Разучи рифмовку: послушай (96). И повтори ее за диктором
Учебник стр. 118 упр. 2
Bess, Bess, Don’t make a mess.Please, Bess, Don’t make a mess.Clean up your classroom.Right now, now, now, now.
Lee, Lee, Don’t watch TV.Please, Lee, Don’t watch TV.Please read your book.Right now, now, now, now.
создавать беспорядок
прибирать класс
прямо сейчас
смотреть телевизор
прочитать книгу
Найди в этих примерах на сложение варианты с правильным ответом и прочитай их.
Учебник стр. 119 упр. 3
Образец: 15 + 4 = 19 / 15 + 4 = 21
Fifteen and four is nineteen.
/ 7 + 14 = 21
/ 3 + 78 = 81
7 + 14 = 20
3 + 78 = 82
/ 37 + 5 = 43
37 + 5 = 42
/ 8 + 19 = 26
8 + 19 = 27
/ 43 + 57 = 100
43 + 57 = 99
a lot of
в утвердительных предложениях с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми сущ.
в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях с исчисляемыми сущ.
в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях с неисчисляемыми сущ.
Исчисляемые сущ.
неисчисляемые сущ.
Прочитай и сравни примеры, определи в каком случае слово «много» в английском будет a lot of, в каком many и much
Выбери нужный вариант в скобках (many или а lot of).
Учебник стр. 119 упр. 4
I have many / a lot of friends at school.
Do you have many / a lot of pupils in class?
We have many / a lot of lessons every day.
There are many / a lot of flowers in our school garden.
5) There are not many / a lot of English books in my bag.
6) Are there many / a lot of toys in the playroom?
7) There are not many / a lot of pots on the windowsills.
8) Do you have many / a lot of pets at home?
Закончи предложения, используя слова в скобках.
Учебник стр. 120 упр. 6
We are finishing our lessons. Close / Open your books, please.
2) Get up, Peter! It’s eight o’clock. Time to go / come to school.
5) I don’t have a pen. Can you give / take me your pen, please?
6) There is / are a blackboard and some pictures on the wall.
7) I don’t understand / listen what you are saying.
8) “Listen to me / I,” says the teacher.
11) We are beginning our lesson. Close / Open your books, please.
12) Our classes begin at eight in the morning. We come to school before / after classes.
Посмотри на картинки и выбери к каждой из них подходящую подпись. Прочитай их вслух.
Учебник стр. 124 упр. 4
Robert is opening his book.
b) Robert is opening his box.
c) Robert is opening his bag.
Robert is closing the door.
b) Robert is closing the window.
c) Robert is closing the cupboard.
Robert is putting his bag on the sofa.
b) Robert is putting his bag on the desk.
c) Robert is putting his bag in the desk.
Robert is giving an apple to his dog.
b) Robert is giving an apple to his cow.
c) Robert is giving an apple to his horse.
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