Chemistry lesson
Оценка 4.7

Chemistry lesson

Оценка 4.7
Chemistry lesson
Урок 21.docx

Classification of chemical reactions in organic and inorganic chemistry - CHEMICAL REACTIONS - LESSON PLANS for CHEMISTRY class 11 - lesson plans-lesson plans-author's lessons-lesson plan-lesson summary - chemistry

The purpose of the lesson: to generalize ideas about a chemical reaction as a process of converting one or more substances into a substance that differs from them in chemical structure and properties; to introduce signs of classification of chemical reactions and teach them to apply them in the characterization of chemical reactions in inorganic and organic chemistry, to show the relative nature of different types of chemical reactions and the relationship between different classifications of chemical processes.

Basic concepts: reaction, chemical reaction, types of chemical reactions — compound reaction, decomposition reaction, exchange reaction, substitution reaction, redoxreactions, exothermic and endothermic reactions, reversible and irreversible reactions, homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, catalytic and non-catalytic reactions.

Equipment: totransparency. Mg; Cao; CuSO4; Na; phenol, acetic acid; NaOH; solution l2; KNO3(TV.); Na2CO3; NAl; phenol, red phosphorus, spoon burning, flask, test tube, water indicator, a basic salt of copper, KMPO4, a splinter, (NH4)2Cr2O7; raw potatoes, fresh meat, H2O2.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

The teacher analyzes the results of the test work. It focuses students ' attention on typical mistakes. Students are encouraged to work on errors in additional tasks.

Further, students are introduced to the following topic of study, the main nodal points; students are informed about the types of control of mastering the topic: test, independent work, practical work, tests.

In notebooks, students write down the General topic of study and the topic of the lesson, as well as the study plan.

Study plan

1. Reaction, chemical reaction. Definition.

2. Signs of classification of chemical reactions, types of chemical reactions (reference summary on the codotransporant or printed on a separate sheet, for each table). Conducting experiments that confirm the type of reaction.

3. Characteristics of chemical reactions (classification).

The term "reaction" in Latin means "reaction", "rebuff", "response".

"Chemical reaction" is understood as the response of a substance to the influence of other substances on it from the outside, taking into account factors-temperature, light, electric current, radiation, mechanical impact. However, under the influence of these factors, physical processes also occur: melting, freezing, boiling, and evaporation. Therefore,

A chemical reaction is a change in substances that breaks down old and creates new chemical bonds between the particles (atoms, ions) that make up substances.


In chemical reactions, unlike nuclear reactions, the total number of atoms or ions in the reacting system, as well as the isotopic composition of chemical elements, does not change.


a) nuclear reaction (oxygen isotope);

b) synthesis of transuranic elements.

Then there is a conversation between the teacher and the students.

Question: What types of chemical reactions are known to us from the course of inorganic and organic chemistry

Answer: Known types of chemical reactions in inorganic chemistry:

reactions of the compound A + BC = ABC, A + B = AB;

decomposition reactions ABC = A + B + C, ABC = AB + C;

substitution reactions A + BC = B + AS;

reactions of AB + SD exchange = SV + AD,

where A, B, C are simple substances, AB, SD, ABC are complex substances.

In organic chemistry, addition reactions on the π -bond were known; substitution reactions; polymerization reactions, etc. However, there are also signs by which it is possible to classify chemical reactions more correctly.

Students are encouraged to totransport.

Classification of chemical reactions by certain characteristics


A sign

of a Chemical reaction

General view

1. Number and composition of reacting substances and reaction products:

1) with a change in the composition of substances

2) without changing the composition of substances

a) compound reactions

b) decomposition reaction

C) substitution reaction

d) exchange reaction

e) isomerization reaction

2. Change of S. O. of elements included in the composition of reacting substances and formed compounds:

1) with a change in S. O.

2) without a change in S. o

oxidation. redox reactions

reactions are not OVR

3. The thermal effect is

a) exothermic

b) endothermic

A + B = CD + Q

A + B = CD-Q

4. Aggregate state of reacting and formed substances

a) homogeneous

b) heterogeneous

all substances of the same aggregate state

substances of different aggregate States

5. Using a catalyst

a) catalytic

b) non-catalytic

6. The direction of the reaction is

a) reversible reaction

b) irreversible reaction

In the sequence of classification, students, working with the text of the textbook, observing the experiments carried out by the teacher, make a table in their notebooks.

The first classification feature: by the number and composition of reacting substances



Reaction type

Defining the type

Example of reaction

1) Reaction without changing the composition of substances

Reaction of isomerization

In the course of a chemical reaction, the structure changes (the chemical structure, not the composition of the substance)

Demonstration of plastic sulfur production:

Hydrocarbons-organic compounds depending on the conditions:

2) Reactions with changes in the composition of substances

a) Reaction of compound

A + B = AB


Chemical reactions that result in two or more simple or complex substances forming one complex substance

The experiment of burning sulfur:

S + O2 = SO2

The interaction of the two syllables of substances:

CaO + H2O = Ca(HE)2


In organic chemistry, chemical reactions are named according to what

Hydrogenation is added (+H2):

The reaction of hydration (+ H2O):

Reaction of halogenation (+ halogen):

The reaction of hydrohalogenation (+ halogene ofhydrogen)

Polymerization reaction

b) decomposition Reactions:

ABCD = AB + C + D


AB = A + In

These are reactions in which several new substances — simple and complex-are formed from one complex substance.

