Теоретический материал и упражнения по теме To be going to
Оценка 4.9

Теоретический материал и упражнения по теме To be going to

Оценка 4.9
Работа в классе
английский язык
5 кл—7 кл
Теоретический материал и упражнения по теме To be going to
Предлагаемый материал представляет собой комплекс упражнений по грамматике английского языка по теме "Конструкция To be going to". Задания подходят для отработки конструкции с учащимися 5-7 классов общеобразовательных и специальных школ. Цель упражнений - введение и первичное закрепление конструкции To be going to. Здесь вы найдёте теоретическую часть и ответы к упражнениям.
be going to.doc



Утверждения строятся с помощью глагола to be (am, is, are), going to и корневой (основной) формы глагола. Например: Не is going to eat out tonight.

В вопросах глагол to be в нужной форме ставится перед личным местоимением в именительном падеже (или существительным). Например: Is he going to eat out tonight?

Отрицания строятся с помощью not после глагола to be. Например: Не is not / isn't going to eat out tonight

Be going to употребляется для:

- выражения заранее принятых планов и намерений на (близкое) будущее (plans / intentions). Например: I am going to play football this afternoon. He is going to buy a bike this summer.

- предсказаний, когда уже есть доказательства того, что они сбудутся в близком будущем (evidence). Например: It is going to rain. (На небе тучи.)

В кратких ответах с be going to мы употребляем только Yes или No, личное местоимение в именительном падеже и глагол to be. Содержание вопроса не повторяется. Например: Are you going to wash the car? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

Are you ...?      Yes, I am / we are.   No, I'm not / we aren't.

Is he she it...? Yes, he / she / it is.   No, he / she / it isn't. Are they ...?      Yes, they are.       No, they aren't.



1. Underline the correct option.


1.   I’m / I going to study English.

2.   The film is / are going to start at nine o’ clock.

3.   We’re go / going to play basketball in the school team.

4.   My father is going to buy / buying a new car.

5.   Are you / he going to buy a dog?

6.   I’m not / aren’t going to play tennis tomorrow.


2. Put in the verbs in the brackets and form positive sentences. Use to be going to.


1.   He … is going to call his friend (to call).

2.   We …a new computer game (to play)

3.   You …a picnic next week. (to have).

4.   Mike…to the office (to go).

5.   His brother…a letter to his aunt (to write).

6.   She …her aunt (to visit).

7.   I…my homework after school (to do).



3. Complete each sentence. Use to be going to and the verb in brackets.


1.   We … are going to play tennis on Saturday. (play)

2.   Helen …the phone. (not answer)

3.   … you … a new bike? (buy)

4.   The tree …(fall)

5.   Pat … her homework. (do)

6.   …he …tomorrow? (work)


4. Write questions and short answers using to be going to and the verb in brackets.


1.   Is she going to stay… (she/stay) at an expensive hotel?

No, she isn’t.

2.   … (they/ see) the Statue of Liberty?

Yes, …

3.   …(he/eat) the local food?

Yes, …

4.   … (we/go) camping?

No, …

5.   ….(It/rain) tomorrow?

Yes, …


5.Match the two columns using to be going to


Jack is afraid of flying. That’s why he is going to drive all the way to Bulgaria.


1. Jim  loves Jane very much. He ….                    a….make an apple pie this evening.

2. Her dog died last month but we…                     b …buy his new CD.

3. I am really depressed today. I ….                      c …learn some Spanish.

4. Peter’s  bought me The Da Vinci Code. I …                d ... ask her to marry him  this weekend.

5. There is James Bond on TV tonight. We..          e….drive all the way to Bulgaria.

6. It’s Linda’s birthday on Saturday. We …           f … give her a new one.

7. Diane adores Justin Timberlake. She …            g …have a hot bath and eat chocolate.

8. I have all the ingredients I need so I …              h …read it as soon as I have more time.

9. Jack is afraid of flying. That’s why he ...           i … throw a surprise party for her.

10. Susan wants to go to Spain this holiday so she..        j ...  watch it.   


6.     Complete the sentences. Use to be going to and the verbs below.


Listen        not go          play          make        get up            not do


1.   My mother is going to make …. a cake for my birthday.

2.   Mark … to the disco after the concert.

3.   Tom and Ann … tennis next weekend.

4.   Mary … to the new CDs.

5.   Sophie and I … our homework after school.

6.   I … at eight o’ clock.


7.     Make true sentences


(watch TV this evening)… I am not going to watch TV this evening.


