Wonders of the Past [Oxford Read and Discover - Level 4]
Оценка 4.7

Wonders of the Past [Oxford Read and Discover - Level 4]

Оценка 4.7
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9 кл—11 кл +1
Wonders of the Past [Oxford Read and Discover - Level 4]
увлекательная и занимательная книга " Wonders of the Past [ Oxford Read and Discover - Level 4 ] " , содержит небольшие тексты про древние чудеса света, красочные иллюстрации и ряд заданий на лексику по текстам. Очень полезная для учителей и учеников
Wonders of the Past [Oxford Read and Discover - Level 4].pdf


v  Oxford Read and Discover co

Oxford Read and Discover


Of the Past

Kathryn Harper

Read and discover all about wonders of the past, all around the world .

   Where is Chichen ltza?

   What is the Taj Mahal?

Read and discover more about the world! This series of non-fiction readers provides interesting and educational content, with activities and project work.

Series Editor: Hazel Geatches

Audio CD Pack available

Word count for this reader: 1,724

Level 3 Level 5 600 headwords 900 headword % -Wondérs-

                Level 4                     Level 6

                          750 headwords                         1,050

Cover photograph: Photolibrary (Easter Island statue/Geoff Renner/Robert

OXFORD                                                              CEF          OX FORD

ISBN                It' UNIVERSITY PRESS


                                                               03HaKOMn•reAbHaq               -

Oxford Read and Discover


Of the Past

Kathryn Harper

                                                                                           Contents       Introduction      3

1       Stonehenge   4

2       Tutankhamun's Treasures 6

3       The Great Wall of China 8

4       The Colosseum       10

5       Petra    12

6       Easter Island Statues       14

7       Chichen ltza   16

8       Angkor Wat   18

9       The Alhambra         20

10         The Taj Mahal     22

Activities               24

Projects                  44

Picture Dictionary  46

About Read and Discover 48






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ISBN: 978 0 19 464441 9

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What is a wonder? It's something amazing.

When we see it we ask, 'How is this possible?' Nature makes many wonders. People make wonders, too!

What is a wonder of the past? It's something amazing that people made a long time ago.

What are these wonders of the past? Where are they?

What wonders are there in your country?


Now read and discover more about some wonders of the past!


The biggest sarsen stone weighs about 45 metric tons. That's like ten elephants!

The sarsen stones are even bigger and heavier. About 4,000 years ago, people transported them from 30 kilometers away.


The Stonehenge stone circles are in England. People transported the first stones to this place about 5,000 years ago. We don't know a lot about Stonehenge. Who built it? How did they build it? Why did they build it? It's a mystery.

People built Stonehenge with bluestones and sarsen stones. There were about

80 bluestones. They came from mountains

250 kilometers away. They are very heavy

How did people use Stonehenge? Maybe they used it as a cemetery or a place for studying the sun and the stars. Maybe it was also a temple. It's still a special place for some people today. Every year, on June 21 st, lots of people go to Stonehenge to celebrate the longest day of the year.

Celebrating the Longest Day

some weigh about 4 metric tons.


Tutankhamun was a king in Egypt more than 3,300 years ago. He died when he was only 19 years old. When he died, people put a gold mask over his face. They put his body in a coffin made of gold. Then they put the coffin into two bigger coffins. They put all three coffins in a tomb with food and many treasures. The Egyptians thought that the king needed these things after he died.

Tutankhamun's Mask

Inside Tutankhamun's Tomb

Tutankhamun's tomb was in the Valley of the Kings. No one discovered it for a long, long time. Then a British archaeologist called Howard Carter discovered it in 1922. When he broke through the door, he was amazed. There were gold statues, boats, jewels, toys, masks, and even a gold bed! There were about 3,500 treasures. For ten years, Carter took the treasures from the tomb, and wrote about them.

Tutankhamun became one of the most famous kings in the world. Today, many of his wonderful treasures are in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo in Egypt.



