Эссе “Education is like a double-edged sword. It may be turned to dangerous uses if it is not properly handled.”
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Семёнова И. В.
Starting my essay, I would like to say that I agree with all the statements. I myself work in education. Children come to our lyceum after the 9th grade. Spending the entire adaptation period with them side by side, you undoubtedly understand that each of them is individual and talented in something. It takes a lot of work to uncover them. When they participate in a casual conversation, you involuntarily get frank answers to the questions: why didn't you go to the 10th grade? Why did you come to the Lyceum? And most of the children openly say: “The teachers at school told us that we had nothing to do in high school. We will not pass the exam. We don't have enough brains". We get a lot of answers of this nature. In my opinion, this speaks of the lack of professionalism of some teachers of our time. Such statements about adolescents settle in their souls as a stigma with which they then move through life. Every child needs help in maintaining their self-esteem, revealing their individual talent. Of course, I do not relieve parents of responsibility, but the teacher plays an important role in the formation of the personality. With the wrong pedagogical approach, the student can withdraw into himself. Learning will be alien to him. This, in turn, entails a child's lack of education, not a desire to go to school, do homework, learn new things, and develop. As the Soviet poet and playwright Mikhail Arkadievich Svetlov used to say: "A real teacher is not the one who constantly educates you, but the one who helps you to become yourself." Let's grow light, pure in the hearts of the children.
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