Учебный материал к тексту «Beowulf» (из книги для чтения Ю.Б. Голицынского)
1. Tell your group-mates all you know about the bards.
2. Find in the text antonyms to the words.
ugly alive slowly
kind weak poor
disappear cry to begin
3. Translate these words into English. Find them in the text and read aloud the sentences with them. Learn the words.
смелый справедливый
добрый воин
одинокий кровь
ужасный среди
плыть покидать
оставаться потолок
беда, проблема безобразный
ведьма появляться
дно пещера
4. Match the words and their definitions
lonely The red fluid that flows through the body, bringing food and oxygen to all parts of the body
blood A fighting man
appear Alone and unhappy, wanting companionship
witch A women who practices witchcraft
warrior To show up so as to be seen
5. Agree or disagree.
1. A long time ago the king of England was Hrothgar.
2. Not far from the palace there was a long river.
3. Grendel killed men and drank their blood.
4. Beowulf helped Grendel.
5. On the other side of the sea was the country of the Geats.
6. Grendel appeared early in the morning.
7. An ugly witch came out of the lake and ran to the palace.
8. There was no water in the cave.
9. The witch was Grendel's aunt.
6. Ask general questions. Begin with "did", "was", "were". Let your group-mates answer them.
7. Guess the riddles.
He was brave, just and kind and his people loved him. He built a large and beautiful palace for himself and his warriors.
He lived in a large lake near the palace. He was lonely in his lake, he always was very angry.
He lived in the country of the Geats. He was very brave and strong. He was the strongest man in the whole country. He was stronger than thirty men.
8. Make up the plan of the text and retell the text.
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