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test of reading .docx
Test of reading
Many tourists have dreamed of owning a small house in a foreign country, perhaps on a stretch
of a lonely coast to which they could return year after year to enjoy the sun and the sea. It is
absolutely essential to know a great deal about the value of property, otherwise the buyer may be
in the power of dishonest agents.
Some tourists however are so selfish that they really deserve to be cheated by agents. We
would consider a person mad and if he walked into a museum and asked to buy a great work of
art. Though no one has told us we all know that certain things can never be sold, no matter how
much money is offered. Yet every year since 1944 a buyer has been found for the Colloseum in
Rome. The first one was a soldier who parted with his money for what was described as “a rather
broken down and heavily damaged building in a good position”.
The people of Rome eagerly look forward to each year`s “sale”. They were amused to learn that,
as usual, a tourist recently expressed the desire to buy the historic building. Two agents took him
to the Colloseum itself and pointed out that it would make a wonderful international restaurant.
They asked the buyer for a mere 200.000 lire as a deposit. The tourist was sure that he had
bought a bargain. The second meeting never took place as the agents didn`t appear.
1. Why do many tourists dream of buying a small house in a foreign country?
to live there all the year round
to spend summer holidays there
to rent it to local people
2. Why should they know much about the value of the property they want to buy?
a) not to be cheated by agents
b) not to cheat agents
to fool local people
3. A person who wants to buy a great work of art in a museum is considered to be
a) crazy
4. Why is it impossible to walk into a museum and buy a work of art there?
a) There are things you can never buy.
b) Nobody can afford such a great work of art.
c) One can never find a real work of art in a museum.
5. The first person who wanted to buy the Colloseum was
a) a native tourist
b) a wealthy Italian
c) a dishonest agent
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