The title of my project is «Stereotype about Russia».
As you know, Russia is a big and strong country. Abroad, there are many stereotypes about our country. Stereotypes are both pleasant and not very good. And not all of them are true. My aim is check some stereotypes about Russia and agree or disagree with them. My tasks you can see in my work or in presentation.
Выполнила: Аристова Арина,
ученица 8 а класса
Научный руководитель:
Скворцова С.Ю.,
учитель английского языка
Нижний Новгород ,
Russia is a big and strong country. Abroad,
there are many stereotypes about our country.
Many stereotypes are invented by people, who
don't visit our country. Stereotypes are both
pleasant and not very good. But not all of them
are true.
We must check some stereotypes
about our country and agree or dispell
• check some stereotypes
• agree or disagree with stereotypes
• prove them
• make a conclusion
What is a stereotype??
What is a stereotype
A stereotype is a formed and strong opinion of people, countries, events
and etc.
Stereotypes are a sign of a silly, poorly educated person. Dispelling
stereotypes is the task of every intelligent person.
Russians are very sad
Russians are very sad
and serious
and serious
Russians create the impression of inhospitable and sad people. It is not true.
For example, during the Olympics in Sochi, Russian volunteers always helped
foreigners, talk with them and took photos together.
It’s always cold in
It’s always cold in
Russia is one of the coldest countries in the world, really. Also this
march is rather cold. Foreigners are afraid of our winters. They prefer
wearing ushanka, calfskins or fur coats, ugg boots. They put off fashion
Russian women are very
Russian women are very
Russian girls are known for their soft face, radiant and smooth skin, nice
eyes and blush on cheeks. Also foreigners talk about our character. They
consider us to be kind, sociable, wise, sensitive and strong.
Bear and balalaika
Bear and balalaika
Many foreigners think that bears walk in our streets and that Russian
people like to play balalaika. They imagine Russia like it. Learning the
information from the Internet, I found out that nowadays many foreigners
don’t think that bears go around the Red Square. Bears and balalaika are a
typical symbol of the country.
Alcohol and smoking
Alcohol and smoking
Russians are considered to be the most drinking and smoking people. But
according to the World Health Organization, Russia takes the 6th and 5th
The most drinking country
Russia is a country of
Russia is a country of
hackers and thieves
hackers and thieves
This stereotype came from the Internet: there are a lot of pirated content
on Russian language. Foreigners are advised to keep their luggage with
them and leave things only secure safes in hotels that are under careful
observation. But foreigners, who visited our country, say that they felt
Only 2 stereotypes were true from the 6 stereotypes, which I choose.
The great Russian poet Tyutchev wrote, " you can’t understand Russia
with your mind". It's right. We shouldn’t draw conclusions about the
country after hearing stereotypes. And don’t think stereotypically.
Nowadays people have very different behavior, opinions and outlooks on
Thank you for your
Thank you for your