------ 2,400 years ago

1,500 years ago

2,200 years ago

— 800 years ago

— 2,000 years ago

— 500 years ago

Different Walls in China

Prisoners, soldiers, and other people built the wall. They transported the stones




bricks by and dangerous. About three million people


About 2,400 years ago, there were many


died building the wall. Later, more than


small countries in China. There were often


one million soldiers guarded the wall, but


wars. People didn't want enemies in their


it was hard to stop the enemies. People also


country, so they built big walls to keep them


used the wall as a road. Today, tourists like


out. For more than 2,000 years, people built


to walk along the wall.


walls, destroyed walls, and built new walls.




The Great Wall of China is really many walls.


For many years, people

thought that you could see


Together they are about 7,000 kilometers

the Great Wall of China from


long. The walls are about 7 meters high.

the moon, but this is not true!

                                                                                                                and    hand. This work was hard

There are also many taller towers.


fren lish.ru

The Coloøeum

Where did Ancient Romans go for fun?

They went to the Colosseum in Rome. They watched fights in this big and beautiful stadium. The fights were with gladiators and wild animals like lions, crocodiles, rhinos, and even elephants. The Colosseum wasn't fun for everyone. About 500,000 people and one million wild animals died there.

About 2,000 years ago, Rome was a very important city. The Colosseum was the most fantastic building in the city. It was big enough for more than 50,000 people. roof The Colosseum had many arches. There were about 80 big arches to let people in and out. There was also a cloth roof to protect people from sun and rain.

A Model of the

Colosseum in the Past



Ãhe Colosseum Today in Rome, Italy

Later, two earthquakes destroyed some of the Colosseum. Then people took stones from the Colosseum to build many other buildings in Rome.

So the building that we can see today gives only an idea of how beautiful it was in the past. Thousands of tourists visit the Colosseum every year. There are music concerts here, too.

                                                                        30—31                                            11

              fren ish.ru


About 2,000 years ago, people in the Middle East bought and sold cloth and spices in many countries. They often traveled across land in large groups called caravans. They used camels to transport people and things.

One of the places where the caravans stopped was Petra. Petra is a fantastic city in the desert in Jordan. People built the city in the pink cliffs. The caravans stopped in Petra because itþad water and places to sleep, and it was safe from enemies.


Some of the caravans were 7 kilometers long and they had 2,500 camels!


At different times, people from different places lived in Petra. They made wonderful temples, a theater, a palace, and tombs in the pink cliffs. Later, earthquakes destroyed a lot of Petra. Today, many tourists visit this amazing place. People also make movies here, for example, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

The Treasury at Petra


Easter Island is in the Pacific Ocean, far from anywhere. The island is famous for its 887 stone statues. They have big heads and little bodies.

Why are the statues here? There is a story that 1,700 years ago, people were lost on the ocean. They arrived at this beautiful island. There were lots of plants and animals, so they stayed.

These people made the big statues for their gods. They made the statues with stone from the middle of the island. Then, up to 250 people transported the statues across the island to the coast, where they stand today.



After a few hundred years, there were too many people for this small island. They cut down many of the trees. This was bad for the ground, and bad for other plants and animals, too. Soon there wasn't much food. People started to fight and they pushed over many of the statues.

Today, people come to see the statues and learn about Easter Island.

The biggest statue is called Paro. It's now on the ground. It's about 10 meters long.



The Mayan people liked many activities. They played ball games in a courtyard that is bigger than a soccer field. The courtyard has walls that are .12 meters high! Sometimes they played games for many days. They also loved art, music, and dance.

Temple of                                                        Today, people still like to watch Mayan


dancers, listen to Mayan music, and look at Mayan art when they visit Chichen Itza.

A Mayan Dancer

About 1,600 years ago, the Mayan people in Mexico started to build a new city. They built it around water from under the ground, so they called the city Chichen Itza. The name means 'the mouth of the well'.

Water was very important in this dry place. The first people in Chichen Itza built many temples for their rain god Chaac. Later, the city grew bigger and richer. Then people built fantastic pyramids and temples for their god Kukulkan. The most famous pyramid is the Temple of Kukulkan.

