Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva was born on 8 th October, in 1892 in Moscow. She was a poet and a translator.
Her dad Ivan Tsvetaev was an art
historian, an honorary person of many universities, director of Rumyantsev
Museum and founder of the Museum of Fine Arts.
Her mom Maria Main was a talented pianist, she taught Marina to play the piano and wanted her to become a musician and her sister Anastasia too.
After death of her mother Marina Tsvetaeva was 14 years old at that time she didn't want to make muisic anymore.
In 1910, poetess created her first poetry collection, "The Evening Album".
Maximilian Voloshin and Nikolai Gumilev found out about the "Evening Album" in print. In visiting Voloshin, Marina met Sergei Efron and in January 1912 they got married.
In 1922-1923, Marina Tsvetaeva wrote 5 books in Germany.
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