Задания на тему "School life"
Оценка 5

Задания на тему "School life"

Оценка 5
Раздаточные материалы
английский язык
5 кл—7 кл
Задания на тему "School life"
Разработка заданий про школьную жизнь.
задания на тему Школьная жизнь.docx

Школьная жизнь

Тематический словарь

a curriculum                            учебный план

a knowledge                            знание

a skill                                      умение, навык

successful                               успешный

particular                                особенный, специфический

to acquire                                приобретать, овладевать

a respect                                 уважение

an opportunity                         возможность, удобный случай

mutual                                    взаимный, обоюдный

to provide                               предоставлять, снабжать

to realize                                 осознавать, выполнять

obviously                                очевидно

boarding school                       школа-интернат

graduate                                  заканчивать ( ВУЗ )

head teacher                            директор школы

nursery school                         детсад

primary school                        начальная школа

private school                          частная школа

secondary school                     средняя школа

state school                             государственная школа

study                                       изучать, исследовать

learn                                       учить

courses                                   курсы

independent                            независимый

advanced                                 продвинутый

junior                                      младший

available                                 доступный, имеющийся в наличии

public                                      общественный

compulsory                             обязательный

comprehensive                        общеобразовательный

basic                                       основной

schooling                                школьное образование

senior                                      старший

grades                                     оценки



1.     Составить слова из букв


rcuuilcrum                              tlmuua

odripve                                   azeirle        

vuyoisbol                                aibrnodg

aagdtrue                                  ptiooutprny

oeekwdnlg                              islkl

csuuefscsl                               rcaailptur   

qrciaue                                    sceerpt


aeehtcr                                    rruensy

irrapmy                                   itrapve

cdysoaenr                               astte 

usdty                                      alren          


ueoscrs                                   deeiennnpdt         

vcaaednd                                 nrjiuo

aaeaibvll                                 bcplui

mlrouocpsy                             menvoreicphse

sbiac                                       hlgsoicon

nrsieo                                     asgdre

2.     Подберите правильный перевод


a curriculum                            знание

a knowledge                            приобретать, овладевать

a skill                                      особенный, специфический

successful                               учебный план

particular                                уважение

to acquire                                успешный

a respect                                 учебный план


an opportunity                         взаимный, обоюдный

mutual                                    школа-интернат

to provide                               возможность, удобный случай

to realize                                 заканчивать ( ВУЗ )

obviously                                предоставлять, снабжать

boarding school                       осознавать, выполнять

graduate                                  очевидно


head teacher                            детсад

nursery school                         учить

primary school                        средняя школа

private school                          директор школы

secondary school                     изучать, исследовать

state school                             начальная школа

study                                       частная школа

learn                                       государственная школа


courses                                   младший

independent                            доступный, имеющийся в наличии

advanced                                 курсы

junior                                      независимый

available                                 общественный

public                                      продвинутый


compulsory                             школьное образование

comprehensive                        старший

basic                                       обязательный

schooling                                общеобразовательный

senior                                      оценки

grades                                     основной

3.     Подобрать правильное определение


a skill                                      1. the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.

a respect                                 2. facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

particular                                3. the ability to do something well; expertise.

a curriculum                            4. accomplishing an aim or purpose.

a knowledge                            5. used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class.

successful                               6. buy or obtain (an object or asset) for oneself.

to acquire                                7. a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.


to realize                                 1. a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

boarding school                      2. held in common by two or more parties. 

graduate                                 3. make available for use; supply.     

mutual                                    4. give actual or physical form to.     

an opportunity                        5. in a way that is easily perceived or understood; clearly.

to provide                               6. a school where students reside during the semester.

obviously                                7. successfully complete an academic degree, course of training, or high school.


study                                       1. school principal

head teacher                            2. a school for young children, mainly between the ages of three and five.

state school                             3. school for juniors

nursery school                         4. a school supported by a private organization or private individuals rather than by the government.

primary school                        5. school for seniors

learn                                       6. a school that is funded and controlled by the government and for which no fees are charged.

secondary school                     7. devote time and attention to acquiring knowledge on (an academic subject), especially by means of books.

private school                          8. gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught.


available                                 1. the route or direction followed by a ship, aircraft, road, or river.

advanced                                 2. free from outside control; not depending on another's authority.

courses                                   3. far on or ahead in development or progress.     

independent                            4. a person who is a specified number of years younger than someone else.

public                                     5. able to be used or obtained; at someone's disposal.

junior                                      6. of or concerning the people as a whole.


grades                                     1. required by law or a rule; obligatory.

basic                                       2. a secondary school catering to children of all abilities from a given area.

schooling                                3. forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental.

compulsory                             4. education or training received, especially at school.

comprehensive                        5. of a more advanced age.      

senior                                      6. a particular level of rank, quality, proficiency, intensity, or value.

4.     Подобрать правильные словосочетания


school                                     skill           

common                                  career                            

communication                       solution                                           

successful                               curriculum                    

particular                                knowledge                    


to acquire                                service       

mutual                                     opportunity                            

business                                  knowledge                    

mutual                                    respect       

to provide                               aid             


to realize                                  nursery school              

obviously                                of school    

graduate                                  clever                   

head teacher                             the truth               

the nearest                               student                                   


main                                       level                              

independent                             relations    

advanced                                funds                   

junior                                     course                 

available                                 state          

public                                     officer                 


compulsory                             officer        

comprehensive                        grades        

basic                                       education            

record of                                  school                 

senior                                     schooling   

low                                         level           





Школьная жизнь Тематический словарь a curriculum учебный план a knowledge знание a skill умение, навык successful успешный particular особенный, специфический to acquire приобретать, овладевать a…

Школьная жизнь Тематический словарь a curriculum учебный план a knowledge знание a skill умение, навык successful успешный particular особенный, специфический to acquire приобретать, овладевать a…

Задания 1. Составить слова из букв а) rcuuilcrum tlmuua odripve azeirle vuyoisbol aibrnodg aagdtrue ptiooutprny oeekwdnlg islkl csuuefscsl rcaailptur qrciaue sceerpt б ) aeehtcr rruensy…

Задания 1. Составить слова из букв а) rcuuilcrum tlmuua odripve azeirle vuyoisbol aibrnodg aagdtrue ptiooutprny oeekwdnlg islkl csuuefscsl rcaailptur qrciaue sceerpt б ) aeehtcr rruensy…

Подберите правильный перевод а) a curriculum знание a knowledge приобретать, овладевать a skill особенный, специфический successful учебный план particular уважение to acquire успешный a respect…

Подберите правильный перевод а) a curriculum знание a knowledge приобретать, овладевать a skill особенный, специфический successful учебный план particular уважение to acquire успешный a respect…

Подобрать правильное определение а) a skill 1

Подобрать правильное определение а) a skill 1

an opportunity 5. in a way that is easily perceived or understood; clearly. to provide 6. a school where students reside during the semester. obviously…

an opportunity 5. in a way that is easily perceived or understood; clearly. to provide 6. a school where students reside during the semester. obviously…

Подобрать правильные словосочетания а) school skill common career communication solution successful curriculum particular knowledge б ) to acquire service mutual opportunity business knowledge mutual respect…

Подобрать правильные словосочетания а) school skill common career communication solution successful curriculum particular knowledge б ) to acquire service mutual opportunity business knowledge mutual respect…

д ) compulsory officer comprehensive grades basic education record of school senior schooling low level

д ) compulsory officer comprehensive grades basic education record of school senior schooling low level
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