8 класс
Урок 21. Домашнее чтение
1. English-speaking countries Great Britain. General information (p. 9 – p.11)
I. True of false?
1) The UK is
thrice smaller than Spain or France
2) The UK comprises four countries.
3) The Prime Meridian became the official starting point for every time zone in
the XX century.
4) Essex is often called “The Garden of England'.
5) The flora in southern countries is richer than in the UK.
6) The fauna of the British Isles is the same that of European mainland.
7) Sherwood forest is the biggest in Great Britain.
II. Questions
1) Why are people
of the UK sometimes confused about its name?
2) How many islands does the UK include?
3) How many people live in the UK?
4) What country is less populated, Scotland or England?
5) What is the second name of Northern Ireland?
6) Where is the Greenwich Royal Observatory?
7) When was it founded and why?
8) What does Highland Britain include?
9) What is the southern part of Great Britain famous for?
10) Which forest is connected with the name of a legendary hero Robin Hood?
11) What is the national bird of the UK?
Keys: 1. F; 2.T; 3.F; 4. F; 5. T; 6. F; 7.T.
2. Seas, rivers, lakes, mountains, climate Population and languages of the UK (p. 12 – p.16)
Choose the right answer.
1) There is … between Ireland and Great Britain.
a) the Irish
b) the North Sea;
c) the English Channel.
2) The seas around Britain are … .
a) deep and good
for diving
b) shallow and good for fishing
c) very cold and not suitable for navigation
3) Swan Upping is the ceremony which is connected with … .
a) catching
the swans for a tasty ceremonial dish
b) catching and checking the health of the swans
c) the swans’ flying away to the south
4) The highest peak of Great Britain is …
a) Ben Nevis
b) Snowdon
c) the Cheviot Hills
5) The climate in the UK is mild and moderate because of … .
a) the influence
of the Arctic Ocean
b) its mountain chains prevention from cold winds
c) a warm ocean current
6) The Queen’s English is spoken … .
a) by the Queen
b) by educated people
c) colloquially in London
Keys: 1A, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5C, 6B.
3. Some historical facts about Great Britain (p.19 – p.26)
1) Who came to the British Isles three thousand years ago?
a) People from
eastern parts of Europe.
b) People from the Iberian Peninsula.
c) People from France.
2) What type of cloak was the Scottish tartan developed from?
a) The Celtic men
b) The Celtic priests clothes.
c) The Iberians’ clothes.
3) Why did the Britons occupy most of the country, which was named Britain after them?
a) Because the
Scots chose its northern part.
b) Because they were more powerful than the Scots.
c) Because they were together with the Picts.
4) Why couldn’t the Iberians stand against the Celts?
a) The Celtic
people were better organized.
b) The Iberians used stone weapon and tools.
c) The Celts were better armed.
5) Why did the Romans build the Hadrian’s Wall?
a) To protect the
Scots from the Britons.
b) To stop the Picts’ attacks.
c) To divide Britain into two parts.
6) Why did the Romans have to leave Britain?
a) It was
difficult to control the Britons.
b) The Roman Empire became weaker.
c) They had to fight with barbaric peoples in Europe.
7) When did the medieval history of Britain begin?
a) When Britain
was conquered by Germanic tribes.
b) When the Celts remained independent.
c) Just after the Romans left Britain.
Danish Invaders in England. Vikings on the British Isles. The Norman Conquest of England. Robin Hood.
Keys to “Some historical facts…”: 1B, 2A, 3B, 4C, 5B, 6C, 7A
4. London
The City and Westminster area (p.53 – p.60 )
Chose the best heading to the paragraphs and give the name of the place:
1. The City of London is the birthplace of London. It was the place of the original Roman settlement and later commercial and trading centre. Now it is called the commercial and business heart of London. Very few people live there, but nearly a million works there. It is known as “ the Square Mile” ( it total area is 2.59 sq km = 1 sq mile) The Royal Exchange, the Stock Exchange, Mansion House, the Central Criminal Court and the Bank of England are in the City.
2. In the centre of the city there is the Tower of London and St. Paul’s Cathedral. For over 900 years the tower of London has been a fortress and a royal palace, a prison and a place for execution, an arsenal, royal mint, menagerie and safe for Crown Jewels. Now it’s a museum. The Tower of London had never had a chance to serve as a fortress and to resist an enemy’s attack. The Tower doesn’t belong to the City historically. This fortress was built by William the Conqueror at the end of the 11th century. He built it right at the Gates of the city to keep the unruly Londoners in fear.
