Short term plan. The theme of the lesson: "Classroom objects" Unit: "Our class". Grade 6. Activities: "5 W questions", "Wonder Wall","What's in the bag?". Assessment criteria of the lesson: express personal feelings and opinions in written form with some support. Identify particular facts and part in reading passage.
Алдасугирова В.Д..docx
Short term plan
Lesson plan
Unit of a long term plan:
Our class
Teacher name: Aldassugirova V.D.
CLASS: 6 grade
Number present:
Lesson title
Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is
contributing to (link to
the Subject
Classroom objects
R. independently specific information and
detail in short simple texts on a limited range of general curricular
W. Write with some support about personal feelings and
opinions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular
Level of thinking skills
Knowledge and comprehension
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to :
Identify specific information and detail of the text with
Write a short text with simple vocabulary
Most learners will be able to :
Identify specific information and detail without support
Write a short text using more complex sentences
Some learners will be able to :
without any mistakes
Identify specific information and detail without support
Assessment criteria
Values links
Crosscurricular links
Previous learning
Write and help who need any help
Identify particular facts and part in reading passage
Express personal feelings and opinions in written form with some
School is a place that provides education and education is the key
to life.
Social studies – rules, sport , subjects
Students know some words on school lifePlan
3 min
Classroom objects
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your
planned activities)
Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you. I hope you
are fine.
“What’s in the bag” Activity .Teacher shows to the
students a bag, full of the objects inside. Sts takes the
object and name it. Teacher asks some questions.
What is it?
What do you do with it?
What do we use it for ?
Differentiation by learning style: for kinesthetic learners
How do you think, what is the theme of our lesson today?
Teacher presents the lesson objectives, explains students
what students would be able to do by the end of this lesson.
3 min
Wc. Pre reading
Look at the picture at p10 ex 1 and answer the questions.
1. Which of these objects are there in your classroom?
2.What do we use them for?
Excel St.
book,Grade 6
10 min
I.Task 1. Read the text in ex 2 p 10 and do the task
bellow. Mark sentences True or False
1. There are 30 boat schools in Chalan Beel.
2. Each student in the boat schools has got a computer
on their desk.
3. The boat schools have got libraries.
4. In the Vittra Telefonplan School there are areas for
experiments and relaxation.
St. book ex 2 p 105. When students work by themselves at the Vittra
Telefonplan School they sit around a large table.
Descriptor: A learner
reads the text carefully;
marks the sentences True or False correctly ;
FAT. True or False cards (if the answer is correct sts will
raise green card if it’s wrong red card)
Differentiation by support: Less able students are provided
with worksheets with underlined signal words in the text.
True or False card
Wc. Postreading. “Who owns” activity. Look at the
picture and find out which school described in these
The Boat Schools of Bangladesh The Vittra Telefonplan School
2 min
Worksheet 5W
5 min
1. A school without classroom.
2. There is even a blackboard and a computer with
3. The school is very simple and important.
4. The school is with a big space full of bright colours.
5. There are desks and chairs for 30 children inside.
FAT –“Listen and do” if the answer is “The Boat School
of Bangladesh” raise your left hand, if the answer is “The
Vittra Telefonplan School” raise your right hand.
Feedback orally
Wc. Prewriting “5W questions” activity. Answer the
1.When do your lessons start?12 min
4 min
2.Why do you like or don't like your classroom?
3.Where will your dream school be?
4.Who is your best friend in your classroom?
5.What’s your favourite subject ? Why?
I.Task 2
Write a short text about your Dream classroom using
the helpful words below/ using the information from the
text ex2 p10.
I think…,items in the classroom; location of classroom, I
like it, because; in my opinion; I want to study there,
because; my school’s design is; my favourite subject is;
Descriptor: A learner
writes about his\her dream classroom
uses the given helpful words
FAT “Gallery” teacher checks the task by collecting copy
books and gives written feedback.
Differentiation by ability: More able students: write the
text those who finish their writing, can be teacher’s helper
and help those who need any help
Feedback orally
At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning:
Feedback “321”activity.You should write your opinions
in this stickers.
1.3 important information what I have got today are……
2.2 things that have been difficult for me are………..
3.What I like most is… ,because….
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you
plan to give more support? How
do you plan to challenge the
more able learners?
Differentiation: Less able
students are provided with
worksheets with underlined signal
words in the text.
Differentiation by ability:
Assessment – how are you
planning to check
learners’ learning?
“True or False” card
“5 W” questions
Monitoring learners’
activities individual work
Teacher should remind
some rules in the
Be responsible for your
own actions and words.More able students: write the text
those who finish their writing,
can be teacher’s helper and help
those who need any help
“Who owns” activity
“Listen and do” activity
Be respectful to teachers
and other students.
Listen to instructions
Know emergency
Tell an adult if you feel
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
ng objectives
Did all the
learners achieve
the lesson
objectives? If
not, why?
Did my planned
work well?
Did I stick to
What changes
did I make from
my plan and
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next
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