Урок по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных"
Оценка 4.8

Урок по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных"

Оценка 4.8
Работа в классе
английский язык
4 кл—7 кл
Урок по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных"
урок к учебному пособию О.В. Афанасьева И.В. Михеева "Новый курс Английского языка для российских школ"
степни сравнения 7кл.docx

Задачи урока

Ø  формировать грамматические навыки по теме степени сравнения прилагательных

Ø  закрепить использование конструкции as…as

Ø  Формировать лексические  навыки говорения, аудирования, устной и письменной речи по теме «путешествие в Лондон».


Ø  Магнитофон

Ø  Карточки с заданиями

Ø  Грамматическая таблица

Ø  учебник «Новый курс английского  языка  для российских школ»  для 7 класса, О.В.Афанасьева Михеева,  раздаточный материал с текстом для чтения и упражнениями


Тип урока: комбинированный

Ход урока

I Организационный момент.

1. Приветствие

T: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? Nice to see you!  Sit down, please! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

2. Сообщение темы урока

T: Today we are going to talk about London and its sights and learn how to compare two and more objects

2 Фонетическая зарядка, актуализация изученного материала.

T: Look out of the window. What’s the weather like today?

-Is it warm today? - Was it warm yesterday? (lexic)

?(prepared talk about autumn weather in Sukhum mb in London)

T: The weather is not always nice. But we must not be in a bad mood.

Look and read this tongue twister with me.

When the weather is wet,
We must not threat.
When the weather is cold,
We must not scold.
But be joyful together
Whatever the weather!

P: P: P: as fast as possible. (individually)

3. The previous class we travelled about London and learnt some words and word expressions.

T:  (p.52 #3 B in random) Now translate the following word combinations from English into Russian:….

In the center of London, to make a tour of Canada, there are many countries in the world, a monument to the queen, a lot of tourists

P: P: PR-E, E-R


4. активизация лексики

T: Dear friends,

It’s always very interesting to travel to other countries, to different cities. It’s very

important to learn something new about the traditions and the way of life of other

people. It helps us understand them and make friends with them.

We learn English so it’s quite natural that first of all we must know as much as

possible about Great Britain and its people, London and its places of interest.

Now there are some places of interests. Read the names after me. (PPP read after the teacher from the board)

T: Look the picture – What’s the name of the place?


 (Pair work- read the description and decide what it is/? Mb a whole text on every desk.)

Welcome to London!

1. Welcome to London, the capital of Great Britain!

London is one of the biggest cities in the world. It has a long history. The city

stands on the river Thames and is an important port. London is a beautiful city full

of nice parks and squares, palaces and museums, theatres and cinemas.

2. This picture gives you a wonderful panorama of the city.

3. The Tower of London is a museum now, but it has a rich past.

4. The Beefeaters are guards at the Tower of London. They also look after the

ravens living there.

5. Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. Every day at 11.30 a. m.

tourists can see the Changing of the Guard here.

6. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British Parliament. On one side of

the building there is the Clock Tower with the famous Big Ben. It is a symbol of


7. Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of the city. In the middle you can see

the tall Nelson’s Column.

8. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the greatest church in the United Kingdom. It’s famous

for its unusual Whispering Gallery.

9. Westminster Abbey is a historic building. It’s a royal church where you can see

the tombs of many British kings and queens.

10. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting – point of six streets. It’s the centre of nightlife in London. Famous restaurants, theatres and cinemas are here.

11. There are a lot of nice parks in the city, Hyde Park, Regent’s Park, St. James’s

Park. Regent’s Park is the place of London Zoo.

T: Would you like to go to London? Why? (mb example-

P1: I think London is a very beautiful city.

P2: There are so many places of interest in the city.

P3: In my opinion a lot of tourists visit London because many people want to see

the English Queen.

P4: I would like to live in London because I want to practice my English

5. East or west – home is best. I like my home town. And you& Do you like Sukhum? Lets compare it with London.

На прошлом уроке мы с вами научились сравнивать предметы, используя конструкцию AS…AS. (PPP: make up sentences from the board)

-The weather in Sukhum - sunny

The weather in London

-The parks in Sukhum – green

The parks in London

-The museums In Sukhum – interesting

The museums in London

6.  Проверка ДЗ p58 #11 с доски с правилом 

T: There are some other ways to compare objects. But before lets relax

7. Физкультминутка (игра-зарядка для глаз)

 I think your eyes are tired let`s have a rest how:

Look left, look right,

Look up, look down

Look around.

Look at your nose,

Look at that rose,

Close your eyes,

Open, wink and smile.

Thank you, your eyes are happy again  

8. презентация нового материала

T: (дать зрительный образец с реальными примерами на детях или предметах. Можно взять образец со стр60., развивать догадку, хоровое повторение, запись примера на доске)

-Open your books p,60 and study more examples. (сделать обобщение с детьми, опора на таблицу или учебник)№3

T: This time work in pairs and match the pictures with the sentences. P.61#4 (2min, check in a chain)

T: Now try to work individually. (работа в тетрадях стр.62№5, по ходу выполнения поточная работа на доске с объяснением)

T: (на доске пример – The red book is more interesting than the green book. ( Обьяснить разницу или изучить правило на стр.63)

T:Lets try put the words into two columns (письменно или устно- от оставшегося времени)

T: однако есть несколько особенных прилагельных, образующих сравнительную и превосходную степень полным изменением слова –(таблица или правило стр64)

Обьяснение ДЗ-стр64№10,11, оценка за работу, Собрать карточки, оценить можно на след уроке)


1.       вставь артикль  The где необходимо


---Downing street



---National Gallery

---British Museum

2.       вставь пропущенную букву и переведи

b_y,  m_num_nt,  t_urist,  c_ty, m _rket,  c_rch,  w_rld,  p_lace, deb_te

3.       поставь глагол в прошедшее время

can, drive, make, visit, see, buy, have, eat, write, watch, meet, be


Задачи урока Ø формировать грамматические навыки по теме степени сравнения прилагательных Ø закрепить использование конструкции as…as Ø

Задачи урока Ø формировать грамматические навыки по теме степени сравнения прилагательных Ø закрепить использование конструкции as…as Ø

In the center of London, to make a tour of

In the center of London, to make a tour of

The parks in Sukhum – green The parks in

The parks in Sukhum – green The parks in
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