1. Some Challenges of Translating Archaic Words. Abdujalilova Shoista Bahadirovna, Inara Magdiyeva Alisherovna……………………………….…….….….3
2. The Role Of Media In Efl Classroom. Kambarova Dildora Ibrohimovna…….….5
3. Directions To Improve The Regulation Of Labor Migration. Abduvaliev Otabek
Komil oglu………………………………………………………………………….……9
4. Improving Monetary Policy Through The Implementation Target Regime. Rakhmatov Izzatilla Hikmatilla oglu………………………………………………..….12
5. Directions To Increase The Competitiveness And Support Of Light Industrial
Enterprises. Shokirov X………………………………………………………………...15
6. The Role Of "Tourist Villages" In The Effective Use Of The Country's Tourism Potential. Mahmudov Muhammadismoil Muxitdinovich…………………………...…18 7. The Theory Of Civil Society: The First Elements And Their Evolution. Masharipov Ikramjon Batirovich………………………………………………...….….21
8. On Some Issues Of The Development Of The Theory Of Civil Society On The
Basis Of The Experience Of Foreign Countries. Masharipov Ikramjon Batirovich…...26
9. Tendencies Of Youth Social Activity Development: Ethical Aspect. Oltmisheva
Nasibahon Gulamjanovna………………………………………………………………32
10. Physics And Life. Tukhtaev Gaybulla Manglievich………………………...…35
Oltmisheva Nasibahon Gulamjanovna
Fergana Polytechnic Institute.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Uzbek History and Social Sciences
Annotation: This article provides information on the role of national and spiritual values in the formation of social activity of young people in our country, the formation of their moral culture, moral consciousness and psyche.
Keywords: Youth, moral culture, moral consciousness, social activism, national and universal values, “mass culture”.
The future of Uzbekistan depends on the upbringing of a harmoniously developed and talented generation. In carrying out such an urgent task, it is important to study our values and develop the moral culture and moral behavior of young people. The political, economic and spiritual changes taking place in our country today are historical events in terms of their scale and significance. In these processes, the social activity of young people, the moral consciousness and behavior begin a radical turn in the social life of our society. Today, regardless of any field, social activism among young people is reflected in the formation of their moral culture.
It is known that the future of any society is the youth. Therefore, the development of their moral consciousness depends on how they are educated and how they develop their moral culture. In the implementation of social and economic reforms, it is necessary to deeply feel the past and make full use of the spirit of our people, its historical and national features, traditions and customs, the human qualities accumulated during the rich historical period. It is necessary to make effective use of the best practices accumulated by world thinking and practice. It is natural that these principles serve as the spiritual foundation of our society.
The use of national and universal values in the educational process, the development of moral consciousness and behavior, the most important requirement today is to make significant changes in the worldview of young people, in their daily activities in the way of thinking. In this regard, I think it is very important to show the role of moral education in the family, in which the national-theoretical analysis of the importance of acquiring the moral qualities inherited from our ancestors.
These include the national and spiritual riches created, enriched, preserved by the Uzbek people, passed down from generation to generation and enriched, the moral traditions, ceremonies, moral teachings and others inherited from the ancestors. In this sense, the great thinker Zakhriddin Muhammad Babur in his work "Boburnoma"
describes many spiritual and moral qualities of the Uzbeks. These are faith, devotion, love of family, childhood, honesty, non-betrayal of one's rights, kindness of children to their parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, observance of religious values, literacy, generosity, kindness, sweetness. , justice, imaginativeness, generosity, hard work, and so on. German Vamberi's History of Bukhara or Mavorounnahr emphasizes the Muslim upbringing of the Uzbeks in the Golden Horde, their seriousness in trade, their goodwill and sincerity, their purity, and their strong respect and faith in their parents. he showed that he did not speak, that he did not know deceit. The concept of educating a perfect man is formed in the educational and moral views of the scientific heritage of our encyclopedic scholars Al-Khwarizmi, Abu Nasr Farobi, Abu Rayhan Beruni, Abu Ali Ibn Sino and other thinkers. Also, each person has a different purpose in life. It can change and improve depending on space and time. Most importantly, the level of life purpose is also reflected in a person’s moral consciousness and moral behavior. The combination of internal and external factors forms a positive civic and personal motivation, cultivates and develops the moral consciousness of young people.
Today, it is necessary for our youth to observe and actively participate in sociopolitical processes, to know and obey the rule of law, which is the basis of society, to understand the activities of public organizations in the region and to participate in voluntary associations. It is necessary for young people to be in harmony with the world community, to have an active civil position, to use the available opportunities and conditions fully, correctly and in a timely manner, to develop honest work, entrepreneurial skills and the interests of the majority.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said, "We will bring up young people as independent and logical thinkers on the basis of modern knowledge and experience, national and universal values, as well as possessing virtues." his remarks are a testament to the high level of confidence in our youth. While the creativity of our great ancestors is focused on the interests of the individual, at the same time all the changes and innovations taking place in our independent state are intended primarily to serve the future of mankind. It means the need to rely on the spiritual and enlightenment foundations of the national heritage in the modern educational process. The purpose of the creative work carried out in Uzbekistan is aimed at the well-being of our people. In doing so, of course, we rely on the strength of our youth.
It is necessary to widely promote national and spiritual values in our country, to popularize the best customs and traditions of our people, to carry out active propaganda and advocacy work on the ideas of good neighborliness. At the same time, it is advisable to take the following measures to educate young people in the community who have strong beliefs and attitudes and are able to withstand spiritual threats:
- Independent thinking, the formation of a sense of belonging to the events, raising the moral culture of young people, combating the infiltration of low-level "popular culture";
- Assimilation of historical values, creative heritage of our generations by young people;
- It is necessary to increase the requirements for the activities of Internet clubs in order to protect young people from materials that are harmful and alien to our culture, traditions and worldview, coming through Internet channels.
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