Вариант 3.
Задание 1
Прочитайте текст о значении воды для жизни на земле. Установите
соответствие между заголовками AF и пронумерованными абзацами текста
15. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один
раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. Time to understand the problem
B. Making laws for factories
C. Hope for the future
D. Saving water at home
E. Water shortages in the world
F. Using water every day
1. Imagine a world with no drinking water, and no water to wash or cook with. It’s
hard to imagine this, because we use water every day without even thinking
about it. Yet there are terrible water shortages all over the world. In parts of
Africa and China, for example, many people don’t even have clean water to
2. In fact, over half of the people in the world have to live with water shortages
every day. We all need water – not just for our homes and factories but to
survive. Fortunately, there are things that we can all do to save water.
3. The solution begins at home. We can save the water from our baths and use it
for the garden, instead of wasting hundreds of litres of clean water on our lawns
and plants. This would help to save many litres of water every day, especially in
the summer.
4. Governments can help by passing laws to stop factories from wasting and
polluting water. If factories recycled water and stopped pouring chemicals into
our lakes and rivers, there would be a lot more clean water around.
5. All in all, there are many things we can do to save our planet’s disappearing
water supplies. The time has come to start understanding the value of water,
before a world without clean water becomes a terrible reality.
5Задание 2
Прочитайте текст о великом английском драматурге. Определите, какие
из приведенных утверждений 15 соответствуют содержанию текста
(True), какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть
на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (Not stated).
William Shakespeare, the greatest English writer of drama, was born in 1564 in
Stratfordon Avon. We do not know everything about Shakespeare’s early life. But we
know that he studied at the Grammar School in Stratford, and that he became interested in
the theatre when he was still a boy. In 1586 Shakespeare went to London, where he
worked in the theatre for some years before he began to write his own plays.
Shakespeare soon became wellknown in London literary circles. Every play that he
wrote was good news to the people of the capital. Queen Elizabeth I liked Shakespeare’s
plays, and the actors were often invited to play before the Queen and later before the King
James a great honor in those days. By the end of the 16th century Shakespeare and his
friends had enough money to build their own theatre the famous Globe Theatre.
But Shakespeare had quite many difficulties in his life. Less talented writers, whose
plays were worse than his, often quarreled with Shakespeare and attacked him, the actors
in his own theatre sometimes turned against him.
Now people in many countries love and honor Shakespeare for his plays, comedies and
tragedies that are still modern and wellknown all over the world.
1. People know little about Shakespeare’s early life.__________
2. The writer spent all his life in StratforduponAvon.__________
3. William Shakespeare left his wife and children at home and went to London
4. Shakespeare’s life was so easy._________
5. Shakespeare is famous all over the world for his wonderful plays, comedies and
Задание 3Прочитайте текст с пропусками. На месте пропуска вставьте правильную
грамматическую форму, выбрав ее из предложенных вариантов.
Kavin Hayes is 18 years old. He loves sport and he has a dangerous hobby.
He 1_____________waterfalls! How is this possible? The answer is easy. He
2____________in the summer, but he climbs in the winter when everything is
frozen. At the moment, Kevin 3___________plans for his next climb. He is going
to travel to the Canadian Rockies next January. He wants to climb a big waterfall
there. Kevin 4_____________to be very fit for his hobby, and he is training this
month. Every day he 5__________for an hour and he goes swimming. Many
people think Kevin 6___________crazy. ‘Maybe I am’, he says. ‘But I just love
1. a) is climbing b) climbs c) will climb
2. a) doesn’t climb b) isn’t going to climb c) didn’t climb
3. a) makes b) will make c) is making
4. a) have b) has c) will have
5. a) runs b) is running c) run
6. a) was b) am c) is
Задание 4
Вставьте в текст с пропусками соответствующее слово по смыслу,
выбрав его из списка. В задании есть два лишних слова.
Monsters of the sea?
survive, in danger, sharks, solve, hunters, fish, find, monsters, reduce
People have always been afraid of sharks. Films like “Jaws” have shown them
as monsters. But now these animals are 1________, like many others.
In recent years, shark meat has become a popular food in America. Too much
fishing has begun to 2_______ the numbers of some kinds of shark. Some people
say this is a good thing. Sharks kill about twentyfive people a year near the
world’s beaches. Are we going to help sharks, or are they going to become extinct?It’s hard to 3_______ the sharks’ “image” problem and change people’s minds
about them. Sharks are 4_______ and so they naturally kill. But actually elephants
kill more people than sharks every year – and every–one likes elephants.
5 ________ are very important for the world’s oceans. They eat unhealthy fish
and keep the numbers of different kinds of sea animals in balance. Now scientists
are trying to 6 _______ way to protect these animals. They have been in the oceans
for 350 million years. Perhaps they can 7______ a little longer.
Задание 5
Complete the dialogue. Use the phrases from the box.
Do you take part in any competitions?
Why are you fond of sport?
Do you do sports regularly?
Do you have a coach there?
Are you good at them yourself?
A: What is your favourite sport, Ben?
B: I love many of them: swimming, football, cycling and windsurfing.
A: ………..
B: Oh no! I enjoy watching football and windsurfing on TV. But I can swim and
cycle quite well.
A: …………
B: It helps me keep fit and look athletic and I can easily get rid of stress.
A: ……….
B: I go cycling in the park every weekend. And I go to the swimming pool twice a
week. I never get bored of swimming.
A: ………….
B: Yes, I have a wonderful coach.
A: ………..B: Sure. I have won the first prize this winter.