Когда употребляется to be going to
1. Когда заранее планируем что-либо сделать. (она собирается испечь торт; он собирается помыть машину)
Be going to do …
- собираться делать что-либо;
He is going to go to the mountains.
She is going to go to the seaside.
Holiday Plans:
I am going to go camping.
They are going to go to the lake.
What are you going to do this summer?
I’m going to …
Future Plans: Questions and answers.
be going to do something.
am is are
- самая изменяемая часть оборота.
I am going to swim in the sea.
He is going to swim in the sea.
They are going to swim in the sea.
Утвердительное предложение
Оборот to be going to состоит из двух частей: изменяемой и неизменяемой.
Первая часть - глагол to be, меняется в зависимости от того, кто совершает действия. В настоящем времени глагол to be имеет 3-и формы:
I + am
He/she/it + is
They are going to swim in the pool. - Они собираются поплавать в бассейне.
She is going to find a job.
Она собирается найти работу.
We are going to buy a car.
am is are
1. I ________ going to be a model.
2. She ___ going to help people.
3. We _____ going to write stories.
4. He _____ going to be a sportsman.
5. They ______ going to sing.
Отрицательное предложение
to be + not +going to
They are not going to swim in the pool.
Они не собираются плавать в бассейне.
I am not going to buy a car. –
Я не собираюсь покупать машину.
to be + not +going to
We (not / help)you.
We are not going to help you.
2. Jack (not / walk) home.
Jack is not going to walk home.
3. Sue (not/ share) her biscuits.
Sue is not going to share her biscuits
4. I (not / spend) my holiday abroad this year.
I am not going to spend my holiday abroad this year
5. I (not /sell) my car.
I am not going to sell my car
Вопросительное предложение
Чтобы спросить собирается ли кто-то что-либо делать, глагол
I am going to swim.
Am I going to swim?
2. You are going to be fine.
Are you going to be fine?
3. He is going to come back
Is he going to come back?
4. We are going to work.
Are we going to work?
5. She is going to get rich.
Is she going to get rich.
Find mistakes
1. He to be going to be an actor.
He is going to be an actor.
2. My mother is going visit my exhibition.
My mother is going to visit my exhibition
3. What language you are going to study?
What language are you going to study?
4. I not going to be a singer.
I am not going to be a singer.
5. Sam be going be a reporter.
Sam is going to be a reporter
take, bake, make, rain, lake
is coming.
What are you going to do?
house – mouse, mouth – mount, mountain – mountains; go to the mountains. I’m going to go to the mountains.
bee – see, tree – three; read – sea;
fine – mine, kind – side; seaside; go to the seaside. I’m going to go to the seaside. What can you do at the seaside?
tram – brand, can – fan, cap – camp; camping; to go camping. I’m going to go camping during the summer holidays.
bake – take, train – lane, make – lake; to go to the lake. Are you going to go to the lake or river? – I’m going to go to the lake.
At home:
Посмотреть видео
Выполнит в сборнике упр. 2. 3. 4 стр. 119-120
Фото дом. работы прислать
Не позднее ???.04
до 19:00
(Напиши имя)
Alex is going to ride a bike.
Liza isn’t going to cook dinner.
Nastya and
Valya are going to go to a concert.
Gena isn’t going to go to the museum.
Is Galya going to go to the zoo?
Are Danya and
Sveta going to visit their uncle?
Чтобы рассказать о запланированном на будущее действии используется оборот:
be going to do something.
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