Данный материал использовался на первом курсе колледжа при повторении темы "Омонимы". В данной работе предложены ссылки на интерактивные упражнения, которые студенты всегда выполняют с большим удовольствием! Надеюсь, что данная работа будет полезна не только студентам, но школьникам и всем кто изучает английский язык!Данный материал использовался на первом курсе колледжа при повторении темы "Омонимы".
Homophones are easy to remember if you think of your Greek roots.
Homo means “same.” Phone means “sound.” So homophones are literally two words whose
names have the same sound. One example of this are the words hare and hair. If you hear them
out loud without seeing them written down, you don’t know if you are talking about a hare
(rabbit), or a hair (growing on your head). Context helps you know which one is meant, as well.
№1. Choose the correct homophone to complete each sentence.
1. Our whole family packed our beach clothes and took a trip to the ____________(see/sea).
2. Jimmy’s mom let him ____________________(great/grate) the cheese for the pizza.
3. I often wished for a ________________________(maid/made) to clean my house for me.
4. Melissa has been a _____________________(dear/deer) friend of mine for many years.
5. The _______________(sent/cent/scent) of pancakes filled the air as we made breakfast.
6. Grandma put some _____________(flower/flour) into the bowl to make some dough.
7. Many of the children were wearing _______________(knew/new) shoes for school.
8. After many hours on the computer, I had to take a ___________________(break/brake).
9. The princess and the ______________________(prints/prince) are children of the king.
10. They had to stay in bed for two days when they got the ________________(flu/flew).
11. When the janitor mops the floor, he uses a _______________(pail/pale) to rinse the mop.
12. It’s difficult to row the boat without an __________________(oar/or/ore).
13. The butcher chopped up the _________________________(meet/meat) for his client.
14. Sylvia _____________________(ate/eight) the last of the cereal for breakfast.
15. If you are going to the mall, I would like to go, __________________(to/too/two).
16. ______________________(Their/They’re/There) planning to go to a movie later today.
17. The tiny ________________(cell/sell) looked much larger under the microscope.
18. The cat screeched loudly when her _____________(tale/tail) got caught in the door.
19. Our school ___________________(principle/principal) is taking us on a field trip.
20. There is no running ______________________(allowed/aloud) in the school hallways.
21. The man and his _______________(son/sun) went to the lake to go fishing.
22. Eric could hardly believe it when he _______________(one/won) the race.Упражнения с аудио
:// learnenglish
. britishcouncil
. org
/ en / homophones
:// www
. esl
. com
/ wp
1. htm
:// www
. esl
. com
/ wp
2. htm
:// www
. esl
. com
/ wp
3. htm
:// www
. usingenglish
. com
/ quizzes
:// www
. tolearnenglish
. com
/ english
_ lessons
/ homophones
:// www
. agendaweb
. org
/ vocabulary
/ homonyms
. html
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