3. St. Paul’s cathedral is in the centre of London and is considered to be an architectural masterpiece. It’s one of the greatest work of Sir Christopher Wren. It’s one of the largest churches in the world. Sir Wren was building the Cathedral for 35 years, completed it in 1711, and his aim was to build a church that could rival the greatest St. Peter Basilica in Rome. St. Paul was built of white stone, but smoke made the stones black and only the columns and edges were washed by the rain and remained white.
4. Westminster area is also called the City of Westminster. It is the most important part of London, where Parliament and most government offices are located. Westminster Abbey is regarded as the centre of this area. In the 11th century King Edward the Confessor decided to build a great abbey church. It was a monastery for a long time. William the Conqueror was crowned there and since then many kings and queens of England followed this tradition. Many English kings and queens and other famous statesmen, writers, scientists are buried in Westminster Abbey.
5. Opposite Westminster Abbey there are the Houses of Parliament, which are often called the Palace of Westminster. It was built in medieval days. It was a place of royal dwelling as the 11th century, which later became the meeting place of Parliament. In the southern part of the building there is its clock tower, St. Stephen’s Tower with the famous Big Ben.
6. Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen and the Royal family. When the Queen is at the residence the flag is flying on top of Buckingham Palace. It was a country residence or the Duke of Buckingham. But in the 19th century it was rebuilt for King George. The square in front of the Palace is decorated with Victoria Memorial built in 1911.
Keys: A – 4 (Westminster Abbey); B – 2 (the Tower of London); C – 5 (the Houses of Parliament); D – 1 (the City of London); E – 3(St. Paul’s Cathedral); F – 6 (Buckingham Palace).
5. Traditions of the UK (p.70 – 73)
Many things that
are always regarded as typically British were written long ago and are not
representing “modern life”.
In the 20th century a lot of immigrants came to the British Isles and now is
extremely incorrect to identify these stereotypes with all people living there.
It is a multicultural society. But still there are many interesting
peculiarities in the British culture. Most British people live in towns and
cities. But they have an idealized vision of the countryside. The countryside
for them means 1 _______.
People in Britain are fond of gardening. They like to plant and grow different
The British have sentimental attitude to animals. They like to keep pets.
The British are the sport loving nation. Sport is a popular leisure activity.
Football and rugby are very popular with British people. Over three million
people participate in basketball in the UK. Horse- racing, “the sport of Kings”
is a very popular sport. Polo is popular too. It was brought to Britain
Fishing (angling) is one of the most popular sports. Traditionally, the
favourite sports of the British upper class are hunting, shooting and fishing.
The most widespread form of hunting is fox-hunting. This is a popular pastime
among 3________.
Darts is a very popular pub game. The word “pub” is short for “public house”.
Pubs are so popular in the UK that there are over 60,000 pubs there. Pubs are
an important part of British life. People 4_______
The British is a nation of tea-drinkers. It is a stereotype which is
out-of-date. Of course, they like it to be made in a certain distinctive way –
strong and with milk, but more coffee than tea is bought in the country’s
shops. Afternoon tea was always thought to be a very important tradition in the
UK, introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in the year
1840. She would become hungry around four o’clock in the afternoon. This became
a habit of hers and she began 5 ________. This pause for tea became a
fashionable social event.
Nowadays, however, in the average household, afternoon tea is likely to be just
a biscuit or a small cake and a mug of tea, usually produced using a teabag.
The tradition of afternoon tea is 6________.
Many think of British conservatism and call it “the land of tradition” because
of their loyalty to traditions, but it is only true public life. Annual ceremonies
are centuries old. Speaking nationally they like stability in terms of state.
In their private everyday life the British 7________.
A. supported by
retired people or by upper-middle class people
B. peace and quiet, beauty, good health and no crime
C. from India in the 19th century by the English soldiers
D. inviting friends to join her
E. don’t follow these traditions so precisely
F. some members of the higher social classes and is a mark of their status
G. talk, eat, drink, meet their friends and relax there
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Keys: 1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – F, 4 – G, 5 – D, 6 – A, 7 – E.
6. Quiz “The UK”
1. The climate in the UK is mild and moderate because of … .
2. The Queen’s English is spoken … .
3. Who came to the British Isles three thousand years ago?
4. Why did the Romans build the Hadrian’s Wall?
5. Why did the Romans have to leave Britain?
6. What countries have close relations with the UK?
7. Does Britain have a written constitution?
8. Why is England often called “Albion”?
9. When don’t the English go to the theatre?
10. How is Edinburgh often called?
11. What are the Welsh people fond of?
Keys: 1 – 3; 2 – 2; 3 – 2; 4 – 2; 5 – 3; 6 – 3; 7 – 2; 8 – 1; 9 – 3; 10 – 2; 11 – 3.
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