Bwxrrt opr.•tHa
Ha ypoxe ar-rr'J1¼icxort o 6
RJracce << Crosses and Zeroes
Ypox—azxropzžza — ero 0ÄHa
opražzzaar.zzz yrae6Ho—Z03HaaareÄBR0i aegre,.rrsaocnz
ygauzxcz. Taxoi J.pox zcrronsayercz 0606ueHZR z äHaHZi. B no xe apeMR
waxze ypoxz coaepxazt öJreMeHZ'b1
z zrpoB0i
aegwe,rzsžzocztz, a waxxe Recer apxo asrpaxe1-1Hyn
GMOr.tZOHaJZBHJ.m oxpacxy. Ypox—azxropzžza
aaecs ytzauzecg no,rryrzanw B03MOXHOCZ½
z cažaoygaxežzzg.
azxztopzl-zsr crroc06cTBynrr paaazrrzn
c006paazreJIBHocrz,aaxoa— tZZBOCTZ, ryz6xocrz 2ŒnzneHZR,
•rorzxz.ÄaHHb1ž rzrr azxropzz-zsr
Monzaar.zzn x zayraeazn
rrpeÄMe rra.
ypoxa: yve6Hag—pacztzpežzze
Meaty •
Bcrrymrreaze Beamer'0.• Good morning, boys !
Good morning, girls !
I am glad to see you. I hope, you are fine. Today we will play the game "CROSSES AND ZEROES". Please, devide into 2 groups and choose the captains.
Now, when we have 2 groups, look at the blackboard.
You can see the table for our game. You can open one of the squares of the
table and have the task to do. Both groups do the task and we decide what group
is the best. Then we put the "zero" or the "cross" into the
square. At the end of our lesson we will count the "crosses" and
"zeroes" and will name the winner of our game.
1 . Transla ter.
xoMaHÃe Hecxonsxo Ha pyccxoM
aH11J1¼iCXOM x5b1xe. ÃOJI*HSI npaB¼J1bH0 nepegecmn .
1. 651 xowe,rr aažzgztscz?
2. You have to keep your room tidy!
3. Are you mad
about music? 4 . 5T0 He !
"Zeroes "
can use the room but you must get permission to invite
friends or have parties.
2. Rax or-la asrr',rraazr?
3. Would you like me to wrap it?
4 ,Äepxy napz,eno cxytZH0, xozwa acerwa rzpozrpsraaezzs.
2. R0Hxypc xarzzraH0B.
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1. The little old woman has 12 children. Some short, some long, some hot, some cold. What is it?
2. What has a face, but no head and hands, but no fingers.
What is it?
3. A striped horse?
4 . The smallest part of the UK?
author of the book "Around the Would in 80 Days"
6. The most popular band from England.
3. Rero 6s:crrpee paczzzøpyer cnoao? (SCRAPBLE)
Change the letter order and write the words correctly.
4 . Texcr Ha ayazpoaaHze. ROMaHÄS1
Ä0,rrxHsr rrpocnyztars nexctr z npaBZJZBHoe Haggai-zze zrvps:.
I will describe different sport games, you have to name them.
1. It is game
of two players. Each of them starts with sixteen different playing pieces to
move on a boad. The aim is to move your pieces so that your opponent 's king
will be taken.
2. It is a game between 2 teams of 11 players. Players kick a ball around a field trying to score a goal. The team with the most points wins. This game is a very popular in our country and all over the world.
5. Questions. aaaaewcg Borzpoc. RTO
6s:crpee aaew
orgew, T0MY aacqwrsrgaercg 6asmrr. B xol-zr.xe
enorvo xoaxypca asrzrpsrgaer na ROMaHÄa, xoropaa aaew 60,rrszze
Every group has to give the correct answer as fast as possible.
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2. What kind of a letter begins every sentence?
3. The plural
of "house" is spelled How do you spell the plural
of "mouse" ?
4 . Lemons and bananas are
both fruits. What else they have in ?
5. Spell the wold that begins with "1" and means the opposite of "dark".
6. Which comes from a plant? Cotton or wool?
7. How many hours in a half a day?
8. What is the word for more that on tooth?
9. Which 2 letters are not pronounced in the word spelled cas tae?
10. Is a picnic usually held indoors or outdoors?
participants, our competition is over. I hope you 've liked our game. Your
knowledge is excellent. It is interesting to know who is the winner today. Now
we '11 count your crosses and zeroes. Let 's clap our hands ! The group
"Zeroes" has won the prize !
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