhstan? 4.Kazakhstan is a multinational state, isn't it?
5.How many provinces are there in Kazakhstan? What are they?
6. What is the climate of Kazakhstan?
7. How many rivers does the Republic have?What are they?
8. What are the biggest lakes ofKazakhstan?
9. When did Kazakhstan gain its independence?
Astana (the former Akmola) was founded in 1830 as a fortification of Russian
Empire. In 1862 stanitsaAkmola got the status of a town. In the course of time Akmola
became the centre of trade fairs where merchants from all over Kazakhstan. Russia,
Central Asia, India and other countries gathered to sell cattle and agricultural products.
For a long time Akmola was an outpost of Russian Empire seeking the way to
developed trade and its political influence upon Central Asia in XVIIIXIX centuries.
With the growth of anti – tsarist and revolutionary public mood the Akmloa prison
became overcrowdedwith those who wanted freedom. In March 1917 the Soviet Power
was established in Akmola.
Many changes have taken place since then. Akmola played an important role in
supplying the Soviet Army with raw materials and products during the Second World
War. In 1961 Akmola was renamed into Tselinograd and became the centre of
TselinnyKrai. In 1992 the city got its name Akmola again and sice October 1997
Akmola has become a new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Later on it got its
present name Astana. Astana is a modern growing city, a political, financial, economic,
scientific and sociocultural centre of the state. There are a lot of magnificent beautiful
buildings, higher educational establishments, colleges and secondary schools, hotels,
banks and other commercial structures in Astana, the new capital of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. There are many places of interest in Astana: the Central Square the Republic Avenue, the Palace of Youth and the Bridge across the Ishim River, the
Reginal Museum of Fine Arts and others. From everywhere you can see Baiterek, the
symbol of prosperity and happiness.
1.Read the following words after the speaker.
ɔː ɪ ɪˈ
fortification [f
tradefair [tre dɪ [fɛər]] n ярмарка
t f ke
ɪʃə ] n укрепле́ние
cattle [ kætl
] n скот
agricultural [ægr k lt
ɪˈ ʌ ʃə ə ] adj сельскохозя́йственный
r l
merchant [ m t nt
ˈ əː ʃə ] n (trader) торго́вец* купе́ц*
ə ] n влия́ние
influence[ nflu ns
anti – tsarist анти царское
revolutionaryrevolutionary [r v lu
ɛ əˈ
ːʃə ɪ] adj революцио́нный
prison[ pr zn
] n тюрьма́
ə əˈ
overcrowded[ uv kraud d
ɪ ] adj перепо́лненный/перепо́лнен
establish [ s tæbl
ɪ ˈ
supplyings [s pla n
ɪʃ] vучрежда́ть
ɪ ] nпоста́вка*(TECH) обеспече́ние
growing [ gr u ŋ
ˈ ə ɪ ] adj расту́щий
magnificent [mæg n f snt
ˈ ɪ ɪ
] adj великоле́пный*великоле́пен
prosperity [pr
ɔˈ ɛ ɪ ɪ] n преуспева́ние
sp r t
2. Fill in the blanks using the text
1. In 1862 stanitsaAkmola got __________ of a town. In the course of time
Akmola became the centre______ fairs where merchants from all
2. Many changes have taken place ______ then.
3. In 1992 the city got its name Akmola_____ and sice October 1997 Akmola has
become a new _______ of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 4. There are a lot of _______ beautiful buildings, higher educational establishments,
colleges and secondary schools, _______, banks and other commercial structures
in Astana, the new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In March 1917 the ______ ______ was established in Akmola.
6. From_______ you can see Baiterek, the symbol of __________ and happiness.
National flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is constituted the blue
rectangular width with the image of 32 rays sun in the centre under which
you can see the flying steppe eagle. There is a vertical stripe with national
ornament near the pole. The images of sun, rays, eagle and ornament are
gold. The width of flag to length in
the ratio of 1:2.
National emblem of the Republic of
Kazakhstan is constituted the image
of shanyrak (the upper arch part of
yurt) against a blue background,
uyks (holds) framed in wings of mythic horses in the form of sun rays are
dispersed. There is an inscription “Kazakhstan” at the lower part of emblem.
National emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is of two colors gold and
National anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Music
by ShamshiKaldayakov, text by NursultanNazarbayev
and ZhumekenNazhimedenov.
Following is an English translation of the National
anthem’s text.
Gold sun in the sky,
Gold grain in the steppe.
Legend about spirit is my country.
Our fame was born
In antiquity
Majestic and strong my Kazakh people.
Oh, my people! Оh, my land! I am your flower being grown by you.
I am the song on your lips,
My land is my Kazakhstan.
I have the wide expanse
And the way opened in the future.
I have independent,
solidarity and united nation,
As eternal friend is met
The new time
Our happy land, our nation.
Oh, my people! Оh, my land!
I am your flower being grown by you.
I am the song on your lips,
My land is my Kazakhstan
1.Read the following words after the speaker.
ˈ ː
] n орёл
eagle [ i gl
[ste tɪ ] n (government) госуда́рство
government – үкімет
symbol – рәміз
national – ұлттық
a coat of arms – елтаңба
flag – ту
an anthem – гимн
independent – тәуелсіз
heart – жүрек
winged tulpar – қанаттыпырақ
colour – түс
eagle – бүркіт
ornament – ою
gold – алтын
2. Brainstorming
1. Who is the head of Kazakhstan?
2. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? 3. When do we celebrate the Independence Day?
