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  • 30.06.2023
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Публикация в СМИ для учителей

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Жерноклеева дарья матвеевна 

     Товароведение и экспертиза качества потребительских товаров

Екатеринбургский торгово-экономический техникум 

2 курс

Руководитель: Найденова Алевтина Михайловна



For the Russian man, his historical heritage is very important. Traditions are customs and routines handed down from generation to generation.

In this presentation, I would like to talk about our traditions. I will tell you how they take place and on what days they are celebrated.


Slavic yuletide Eve is popularly known as two weeks of fortune-telling and magical rituals. This week begins the year according to the Orthodox calendar. It includes the holidays of Christmas, Old New Year and Epiphany.

Caroling, sowing, caroling, visiting rituals, rituals for prosperity and fertility. From the end of December the lit day began to increase, and people associated it with the victory of good over evil. So on Holy Days after Christmas joy, unrestrained joy, fellowship, songs and feasts with abundant repast and heartfelt talk reigned everywhere. 
Hunting animals and birds was forbidden on Christmas Eve. 

19 january – christmas eve

Dedicated to the event of Jesus Christ's baptism in the Jordan. John the Baptist administered the baptism. Traditionally, people are purified by water on this day of purification. Sanctified fonts and ice-holes are usually set up for baptismal bathing. Also on this day all water is considered holy. On this day all water is drunk on an empty stomach and is kept in the Red corner of the house all year round, to be used for blessings and healings. During the process of baptism one should immerse oneself three times, praying.
It is forbidden to do laundry or work on this day. The main purpose of baptism is the humility and purification of the soul. Thoughts are directed to unity, tolerance, mutual help, gratitude to God and people, peace of mind. 



Hospitality has always been inherent in the Russian people. The custom of presenting guests with bread and salt came from the depths of time and has remained in Russia to this day. Bread and salt is a greeting, an expression of hospitality and a wish for the good and wealth of the guest. "Eat bread and salt and listen to good people".

It has long been a Russian custom to welcome dear guests with bread and salt. 

pancake week

Maslenitsa is a festival that has survived in Russia since pagan times. The rite of Maslenitsa is associated with saying goodbye to winter and welcoming spring. After the Baptism of Russia Maslenitsa is celebrated the last week before the Great Lent, seven weeks before Easter.

  Before the Baptism of Russia Maslenitsa (Komoeditsa) was celebrated for 2 weeks - during the 7 days preceding the day of the vernal equinox and 7 days after it.

   The Christian Church left the main celebration of Spring so as not to conflict with the traditions of the Russian people (in the same way, Christmas was timed to the day of the Winter Solstice), but shifted the people's favorite feast of seeing off winter in time so that it did not conflict with the Lent, and reduced the duration of the holiday to 7 days.

Every Shrovetide day has a different name.


Monday is the meeting. By this day, slides, swings and barns were being built. The richer ones started baking pancakes. The first pancake was given to the poor for the repose of the deceased.
Tuesday was the feast. In the morning the young people were invited to go skating and taste pancakes. Family and friends were invited: "We have ready mountains and baked pancakes.
Wednesday was the feast day. On this day a son-in-law came "to his mother-in-law for pancakes". In addition to her son-in-law, her mother-in-law invited other guests.
Thursday was a great party. On this day the Shrovetide was celebrated in all its glory. The people indulged in all sorts of fun: mountain rides, farangs, swings, horseback rides, carnivals, fist fights, noisy feasts.
Friday was Auntie's Night. Sons-in-law invited their mothers-in-law and treated them to pancakes.
Saturday - mother-in-law's party. The sister-in-law was her husband's sister-in-law. The young daughter-in-law invited her sister-in-law for pancakes. And had to give her some present.
Farewell Sunday was the last day of the Shrovetide. In churches in the evening service the office of forgiveness is held (the rector asks forgiveness of other clergy and parishioners). Then all the faithful, bowing to one another, ask for forgiveness and in response to the request utter the words: "God will forgive: "God will forgive".

farewell Sunday 

The sincerity with which one asks forgiveness from another person is important on this day. The words that the believer utters on this day should come from the heart. Forgiveness on this Sunday should be asked of all the people with whom relationships seem strained. This can be friends, relatives and even colleagues. Also on this day it is accepted to ask forgiveness from God. After all, no matter how hard people try, throughout the year they still commit petty sins, experience envy and anger.According to tradition, after asking forgiveness from someone, people kiss three times. That's why this Sunday is also called "kisser's Sunday". After a kiss on both cheeks, one should ask for forgiveness from their loved one.
The response is usually 'God forgives, and I forgive'.
"It is believed that this phrase acknowledges one's own sinfulness and inability to judge one's neighbour."


