9 класс
Чтение (ГИА)
Прочитайте описание телепередач A-G. Установите соответствие утверждений 1-7 каждому из текстов и впишите соответствующую букву A-G рядом с номером каждого из утверждений. Вы можете использовать каждую букву более одного раза.____________________
A Wild Rose
(Tuesday 19.00)
This TV drama is about a young private detective employed by a team of New York businessmen who send her to Brazil to look into a series of hotel robberies. When she gets there, she discovers that the hotels, which are owned by the businessmen, have been empty tor the last two years and the local authorities have no record of any robberies.
В Animal Planet
(Wednesday 23.00)
This is a classic black-and-white film from the forties in which astronaut Charlie Huston crash-lands on a planet ruled entirely by animals. It is a first-class suspense adventure which also looks at the human condition, although this is not always a successful part of the film.
С Strange Encounter (Saturday 21.00)
Suspense is built up in this clever supernatural story A young couple view a deserted old house that they are interested in buying. They meet a strange old lady who tells them of the mystical powers of the house and how previous owners have been able to travel back through centuries to meet their ancestors.
D The Longest Walk
(Tuesday 21.30) Ffona Campbell is nearly there. All she has to do now is walk the length of France and Britain and she has succeeded in walking coffee in a tent and tells her story to Janet Street-Porter before she sets off for the Pyrenees mountains.
(Thursday 20.30)
This is a TV film being used to launch a new science fiction series. It has impressive special effects and a strong, believable cast of characters who travel to the twenty-third century. The action takes place in underground cities where the environment is controlled by computers.
(Friday 19.30)
This popular half-hour science magazine continues into its twenty-ninth year, proving itself to se a hardy survivor in the television world. Tonight it is presented by Carol Voderman who introduces five reports, which include computer-driven cars and in-flight ten-pin bowling.
G There and Back Again
(Sunday 22.00)
1. __________This programme is in the form of a personal interview. 2. __________This programme is a documentary about technological developments. 3. __________These TWO programmes are about time travel. 4. __________This programme is taken from a book. 5. __________This film is the introduction to a set of programmes. 6. __________These TWO programmes are about present-day travellers. 7. __________This programme is about investigating a possible crime.
Paul Theroux's account of his recent journey from London to Japan and back makes ideal material for this evening's travel slot. Based on his own novel, the progress of his journey on the railways of Europe and Asia (Victoria station, Paris, Istambul...) acts as a fascinating travelogue as the inhabitants gradually shift from the West to the East.
9 класс
Чтение (ГИА)
Прочитайте описание книг A-F. Установите соответствие утверждений 1-9 каждой из книг и впишите соответствующую букву A-F рядом с номером каждого из утверждений. Вы можете использовать каждую букву более одного раза. |
A Around the World in 80 weeks By David Franklin
Franklin's debut book is a story of courage and personal achievement. Based on his experiences sailing single-handed around the world, a voyage that took him over a year and a half to complete, it offers the reader an insight into what compels some individuals to set sail alone, in search of excitement and themselves. An extraordinary account from a new author with a great future ahead.
В A Long Way from Home
By Anita Bloom
This is the tail of a Sydney Cove, a three masted ship which departed Calcutta on 10 November 1796 for Australia. Gale force winds and heavy seas soon caused huge damage forcing the Captain to beach the waterlogged Sydney Cove on an island - just off Tasmania. Bloom's attention to historical detail makes this a fascinating story and one ) you won't want to put down.
С On a Shoe String
By Clare Ribeiro
This is a must for every young person trying to make ends meet. Shoe String is packed with helpful hints and practical ideas on how to make your budget stretch while still managing to enjoy life. Ribeiro's keen sense of humor shines through on every page.
D Post Post Modernity - Where to Next? By Karl Kapstad
Buildings, art, fashion, design. Kapstad takes a long look at how form has changed over the last 40 years and comes up with some fascinating predictions for the future.
E Dressed for Life By Mavis E. Marquick
Mavis Marquick has been writing about Fashion for years but she's still got something new to say to us all. Marquick takes the view that your clothes are what people notice first about you and remember last! So why make a bad impression. But you don't need to spend a fortune to look good - you just need an eye for colour and occasion. Buy the book to benefit from Mavis' tears of experience in the cut and thrust world of fashion!
F You Are What You Eat
By Dr. Susan Low
A young person's guide to healthy living and eating.
This little book is stuffed full of recipes, exercises and great ideas for making the most of your larder, while keeping your body in good shape. Students note the price - makes a great gift!
This book
1. ________will help you to keep fit and feel good.
2. ________is for the urban history student.
3. ________is for the reader with an interest in maritime history
4. ________is a light-hearted look at successful money management
5. ________is by a well published author
6. ________explores human motivation and character
7. ________is the author's first publication
8. ________provides practical advice on how to present yourself
9. ________is recommended as a present.
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