Выполнение письменного задания 40.1 на ЕГЭ по английскому языку.
Вот так на экзамене
выглядит одно из письменных заданий: “развёрнутое письменное высказывание
с элементами рассуждения на основе таблицы/диаграммы» (образец из проекта демоверсии-2022)
Предлагаю свой вариант выполнения задания 40.1
Currently, I have been working hard on the project. The subject of my research is to find out what book genres are popular among teenagers. For a start, I have collected some data on the topic. Now, I am ready to comment the results of the opinion polls.
To begin with, I should say teenagers read different book genres. But, preference of most teenagers is given to reading adventure books: 55.4% read them. Then come detective / war / spy stories. The difference is only 0.1%. According to the opinion polls, the number of young people who are interested in sports stories is just 6% less. So, this genre is also popular with them.
Comparing these genres with two others, given in the table, you can notice that books about animals and romances are read by the least number of teenagers.
On the whole, the number of readers in each genre is not very high (from 17.6 to 55.4%). I can suppose, a lot of young people do not read at all! This is a serious problem nowadays. In order to solve it, I would recommend parents, teachers help a young person with the choice of the book. If the book is interesting, gripping, then a teenager can’t help reading it and gets interested in reading more books.
To sum up, I believe that reading is essential in people’s life. You should read books not only for fun and enjoyment but, what is more important, for getting useful information and improving your mental abilities. For, as Margaret Fuller said, “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”
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