A popular folk festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the first day after a long period of fasting. In the morning, people greet each other with the special words "Christ is risen!" and the reply is "Truly risen! After the greeting, they kiss three times and exchange Easter eggs. The housewives paint boiled eggs, bake tall cakes and sweet curd cakes. All the festive food is first blessed in church. People like to play with cracking boiled eggs. It is customary to send beautiful Easter cards with congratulations to the distant family. 
A favourite Easter game is rolling eggs. The games started on the first day of Easter and lasted all through the Holy Week. One game could last several hours. A wooden replica of a painted egg is made specially for the game. The egg is rolled on a plank or purple loaf from a steep hill. All participants lay their eggs in a semi-circle at the bottom. The goal is to knock down one of these eggs. If you knock it down, you take the egg and continue the game, if not, you give way to someone else and lay your egg at the bottom. 

Palm Sunday 

On Palm Sunday, it is customary to go to church, congratulate each other on the feast and whip the household with palm twigs. On this day, it is possible to have a Lenten feast in a family circle, without the need for large groups of people or a lot of partying. In connection with the fasting, meat, eggs and milk should be excluded from the menu. There is an indulgence for the faithful, who may eat fish and drink a little red wine.

the round dance

The round dance is an ancient folk dance. It rightly occupies a special role in the traditions of the Russian people.  The basic figure of the dance is a circle. Several girls would go out into the street and start chanting songs. Then others would join them. As a rule, the girls were the basis of any round dance. And the lads would join in the dance later, and give the round dance a cheerfulness and merriment with musical instruments.

ivan kupala, night of July 6-7

Originally, Ivan Kupala was a pagan festival and was called Kupalya, after the god of wild flowers and fruits, Kupalo. It was timed to coincide with the day of the summer solstice, when the longest day and shortest night of the year occur. It was celebrated widely and cheerfully, accompanied by rituals of purification and ablutions. With Russian baptism Christianity began to eliminate pagan traditions, and then the holiday Kupalye attributed to the day of John the Baptist. But paganism could not be completely eradicated, and the merging of Christian and pagan customs resulted in the feast of Ivan Kupala. Despite the Christian part of the holiday, there is a mystical attraction that makes the traditions of Ivan Kupala popular and of interest to people to this day.

History of the feast of Ivan Kupala

Ivan Kupala: a brief look at how the holiday is celebrated

Preparations began the day before Ivan kupala. In the afternoon of July 6, or June 23rd, girls started gathering medicinal herbs and flowers, and making wreaths. The main attributes of the holiday - stuffed animals of Kupala and Marena, symbolizing water and fire, were also made.
The effigy of Kupala is drowned in the river, and the effigy of the Marena is burnt - it was believed that this is how nature's images return to their original form.
It was also obligatory to wash in the bathhouse and brooms were knitted for the whole of the following year. In the evening, clothes for the festivities would be simple and comfortable, with girls wearing a light skirt or a floor-length dress, while young men would wear simple trousers and a shirt. Natural decorations were used: beads of berries and flowers, wreaths, etc.
During the Kupal night traditional ceremonies were held, songs were sung, round dances were made, fortune-telling was done. In the morning of 7 July, one had to get up early to walk barefoot on the morning dew of Kupala.

wedding traditions

Many wedding customs are already so ingrained in the celebrations that we can hardly imagine a traditional wedding without them. Almost no newlywed couple is without these rituals, as they are meant to cement the bond and make the wedding exciting and vibrant.

I will tell you about a few traditions 


Launching doves. After registering at the registry office, many newlyweds hold a very touching ritual of launching two white doves into the sky. This tradition symbolises love and peace in the couple as they begin their long journey together, like 'doves'.
Caravan. If you like a classic wedding, traditions and customs will be an immediate part of it. Among them is the welcoming of the newlyweds with 'bread and salt'. Fresh bread is decorated with symbolic figures of swans, spikelets and ancient ornaments, which symbolise fertility, prosperity and happy family life. Traditionally, the newlyweds have to take the first bite of the loaf at the same time: whichever one is bigger will be the master of the family.
The family hearth. Many customs and traditions at weddings have a touching meaning. One such ritual is the lighting of the family hearth. The parents of the young couple light candles and hand them over to the bride and groom, along with their worldly wisdom, love and family warmth.
Throwing the bouquet and garter. Wedding rituals performed these days necessarily include the throwing of the bride's bouquet and garter. The girl who catches the bouquet and the guy who catches the garter are promised a speedy wedding. Despite the symbolism of this rite, often the newlyweds do become guests at their friends' weddings.

tea party

One of the most wonderful Russian traditions is the tea party. The table was covered with a tablecloth. The samovar was placed in the middle of it. The samovar was a symbol of family hearth, cosines, companionship and hospitality, so it occupied a place of honour in the centre of the table. Next to the samovar one would put a teapot with the brew, a sugar bowl (sugar in pieces). Then rolls, bagels and sweets.
The brew was poured into a cup, which was diluted with boiling water from the samovar. According to Russian tradition, tea was drunk with lumps of sugar. Russian people liked to drink tea from a saucer, blowing on it to make it cool faster.
Tea-drinking in Russia is a sign and intimate tea-drinking is a national trait, a peculiarity of the Russians. The tea party brings all the members of the family together.