16                                                                                                                                                                      36—37                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  17



Angkor Wat is a temple in the city of Angkor. It's in the middle of the rainforest in Cambodia. About 800 years ago, this beautiful stone temple was built for King Suryavarman Il. About 50,000 people built the temple, and it took more than 37 years. They built it to look like the mountain where their gods lived. There are some beautiful stone decorations on the walls.


When people built Angkor Wat, they put water around the buildings. This was to protect themselves from enemies and wild animals from the rainforest. Today, big trees grow into some of the buildings and monkeys run around them.

About one million people lived in Angkor when it was an important city. Later, there were wars and other people came. Then Angkor wasn't so rich or important. People said that it disappeared, but that wasn't true. Today, there are many visitors, and they think

Angkor Wat is amazing.

                                                                           38—39                                            19

0 The

The Alhambra is in the mountains in the south of Spain. It's one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, Alhambra means 'red castle', but the Alhambra also looks gray at night, and gold when it's sunny. The Alhambra is beautiful inside and outside. It has fantastic courtyards with fountains and gardens. Like many castles, it has towers and high walls. There are also wonderful tiles and decorations.

There are some amazing tile patterns at the Alhambra. People still copy them today.

The Moorish people in Spain started to build the Alhambra about 800 years ago. It took a long time to build. Many different kings from different places lived there, and they built more buildings. They used the Alhambra as a castle and a city. Wars and an earthquake destroyed some of the Alhambra. The French Emperor, Napoleon, tried to destroy it, but he couldn't. In 1828, Spanish people started to build the broken parts again.

Many people wrote stories and songs about the Alhambra. Today, it's the most popular place in Spain for tourists.

A Courtyard in the Alhambra



The Taj Mahal is in India. It looks like a palace, but it's a tomb. It's one of the most beautiful tombs in the world. There are gardens and fountains around the building.

The tomb is made of 28 types of stone and jewel from all over India and other countries. Most of the tomb is made of a beautiful white stone called marble. About 20,000 people built the Taj Mahal, and it took 22 years. More than 1,000 elephants helped to move the stones for the building.

The Taj Mahal was built about 400 years ago. The Emperor Shah Jahan built it for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. She died when she had her 14th baby. Shah Jahan was very sad, so he built the Taj Mahal to remember his wife. Later, Shah Jahan's son wanted to be the emperor, so he put his father into prison. When Shah Jahan died, people put his body in the Taj Mahal, so that he was with his wife forever.

Which of all these wonders of the past do you want to visit?


                                Stonehenge                                         3 Write the numbers.

pages 4—5.

5;cco 4,000 80 250




People transported the first stones to Stonehenge


Write the words.


about 6.000 years ago.

mountain stone circle sun stars


The biggest sarsen stone weighs metric tons.




The bluestones came from            kilometers away.


Write the words.

study cemetery mystery year kilometer metric ton


Thn came from mountains 250 kilometers ava¶.

2      How did people use Stonehenge?

3      When is the longest day at Stonehenge?


tells us 'how far'



                                                                           1        sun

                                                                                           4 There were about                                                                               bluestones.


                                                                                  5 People transported the sarsen stones about


                                                                                                           years ago.


4 Answer the questions.


1 Where did the bluestones come from?

2 tells us 'how heavy'



3 tells us 'how much time'

5 What do you think of Stonehenge? Color the stars and write.

4      where we put people after they die





5      what we do when we want to learn something

6      something that we don't know   



2 Tutankhamun's Treasures

4. Read pages 6—7.

 1 Find and write the words.



2 Answer the questions.

            1 Who was Tutankhamun?

            2 Where did Tutankhamun live?

3 How old was Tutankhamun when he died?



            The Great Wall of China        3

                 pages 8—9.

 1 Find and write the words.




                                                                              6                                   4




2 Match the opposites.

1    friendslow


2    buildenemies

           3 high                          short

4       long   destroy

5       live    die


The Colosseum

                      pages 10—11.

