Страноведение - викторина (по странам изучаемого языка)
Оценка 4.6
Занимательные материалы
английский язык
8 кл
Предлагается викторина - презентация по странам изучаемого языка.Данное мероприятие уместно проводить во время Недели иностранных языков или на внеклассных мероприятиях. Материал включает вопросы и ответы " Multiple choice" по странам изучаемого языка. Учащиеся с огромным удовольствием отвечают на вопросы и дают ответы.Презентация на страноведческую тематику по странам изучаемого языка
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Страноведение - викторина (по странам изучаемого языка)
Cultural awareness
1.What is the most ancient sight in
Great Britain?
a)the Tower of London b) Stonehenge c) Hadrian’s Wall
d) Warwick Castle
2. What is the name of London underground?
a) the Metrob) the Tubec) the Subway
d) the Underground
3. Where is the official residence of the Queen?
a) Regent Palaceb) Westminster Palace
c) Hampton Court d) Buckingham Palace
4. What is the emblem of Wales?
a) leek b) thistlec) shamrock d) rose
Страноведение - викторина (по странам изучаемого языка)
5. What is the British Royal Family’s surname?
a) Lancasterb) Yorkc) Windsor d)Hanover
6. The Prime Minister of Great Britain is… .
a) the candidate who obtains the most votes
b) the leader of the party which receives the most votes
c) the leader of the party which wins the most seats in
a general election
d) the person who presides over the House of Commons
7.Which is the oldest part of London ?
a) the City b) the West End c) Westminster d) the East End
8. What was the name of the ship that first brought Europeans to North America?
a) Pilgrims b) Mayflowerc) Concordd) Thanksgiving
Страноведение - викторина (по странам изучаемого языка)
9. Which city do Cockneys come from?
a) New Yorkb) Los Angelesc) Glasgowd) London
10. Which day is not observed in Britain?
a) St. Valentine’s Dayb) Thanksgiving Day
c) Mother’s Day d) Guy Fawkes’ Night
11. When do Scottish people celebrate «Hogmanay»?
a) 31st Decemberb) 1st Mayc) 1st Januaryd) 4th July
12.Which of the following expressions means the same as
“I’m over the moon”?
a) I’m on top of the worldb) I’m down and out
c) I’m dead beat d) I’m a bit on edge
Страноведение - викторина (по странам изучаемого языка)
13. What does the “Old lady” stand for?
a) the name of a popular pub in Soho
c) the name of the street in the City of London
14. The Great Fire broke out in London in … .
b) the Bank of England
d) the statue to Queen Victoria
a) 1555b) 1588c)1665d)1666
15. New England is … .
a) a separate countryb) part of Great Britainc) an island
d) part of the USA
16. The Cabinet meets in … .
a) No. 10 Downing Streetb) the White Housec) the Houses of Parliament d) the Capitol
Страноведение - викторина (по странам изучаемого языка)
17. Poet’s Corner is in … .
a) the Tower of Londonb) Westminster Abbeyc) St Paul’s Cathedrald) Buckingham Palace
18. “ To brush up” means… .
a) to clean your coat b) to do your teeth
c) to do up the room d) to improve
19. The official language of the Netherlands is … .
a) Danishb) Swiss c) Englishd) Dutch
20. What do you mean if you say “Keep your hair on”?
a) Keep silent!b) Keep calm!c) Mind the steps!d)Don’t turn round!
Страноведение - викторина (по странам изучаемого языка)
21. Choose the item to which “Help yourself” may serve as a
a) Can I have some more meat?
b) I’ve eaten too much . I feel ill.
c) Sorry, I can’t help you.
d) Can I come to lunch?
22. How many children has Elizabeth II got?
a) one b) twoc) threed) four
23. What is a national emblem of England?
a) daffodilb) shamrockc) thistled) rose
24. What is the oldest university in Great Britain?
a) Cambridgeb) Oxfordc) Aberdeend) London University
Страноведение - викторина (по странам изучаемого языка)
25. What London street is famous for shops?
a) Fleet Streetb) Oxford Streetc) Whitehall
d) Strand
26. Which days official public holidays in Britain?
a) 24th, 25th and 26th December
b) 24th and 25th December
c) 25th and 26th December
d) 25th, 26th and 27th December
27.What is a “carol”?
a) a nursery rhymeb) a religious Christmas song
d) a type of decoration
28. Who is a Beefeater?
a) a Queen’s guardb) the Tower of London’s Yeoman Warder
c) one who is not a vegetarian
d) the oldest raven in the Tower of London
c) a Christmas party with dancing
Страноведение - викторина (по странам изучаемого языка)
29. Which of the phrases below is the continuation of the
proverb “ If you want a thing done properly,…”?
a) try, try, try againb) do as the Romans do
c) do it yourselfd) there’s a way
30. Which of the following English proverbs corresponds to
“Своя рубаха ближе к телу”?
a) Every cloud has its silver lining.
b) Clothes make the man .
c) Every bird likes its own nest.
d) Charity begins at home.
31. What does the phrase “I’m broke” mean?
a) I’m physically unwell.
d) I haven’t got any money.
32. What is “Irish coffee”?
a) coffee with cream and whiskey added
c) coffee with milk d) decaffeinated coffee
b) I have just broken my leg.
c) I’m in a bad mood.
b) coffee without sugar
Страноведение - викторина (по странам изучаемого языка)
33. What does the idiom “go Dutch” mean?
a) to leave without saying goodbye
b) to go out for a meal
c) to share the cost of a meal with someone
d) to leave a restaurant without paying for your meal
34. What is the name of the British flag?
a) State Standardb) Stripes and Starsc) Union Jack
d) John Bull
35. Who is the head of Great Britain?
a) the Queen b) the Prime Ministerc) the Mayor d) the Lord Chancellor
36. Where is Cardiff situated?
a) in England b) in Scotlandc) in Irelandd) in Wales
Страноведение - викторина (по странам изучаемого языка)
37. What is Humpty Dumpty?
a) a toyb) an eggc) an animald) a monster
38. Where does Elizabeth II live?
a) in the Tower of London
b) in Westminster Palace
c) in Buckingham Palace
d) in No. 10 Downing Street
39. Who wrote “Winnie-the-Pooh”?
a) A. Milneb) L. Carrollc) O. Wilde d) J.R. Tolkien
40. What is a “public school” in England?
a) a state-financed schoolb) a private schoolc) a comprehensive school
d) a religious school
Страноведение - викторина (по странам изучаемого языка)
41. What is a limerick?
a) a joke b) a rhymec) a song d) a play on words
42. Which is the right Russian equivalent to the
English proverb “Birds of feather flock together”?
a) Рука руку моет .
b) Рыбак рыбака видит издалека.
c) Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит.
d) В нужде с кем ни поведешься.
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