In Russia, tea drinking was not just a way of quenching thirst, but a kind of manifestation of social life. Tea was a way of solving important issues, concluding deals and marriages, and no serious matter could be resolved without a cup of tea.
There is a tradition of tea drinking in Russia, but it has changed considerably over time. Tea used to be expensive and not everyone could afford it.

Nowadays, it is no longer a ceremony, but a regular evening tea party or family get-together on Saturdays with cakes, pies and sweets.


Our ancestors had a special fondness for the tradition of the "soap house". Visiting a Russian bathhouse was not just a hygienic procedure, but a ritual. People went to the bath not for a swim, but for spiritual purification.

The people were obliged to attend the bath before any important event. The process of washing could drag on for some hours, as it was not customary to hurry in this matter. It is important to attend the bathhouse in good mood and preferably with friends.

Another tradition is to wash oneself with cold water after a visit to a hot steam room.

honey salvation - 14 August

The beginning of Lent begins with the Honeymoon or Poppy Saviour. On this day, peasants begin to gather honey. The sweet delicacy is first blessed in church. On the Day of the Poppy, all mistakes are forgiven to women and girls, if they ask for it with a pure heart. Often in villages people pour consecrated honey into a large vessel, and everyone can dip white bread into it, congratulating each other. 
On this day charity is particularly welcome for the poor and hungry. They are given gifts and treated to baked goods and honey. It is customary to help widows and orphans with household chores: to clean and mend their homes, give them utensils and clothing. 
This is the day the first harvest begins

SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD - 14 September 

An old Slavic feast of the approach of autumn. On this holiday it is customary to celebrate a housewarming party and the kindling of a new fire. 
A fire is kindled. On Semen's Day, all fires in the house were put out. They only kept the flame of the icon lamp. On the morning of the next day, a new fire was kindled, symbolizing the beginning of the next element of fire. The fire was renewed, bringing happiness and prosperity into the home. 
The day of Semenov starts the Indian summer. From this day on, no more grass is cut. On this day it is not customary to work in the fields. 
Semenov day is also associated with the ancient custom of the Pokriga. For the consecration of boys aged three years, a small lock of hair on the top of their head was cut off to become a man. The godfather sits the child on a horse and leads him off with the horse in the bridle. From that moment on, the child is regarded as the future warrior and father of the family, and his upbringing is predominantly male. 

yuriev laziness

yuriev laziness is a church day in memory of St. George the Victorious, who in folk tradition was often called Yuri or Yegoriy. This saint was perceived in Russia as a defender of the fatherland, and many Russian princes considered him their patron. The Slavic name of St. George's Day in the year received two dates – May 6 (Yegoriy Veshny) and December 9 (Yegoriy Winter). 


In Russia, the custom of decorating a coniferous tree for Christmas was introduced by Peter the Great. On the eve of 1700, the Emperor ordered the holiday to be celebrated on 1 January, instead of 1 September as before. At that time the ruler ordered to place decorated trees and branches of conifers - fir, pine and juniper - in front of the gates. It is believed that the tradition was reinforced by the wife of Nicholas I, Alexandra Fedorovna, who was of German descent.

new year tradition

New Year's Eve has been celebrated throughout the world since ancient times, and every nation has its own traditions. A long time ago, people noticed that the seasons change in cycles. First comes winter, followed by spring, summer and autumn. And then the cold begins again. To keep count, a calendar was invented. And along with days, months and seasons, people started to count years. For a long time in ancient Russia the New Year was celebrated on March 1. It was believed that it was spring that symbolized the beginning of a new year - nature comes to life, plants, animals and insects wake up. Later it was moved to September 1, and was timed to coincide with the completion of vegetable works.New Year's Day began to be celebrated on 1 January in 1700, more than 300 years ago. The years began to be counted from the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Lord and Saviour of all people. The last Tsar of all Russia, Peter the Great, issued a decree in which he called on the first day of each year to decorate homes with branches of fir trees, light fires, fire cannons and rifles and congratulate each other on the new year. The traditions and customs of celebrating the New Year in Russia developed gradually. For example, to bring in the house of the tree and decorate it became in 1935, less than a century ago. It was then that the first Father Frost appeared. And 2 years later, children learned about his granddaughter, Snegurochka.

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