 1 Write the words. crocodile elephant gladiator lion arch rhino

      1                   2                  3

          4                         5                        6

2 Complete the sentences.

roof stadium animals city Romans arches

          1 The                   built fantastic buildings.

           2 The Colosseum was a big

          3 Gladiators and                    fought in the Colosseum.

4       People went into the Colosseum through

5       The Colosseum had a cloth

6       Rome was a very important



             pages 12—13.

1 Match. Then write sentences.

The caravans stopped at

built in the cliffs.

 Petra because

to transport people

The palaces and tombs are

and things.

The caravans used camels

it had water and places

People carried cloth

to sleep.

and spices

you can still see some

                   Earthquakes destroyed

 of it today.

a lot of Petra, but

to sell in different places.

1 The caravans stopped at Petra because it had water and places to sleep.




Complete the puzzle.









3 What do you think of Petra? Color the stars and write.

               pages 14—15.

1 Complete the words.

       1          2       c a              3                 d

     4                            5         r u d           6       o s

 2 Complete the chart.

They grow:

Things that we do:

 people push over plants fight animals cut down transport trees

Answer the questions.


Where is Easter Island?

2      What is special about Easter Island?

4      What was on Easter Island when they arrived?

5      What did the people make?

4       Draw and write about your own statue.

This is my statue. (t has

5       What do you think of the Easter Island statues? Color the stars and write.





03HaK0Mn•reAbHaq Konnq


1 The Mayan people built a fantastic city. in the past

                                              pages 16—17.

2 People look at Mayan art.

                             Chichen Itza                                         Write today or in the past.

1 Write the words.                       3 People played ball games in a courtyard.

4The Mayan people had a rain god. ground games dance well dry pyramid 

5Many people like to watch 1 we get water from this

                                                                                                Mayan dancers.

2 we walk on this

       3 when there is no water                                       4 Answer the questions.

           4 like a triangle                              1 When did people start to build Chichen Itza?

                 5 football and basketball, for example

           6 when we move to music                                                          2 Who was Chaac?

 2 Complete the sentences.   

3 What is the most famous pyramid?         well pyramids god dance water games

1 Chichen ltza means 'the

mouth of the4 What did they do in the courtyard?

2 It was very dry. There was very little

3 For the Mayan people, Kukulkan was an important

5 What do you think of Chichen ltza? Color the

          4 The Mayan people built fantastic                                                 stars and write.




           5 The Mayan people played ball                       in a


6 The Mayan people liked art, music, and                                             


                    8 Angkor Wat                                 Number the sentences in order.

It became rich and powerful. About one million

       Read pages 18—19.                                                                        people lived there.

The king wanted a new temple.

1    Write the words.

People visit it.

enemies rainforest rain monkeys

People built the temple.

rich mountain city trees

There were wars.

1     a place where lots of people live

4 Imagine you are in Angkor Wat. Write about

2     where there are lots of trees

what you can see.

3     water from the sky

buildings rainforest water trees

4     people who don't like you

monkeys beautiful decorations

5     tall plants       1 You are in the temple looking out.

6     animals from the rainforest       I can see the water and

7     when we have lots of money     You are in the rainforest in front of Angkor Wat.


8     a high place

2    Write true or false.       3 You are in front of a temple wall.

1     Angkor Wat is on a mountain.

2     They used stone to build Angkor Wat.       5 What do you think of Angkor Wat? Color the

3     Angkor was an important city in the past.    stars and write.





5      There were wars at Angkor.

6      Angkor disappeared.





4     There was an earthquake at Angkor.


1 watercastle

pages 20—21.

 1 Write the words.

                     fountain tourist garden tiles wall tower

      1                    2                    3

4                                       5                            6

 2 Circle the odd one out.                                                        

1 palace tree castle

             2 ground fountain water

3 plant beautiful amazing  4 red old gold  5 king prisoner emperor 6 build make story

2 towerfountain

3 plantswalls

 4 tiles  Alhambra 5 decorations garden

4      Answer the questions.

1        Where is the Alhambra?

2        What is the Alhambra?

3        When did people start to build the Alhambra?

4        Where are the fountains in the Alhambra?

5        What destroyed the Alhambra?

5      What do you think of the Alhambra? Color the stars and write.





03HaK0Mn•reAbHaq 10 The Taj Mahal

Read pages 22—23.