1. ( go to the seaside this summer)…

2. ( have a party this weekend)…

3. ( do some sports this afternoon)…

4. ( go to the cinema this week)…

5. ( wash your hair tomorrow)…


8.     Use the prompts to write sentences with going to. Use short forms where possible.


1.   It's 08.30. Claire is still in bed. (miss / bus)… She is going to miss the bus.

2.    John has the ball. There are no defenders near. The goalkeeper is in a bad position, …(score / goal)

3.    Dave is exhausted. There are still 10 km to run….(not / finish / race)

4.    We are the home team. The score is 3-0. There are three minutes left,… (win / match)

5.    They haven't studied. They're bad at maths. The exam is tomorrow,… (not / pass)

6.    It's 10.00. The train leaves at 10.03. I'm 5 km from the station,… (not / catch)

7.    There's a bright blue sky with no clouds,… (be / nice day)

8.    It's very hot and humid. You can see big black clouds and lightning, ….(there / be / thunderstorm)


9.   Use the prompts to write questions with going to. Then write a short answer.


1.     it / rain No, …Is it going to rain ?No, it isn’t.

2.     the bus / arrive on time    Yes,  

3.     there / be / enough time  No, ....

4.     they / have / a good time Yes, 

5.      his plan / work   Yes,    

6.     Sue / pass / exam No,    

7.     Kevin / earn / a lot of money   No,    

8.      the students / learn / English Yes,     

10. Use to be going to and the verb in brackets.

1.     I ...am going to buy... (buy) a new car next month.

2.     When…(you/tidy) your bedroom? It's very messy!

3.     Bob …(play) football on Saturday because he has hurt his leg.

4.     … Barry and Jason …(visit) their grandparents on Sunday.

5.     …. (Denise/appear) in the new TV series?

6.     … Monica …(sing) in the concert. She has got a sore throat.

7.     …. I   (walk) to school today. I'll take the bus.

8.     (you/help) me wash the dishes after lunch?

9.     Helen…(cook) dinner for some friends tomorrow.

10. Ruth …(come) with us. She's too busy at work.



11. Write a short paragraph about what are you going to do next summer.








2.   is going to start

3.   We’re going to play

4.   My father is going to buy a new car.

5.   Are you going to buy

6.   I’m not going to play.




2.   are going to  play

3.   are going to have

4.   is going.

5.   is going to write

6.   is going to visit

7.   am going to do





2.   is not going to  answer

3.   are you going to buy

4.   is going to fall

5.   is going to do

6.   is he going to work




2.   Are they going to see

Yes, they are

3.   is he going to eat

Yes, he is

4.   Are we going

No, we are not

5.   Is it going to rain

Yes, it is




Jack is afraid of flying. That’s why he is going to drive all the way to Bulgaria.


1. d  Jim  loves Jane very much. He is going to      ask her to marry him  this weekend

2. f Her dog died last month but we are going to give her a new one.                    

3. g I am really depressed today. I am going to      have a hot bath and eat chocolate.     

4.  h Peter’s  bought me The Da Vinci Code. I am going to read it as soon as I have more time.

5. j There is James Bond on TV tonight. We are going to          watch it.     

6.  i  It’s Linda’s birthday on Saturday. We are going to throw a surprise party for her.

 7. b Diane adores Justin Timberlake. She is going to buy his new CD.                

 8.  a I have all the ingredients I need so I am going to make an apple pie this evening.            

9. e  Jack is afraid of flying. That’s why he is going to  drive all the way to Bulgaria.

10. c Susan wants to go to Spain this holiday so she is going to learn some Spanish.





2.   is not going

3.   are  going to play

4.   are going to listen

5.   are not going to do

6.   am going to get up



2. I am going to the seaside this summer

3. I am not going to have a party this weekend

4. I am going to do some sports this afternoon

5. I am not going to the cinema this week

6. I am going wash your hair tomorrow



1. John is going to score the goal

2. He isn’t going to finish the race

3. We are going to win the match

4. They are going not pass the exam

5.  We are not going to catch the train

6. It is going to be a good day

7. There is going to be  a thunderstorm



2. Is the bus going to arrive on time? Yes, it is

3. Is there enough time ?  No, there isn’t.

4. Are they going to have a good time? Yes, they are.

5. Is his plan going to work. Yes, it is

6. Is Sue going to pass the exam? No, she isn’t.

7. Is Kevin going to earn a lot of money? No, he isn’t.

8. Are students going to learn English? Yes, they are.



1.     Are you going to tidy

2.     Is going to play

3.     are going to visit

4.     is going to appear

5.     is going to sing

6.     am going to walk

7.     are you going help

8.     is going to cook

9.     is going come




TO BE GOING TO Утверждения строятся с помощью глагола to be ( am , is , are ), going to и корневой (основной) формы глагола

TO BE GOING TO Утверждения строятся с помощью глагола to be ( am , is , are ), going to и корневой (основной) формы глагола

Complete each sentence. Use to be going to and the verb in brackets

Complete each sentence. Use to be going to and the verb in brackets

Complete the sentences. Use to be going to and the verbs below

Complete the sentences. Use to be going to and the verbs below

Yes, 2. Sue / pass / exam

Yes, 2. Sue / pass / exam

Are they going to see Yes, they are 3

Are they going to see Yes, they are 3

I am going to the seaside this summer 3

I am going to the seaside this summer 3
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