4. What kind of state is Kazakhstan?
5. What river is Astana situated on?
6. What is national Holiday of Kazakhstan?
7. What kind of customs and traditions do you know?
8. What is the official language of Kazakhstan?
9. What language is Russian?
10. What is the main party of Kazakhstan?
3. Please read and say if these facts about Kazakhstan true ( T) or false ( F ).
1. Kazakhstan has four state symbol
2. The state language of Kazakhstan is Russia
3. The colour of the flag of Kazakhstan is blue
4. In the centre of the flag there is a gold sun
5. The yellow ornament “ Koshkarmuyiz “ is the symbol of English art
6. The authors of state emblem are famous architects Zh. Malikov and
7. A song which has a special importance for a country and is sung an occasions is
an anthem
8. The creator of the state flag of Kazakhstan is Shaken Niazbekov, the writer
9. Shanyrak is the basis of the Arms
10. Kazakhstan is an independent democratic state
Test (Choose the right answer).
1. There are… state symbol of Kazakhstan
a) 3
b) 5
2. …are colour of the national flag of Kazakhstan
a) gold and blue
b) gold and red
3. In the centre of the flag of Kazakhstan is…
a) sun
b) star
4. The author that of the flag is Shaken Niazbekov,… a) artist
b) actor
5. The emblem of Kazakhstan has the traditional form of a ….
a) circle
b) square
6. The central element of the emblem of Kazakhstan is…
a) shanyrak
b) uyk
7. There are… architects, who win a competition of creation emblem of Kazakhstan
a) 2
b) 4
8. The authors of the anthem are …
a) Sh. Nazhimedenov b) Sh. Nazhimedenov
N. Nazarbaev Sh. Kaldayakov
Sh. Kaldayakov D. Nazarbaeva
9. … is a symbol in independence, freedom and flight to future.
a) eagle
b) bird
10.The birthday of the state symbol of Kazakhstan is…
a) on the fourth of June
b) on the fourth of July President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Biography of Kazakhstan's President
Nazarbayev Nursultan Abishevich
Born the 6th of July, 1940 in Chemolgan village, Kaskelen district, Almaty region.
1967 graduated from the technical institution of higher education attached to the
Karaganda metallurgical industrial complex.
Academician of the National science academy of Kazakhstan, of the International
engineering academy, Social sciences academy of the Russian Federation. Honorary
professor of Kazakh State University named after AlFarabi. Honorary member of the
Belarusian science academy. Honorary professor of Moscow State University named
after Lomonosov.
1960 1969 worked at Karaganda metallurgical industrial complex.
1969 1973 party, komsomol work in Temirtay, Karaganda region.
1973 1977 party committee secretary of Karaganda metallurgical industrial complex.
1977 1979 secretary, second secretary of Karaganda regional party committee.
1979 1984 Central Committee of Communist Party of Kazakhstan secretary.
1984 1989 chairman of Ministers Council of Kazakhstan.
1989 1991 first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
Kazakhstan. At the same time, from February till April, 1990 chairman of the High
Council of Kazakhstan.
April 1990 President of Kazakhstan.
1 December 1991 first nationwide elections of the President of the republic took place,
where N. A. Nazarbayev was supported by 98.7% of voters.
The 29th of April, 1995 the Presidents powers were extended till 2000 in a nationwide
The 10th of January, 1999 on the alternative basis was reelected as President of
Kazakhstan, supported by 79.78% of voters.
Chairman of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan.
Supreme Commander in Chief of the Military Forces of Kazakhstan.
Chairman of the World Association of Kazakhs.
The spouse of the President is Nazarbayeva Sara Alpisovna. The head of the
International child's charitable fund "Bobek".
The President has three daughters: Dariga Majilis deputy of the Parliament of
Kazakhstan, Doctor of political sciences; Dinara head of the Education fund named
after N. A. Nazarbayev; Aliya businesswoman, head of the "Elitstroi" construction
1.Read the following words after the speaker. Education образование
Honorary почетный
nationwide общенациональная
referendum референдум.
Chairman of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan председатель Ассамблеи
народов Казахстана.
Supreme Commander in Chief of the Military Forces of Kazakhstanверховный
Главнокомандующий Вооруженных Сил Казахстана
Chairman of the World Association of Kazakhs председатель Всемирной
ассоциации казахов.
Spouse супруга
businesswoman деловая женщина
2. Translate into Russian.
1.1969 1973 party, komsomol work in Temirtay, Karaganda region.
2. 1 December 1991 first nationwide elections of the President of the republic took
place, where N. A. Nazarbayev was supported by 98.7% of voters.
3.Academician of the National science academy of Kazakhstan, of the International
engineering academy, Social sciences academy of the Russian Federation.
3. Fill in the blanks using the text
1. 1977 ____________secretary, second secretary of Karaganda regional party
2. 1979 1984 Central Committee of _____________________________of
Kazakhstan secretary.
3. 1984 1989 chairman of Ministers ___________of Kazakhstan.
4. 1989 1991 first secretary of the Central Committee of _____________of
Kazakhstan. At the same time, ____________ till April, 1990 chairman of the High
Council of ____________. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ
4.President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Biography of Kazakhstan's President
:// collegy
. ucoz
. ru /
2. http
:// www
. native
. ru /
3. English 10 кл.авт.ТанатАяпова
4. http://www.kazakhstan.orexca.com/kazakhstan_president.shtml
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Сборник текстов и упражнений
Сборник текстов и упражнений
Сборник текстов и упражнений
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Сборник текстов и упражнений
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