The t shirts
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The t shirts

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The t shirts
The t shirts began as undergarments in the 1800s and were commonly distributed among navy servicemen in the early 1900s. By the 1920s the t shirts had become an official tern in the American English Dictionary. And evolved into acceptable outer garments and have displayed printed material as early as the 1950s. Later, in the 1960s, tie-dye shirts made their entrance onto the fashion scene just as screen printing became popular, which custom t shirts began. In the 1970s, the t shirts gained further glory by adopting the logos and names of the popular bands of the day.
The t shirts.docx
The t shirts began as undergarments in the 1800s and were commonly distributed among navy servicemen in the early 1900s. By the 1920s the t shirts had become an official tern in the American English Dictionary. And evolved into acceptable outer garments and have displayed printed material as early as the 1950s. Later, in the 1960s, tie-dye shirts made their entrance onto the fashion scene just as screen printing became popular, which custom t shirts began. In the 1970s, the t shirts gained further glory by adopting the logos and names of the popular bands of the day. Today, these trends continue as roadies and fans everywhere flaunt their musical tastes on their t shirts. In the 1980s, the “statement” t shirts became popular. Into the 2000s, we’ve seen several shirt styles including the geek movement with their subtle and often obscure humor as well as several more statement t shirts. These shirts reference anything from adages and poems to pop-culture and video games. Among the most famous are the shirts emblazoned with the iconic. Today’s custom t shirts continue to evolve with new styles, colors, piques, knits and new synthetic fabrics. They still represent a symbol for the wearer. It’s become an American tradition for people to display their attitudes, feelings, product loyalty and political beliefs. Used by colleges, corporations, retailers, sports teams, civic groups, little leagues, school groups and bands, the custom t shirts is a walking billboard for whatever product is being sold. They can be worn as underwear, pajamas and workout clothing and by everybody. Today the influence of the humble custom t shirts reaches every high street and back alley across the planet. They were always inexpensive, in style, and could make any fashion statement you wanted. The t shirt has certainly stood the test of time and it has a long way to go yet. “Princess, having had sufficient experience with princes, seeks frog.” This humor quote printed on a  white tee with an oil­painted slimy green frog gaping made me think of something. Don’t you all  agree that T­shirts are no longer just an item of clothing? They are like mobile human billboards  turning the street into a modern art gallery. From cute graphic T­shirts to wild and retro ones, from  the ubiquitous "cat T­shirts" to the ones making political statements, a wardrobe without a stack of T­ shirts piled up neatly is hard to imagine. Named after the shape of the garment’s outline, you would  be surprised to know that it was included into the English dictionary only in the 1920s and entered  into mainstream fashion not before 1960s. With the following lines, check out some more interesting  information on the origin and background of T shirts. Interesting Information On The Origin And Background Of T­Shirt  The origin of a T­shirt can be traced back to the industrial revolution in England and the eventual rise of international trade. Although the cotton used for bulk manufacture of T­shirts originally came from  America, the history of T­shirts unfolded itself in Europe. After a relay of several experiments, cotton  turned out to be the ideal material for underwear, and T­shirts were basically worn to prevent the  hard, rough outer clothing from causing irritation to the skin of the wearer. The use of T­shirts gained popularity but strictly remained an undergarment, seen in public only on washing lines.   Soon after, the British Royal Navy wore them under their uniforms during World War I, while the  American troops were still sticking to woolen uniforms even during the hot weather. They noticed  European soldiers wearing lightweight cotton undershirts or rather T­shirts. This cool apparel caught  on fast with the Americans and by World War II, both the American Army and the Navy included T­ shirts in their uniforms. The soldiers battling in the hot tropics wearing only their t­shirts ended up on  the cover of Life magazine and the T­shirt became a symbol, a hero’s icon! Up until the 1950’s, T­shirts were still considered underwear, until John Wayne, Marlon Brando, and  James Dean shocked Americans by wearing their “underwear” on T.V. Hollywood inevitably had the  biggest impact on the classic tee with such iconic images as Brando's T­shirt in the 1951 'A  Streetcar Named Desire' and James Dean's unforgettable white tee in 'Rebel Without a Cause' in  1955. These incidents made T­shirt wearing both cool and rebellious. This was followed by Elvis  Presley and others, who added to the popularity of the once “underwear”. With time, T­shirt finally  attained the status of fashionable, stand­alone, outer­wear clothing.   Besides, T­shirts were soon used to advertise merchandise, promote peace and protest racism. It  became a universal messenger to display affiliations and attitudes. T­shirts became an  indispensable part of the fashion industry, advertising field, politics, art, and souvenir business. For  those of you wondering as to which was the first advertising campaign that tees promoted, “Wizard  of Oz”, one of the most endured films of the yesteryears is the answer. It was conducted in the US,  when Metro­Goldwyn­Mayer understood the great potential of the T­shirt as an advertising tool.  Strangely, it was not until about twenty years later, that the large companies started using T­shirts as advertising tools. It was not until the middle of the 1960s that companies like Martini, Xerox, Playboy, Marlboro and McDonalds started printing their logos on shirts. Even Pepsi tried to create something  similar to the Coca­Cola “Enjoy” T­shirt.   Be it in election campaigns (1960, Kennedy for President), protests and meetings (I hate apartheid),  strikes, and the promotion of international organizations like Amnesty International, T­shirts ruled the charts. Probably the most famous political figure who has been reproduced on T­shirts is Ernesto  Guevara, better known as Che. In the souvenir industry today, a portrait of Che Guevara recorded in 1960 can be seen on tees all over the world where souvenirs are sold. Today, the influence of this  fun and convenient clothing has reached every high street and back alley across the planet. T­shirt  has certainly stood the test of time and has a long way to go for sure.

The t shirts

The t shirts

The t shirts

The t shirts
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