Do You Know American Literature?
1. What major American historical event did Rip van Winkle miss in his sleep?
-The American Revolution
2. Which 19th century American writer is said to be the founder of detective genne?
- Edgar A.Poe
3. What penname did an American writer use to sign the numerous stories which he wrote in prison?
- O. Henry
4. Which famous event happened in California in 1849 that was glorified in films and books?
- The Gold Rush
5. Name the American Science fiction writer born in Russia who wrote “I, Robot”
- Isaac Asimov
6. Volkov’s book “The Wizard of the Emerald Town” is an adaptation of a book written by an American writer. What is the title of the book and who is the American author?
- “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by L.Frank Baum
7. Name the American senator who was the prototype of the main character in Robert Penn Warren’s novel “All the King’s Men”
- Huey Long
8. Which American family compiled the first dictionary of the American variant of the English language?
- Webster
9. Which two movies by Mark Twain are often called “the first modern American movies”?
- (1) Huck Finn, (2)Tom Sawyer
10. Which famous novel of Hermar Melville is concerned with an aquatic mammal?
- Moby Dick
11. During which periods in American history was the novel “Gone with the Wind” set?
-The Civil war and Reconstruction
12. Name the 1954 Nobel Laureate in Literature who wrote “The Sun Also Rises”
- Ernest Hemingway
13. Who was the only American to win the Pulitzer Prize for both fiction and poetry?
-Robert Penn Warren (poetry: “Brother to Dragons (‘53),”Promises (‘57)”, fiction: “ All the king’s Men (‘46)”, PL(‘86))
14. Name the Russian - born poet who was expelled from the USSR, emigrated to the USA, and passed away in New York City
- Joseph Brodsky
15. Which famous poem of Longfellow was translated into Russian by Ivan Bunin?
- “Song of Hiawatha”
16. Which famous Edgar A.Poe’s poem is named for a bird?
- “The Raven”
17. Which American author wrote “The Last of the Mohicans”?
- James Fehimore Cooper
18. Which famous American document begins with the words: “ We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union…”
-The Constitution of the United States
19. Name the largest library in the US
- Library of Congress
20. Name “the Afro - American author of “Song of Solomon”, “the Bluest Eye” and “Beloved “ who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993
-Tom Morrison
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