In organic chemistry, decomposition reactions are called elimination reactions. These are reactions that are the reverse of joining reactions, with the prefix de -:

The decomposition of KNO3at t°.

+ H2— reaction of hydrogenation;

+ H2O — hydration reaction;

= H2+ - dehydrogenation reaction;

→ H2O + - dehydration reaction:

+ halogen → - the reaction of halogenation;

→ halogen + - the reaction of dehalogenation:

+ N halogen → - hydrohalogenation reactionhydrohalogenation reaction;

→ N halogen + is a dehydrohalogenation reaction.

C) substitution Reactions

A + BC = AB + C

Reactions in which atoms of a simple substance replace atoms of another element and form a new simple substance and a new complex substance

In inorganic chemistry:

In organic chemistry:

The reaction of bromination:

The reaction of nitration; chlorination reaction.

Some substitution reactions in organic chemistry look like exchange reactions:

d) exchange Reactions

AB + CD = AD + SV

THESE are Chemical reactions in which two complex substances exchange their constituent partswhich two complex substances exchange their constituent parts

In inorganic chemistry:

In organic chemistry:

The second sign of classification: according to the change in the degree of oxidation of chemical elements that form substances


Reaction type

Defining the type

Example of reaction

1) there Is a change in the S. O.

These окислительноare redox reactions

In inorganic chemistry, as a rule, this is the reaction of a compound, decomposition:

In organic chemistry many reactions can be considered as OVR reactions:

2) S. O. does not change

Reactions are not redox-восстановительными reaction reaction experiment.

1) Exothermic reactions

the Reactions in which heat is generated. Generally, combustion reactions, many compound reactions, in organic chemistry hydrogenation reactions, halogenation

reactions 2) Endothermic reactions

Reactions that result in heat being absorbed

In inorganic chemistry some reactions are compounds:

The decomposition reaction of:

In organic chemistry-elimination reaction:

The fourth classification feature: by aggregate state


Reaction type

Defining the type

Example of a reaction

1) Heterogeneous reactions

Reactions in which the reacting substances and the reaction product are in different aggregate States (in different phases)

2) Homogeneous reactions

reactions In which the reacting substances and reaction products are in the same aggregate States (in the same phase)

The fifth feature of classification: based on the participation of the catalyst


Reaction type

Defining the type

Example of a reaction

1) catalytic Reactions


Non-catalytic Reactions involving a catalyst

Reactions without the participation of a catalyst in a living cell

[piece of meat] + H2O2→ separation O2

[raw potatoes] + H2O2→ selection O2↑ (experiment)

2Mg + O2 = 2MgO

The sixth feature of classification: by direction


Reaction type

Defining the type

Example of a reaction

1) Reversible reactions

2) Irreversible reactions

Reactions that take place simultaneously in two opposite directions

under the given conditions Reactions that take place only in the water direction under the given conditions

In organic chemistry:

hydrogenation reaction — dehydration

reaction; hydration reaction — dehydration

reaction; polymerization reaction — depolymerization reaction;

esterification reaction, hydrolysis reaction of proteins, carbohydrates , polynucleopeds, fats.

In inorganic chemistry, most reactions are reversible:

In inorganic chemistry — exchange reaction accompanied by precipitation, the formation of water, gas release or a very weak electrolyte, and all reactions of combustion

II. Homework assignment

§ 11, № 1, 3, 6 (№ 1, 6 — require the same characteristic of the equations).

III. Pinning

Characteristics of chemical equations on the basis of the classification.

1) reactions with changes in the composition of the substance;

2) AB = A + B; decomposition reaction, since one complex substance formed two new simple ones;

3) the reaction of IIB

elements have changed the S. O.

4) endothermic reaction — by thermal effect;

5) the reaction is heterogeneous in phase;

6) the reaction is irreversible.




Classification of chemical reactions in organic and inorganic chemistry -

Classification of chemical reactions in organic and inorganic chemistry -

Further, students are introduced to the following topic of study, the main nodal points; students are informed about the types of control of mastering the…

Further, students are introduced to the following topic of study, the main nodal points; students are informed about the types of control of mastering the…

Then there is a conversation between the teacher and the students

Then there is a conversation between the teacher and the students

Number and composition of reacting substances and reaction products: 1) with a change in the composition of substances 2) without changing the composition of substances…

Number and composition of reacting substances and reaction products: 1) with a change in the composition of substances 2) without changing the composition of substances…

Classification Reaction type

Classification Reaction type

Reactions: ABCD = AB + C + D

Reactions: ABCD = AB + C + D

Reactions AB + CD = AD + SV

Reactions AB + CD = AD + SV

Endothermic reactions Reactions that result in heat being absorbed

Endothermic reactions Reactions that result in heat being absorbed

Reaction type Defining the type

Reaction type Defining the type

S. O. 4) endothermic reaction — by thermal effect; 5) the reaction is heterogeneous in phase; 6) the reaction is irreversible

S. O. 4) endothermic reaction — by thermal effect; 5) the reaction is heterogeneous in phase; 6) the reaction is irreversible
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