1        Complete the chart.

wife tomb Shah Jahan son fountain jewels emperor stones Mumtaz Mahal garden father palace baby prison





2        Write the numbers in order.

Shah Jahan died.

Shah Jahan wanted to remember his wife.

People put Shah Jàhan's body in the Taj Mahal.

Shah Jahan's son wanted to be the emperor.

Mumtaz Mahal died.

Shah Jahan went to prison.

Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal.


Answer the questions.

1        Who was Shah Jahan?

2        How many people built the Taj Mahal?

3        What type of animal helped to build the Taj Mahal?

4        What can you do at the Taj Mahal? Write c/ or X.

1 Take photos. 2 Look at the fountains.

3        Walk around the gardens. 4 See the monkeys in the rainforest.

5       See the statues with the big heads.

6       See the amazing building.

7       Count the sarsen stones.

8       Visit the tomb.

5 What do you think of the Taj Mahal? Color the stars and write.






A Wonders QuizA Wonder in

1   Do the quiz. Circle the correct answers.   My Country

1 This place has stone circles.



Many of these were made of gold.


Think of a wonder of the past in your country.

The Alhambra


The Alhambra


Write notes and complete the diagram.

       Chichen ltza                                         Tutankhamun's Treasures

2   In this place, there are Stonehenge statues with big heads. 7 This has many jewels in it.

      Petra                                                      The Taj Mahal

Angkor Wat         The Great Wall of China Easter Island      Stonehenge


Long camel caravans 8 This has beautiful courtyards stopped at this place. and gardens. The Great Wall of China Easter Island

      Petra                                                      The Alhambra

      Angkor Wat                                           Stonehenge

4   People also used this 9 This has temples for a god. place as a road. The Great Wall of China Chichen ltza The Alhambra

      The Taj Mahal                                       Chichen ltza

The Great Wall of China

10 It's in a rainforest.

5   People watched fights here.   Angkor Wat


The Colosseum The Great Wall of China Angkor Wat

2       Now write your own wonders quiz.

3       Ask a friend to do your quiz.

Picture Dictionary archaeologist bricks city cloth

     coast             coffin           cut down decorations destroy

          die         earthquake emperor         food        fountain

     gladiator         gold          ground         island             jewel


      king           million         ocean         palace       prisoner

rainforest         road          soldier        spices        stadium

    statue         stones        temple        theater          tiles

      tomb        treasure         war             well            wife


Oxford Read and Discover

Series Editor: Hazel Geatches • CLIL Adviser: John Clegg

Oxford Read and Discover graded readers are at four levels, from 3 to 6, suitable for students from age 8 and older. They cover many topics within three subject areas, and can support English across the curriculum, or Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).

Available for each reader:

   Audio CD Pack (book & audio CD)

   Activity Book

For Teacher's Notes & CLIL Guidance go to www.oup.com/elt/teacher/readanddiscover



The World of Science

The Natural

The World of Arts


& Technology


Social Studies


How We Make Products

Amazing Minibeasts

Festivals Around


Sound and Music

Animals in the Air

the World


Super Structures

• Life in Rainforests

Free Time Around the World


Your Five Senses

Wonderful Water



• All About Plants

All About Desert Life

• Animals in Art


• How to Stay Healthy

All About Ocean Life

• Wonders of the Past


Machines Then and Now

• Animals at Night



• Why We Recycle

Incredible Earth



Materials to Products

All About Islands

Homes Around


Medicine Then and Now

Animal Life Cycles

the World


• Transportation Then

• Exploring Our World

• Our World in Art


and Now

Wild Weather

•Creat Migrations



• Cells and Microbes

• All About Space

Helping Around


• Clothes Then and Now

• Caring for Our Planet

the World


• Incredible Energy

• Earth Then and Now

• Food Around the World


• Your Amazing Body

• Wonderful Ecosystems


For younger students, Dolphin Readers Levels Starter, 1, and 2 are available.


HaKOMn•reAbHaS1 v Oxford

HaKOMn•reAbHaS1 v Oxford

Cover photograph: Photolibrary (Easter

Cover photograph: Photolibrary (Easter

The Great Wall of China 8 2

The Great Wall of China 8 2

The Taj Mahal 22 Activities 24

The Taj Mahal 22 Activities 24

Picture Dictionary 46 About

Picture Dictionary 46 About



What are these wonders of the past?

What are these wonders of the past?

S Œ@ n eben ge

S Œ@ n eben ge

The Stonehenge stone circles are in

The Stonehenge stone circles are in

The Egyptians thought that the king needed these things after he died

The Egyptians thought that the king needed these things after he died

Dif ferent Walls in China

Dif ferent Walls in China

There are also many taller towers

There are also many taller towers

About 2,000 years ago, people in the

About 2,000 years ago, people in the

They have big heads and little bodies

They have big heads and little bodies

The Mayan people liked many activities

The Mayan people liked many activities

Kukulkan. The most famous pyramid is the

Kukulkan. The most famous pyramid is the

HaKOMn•reAbHaS1 Wee Angkor

HaKOMn•reAbHaS1 Wee Angkor

The Alhambra is in the mountains in the south of

The Alhambra is in the mountains in the south of

HaK0Mn•reAbHaq The Taj Mahal is in

HaK0Mn•reAbHaq The Taj Mahal is in

Mumtaz Mahal. She died when she had her 14 th baby

Mumtaz Mahal. She died when she had her 14 th baby

Stonehenge 3

Stonehenge 3

Write the words. study cemetery mystery year kilometer metric ton

Write the words. study cemetery mystery year kilometer metric ton

Interesting Beautiful

Interesting Beautiful

2 Tutankhamun's Treasures

2 Tutankhamun's Treasures

Read pages 6—7. 1 Find and write the words

Read pages 6—7. 1 Find and write the words

Where did Tutankhamun live? 3

Where did Tutankhamun live? 3

The Great Wall of China 3

The Great Wall of China 3

Find and write the words. Oátòrtovvererb 1 2 6 4 3 7 4 2

Find and write the words. Oátòrtovvererb 1 2 6 4 3 7 4 2

1 buildenemies 3 high short 4 long destroy 5 live die 28

1 buildenemies 3 high short 4 long destroy 5 live die 28

The Colosseum

The Colosseum

Write the words. crocodile elephant gladiator lion arch rhino 1 2 3 4 5 6 2

Write the words. crocodile elephant gladiator lion arch rhino 1 2 3 4 5 6 2

The Colosseum had a cloth 5

The Colosseum had a cloth 5

4 Complete the puzzle.

4 Complete the puzzle.



Interesting Beautiful

Interesting Beautiful

Complete the chart. They grow:

Complete the chart. They grow:

What do you think of the Easter

What do you think of the Easter

HaK0Mn•reAbHaq K onnq 1

HaK0Mn•reAbHaq K onnq 1

Answer the questions. 4 like a triangle 1

Answer the questions. 4 like a triangle 1

Chichen ltza means 'the mouth of the4

Chichen ltza means 'the mouth of the4

The king wanted a new temple. 1

The king wanted a new temple. 1

You are in the temple looking out

You are in the temple looking out

Interesting Beautiful

Interesting Beautiful

Circle the odd one out. 1 palace tree castle 2 ground fountain water 3 plant beautiful amazing 4 red old gold 5 king prisoner emperor…

Circle the odd one out. 1 palace tree castle 2 ground fountain water 3 plant beautiful amazing 4 red old gold 5 king prisoner emperor…

When did people start to build the

When did people start to build the

HaK0Mn•reAbHaq 10 The Taj Mahal

HaK0Mn•reAbHaq 10 The Taj Mahal

See the statues with the big heads

See the statues with the big heads

Chichen ltza

Chichen ltza

Now write your own wonders quiz

Now write your own wonders quiz

Picture Dictionary archaeologist bricks city

Picture Dictionary archaeologist bricks city
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