Данный текст “History of cosmetics’ предназначен для учащихся 9-11 классов. Текст достаточно легкий для восприятия, не смотря на то, что там есть достаточно много фраз и слов, которые учащимся придется поискать в словаре или попробовать понять смысл по контексту текста. Время выполнения примерно 15 минут.
history of cosmetics .docx
History of cosmetics
It is probable that when men first painted their faces, many thousands of years ago. It was for
the purpose of frightening their enemies in war. But there records of women in Egypt using
cosmetics more than four thousand years ago. These women not only painted their eyebrows;
they also added a thick dark line under each eye, and different kinds of paint for different
seasons of the year.
Women in ancient Rome used cosmetics they used Egyptian kohl for darkening the eyelids,
powdered chalk for whitening the skin, and a red colouring matter for the young slaves of many
nationalities. They used eggs and other natural materials to make the face smother and brighter
that a mirror.
In England it was the costume, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, for all ladies of
fashion to paint their faces and to blacken their eyebrows. In the eighteenth century there was a
change of tastes, however, and until about the end of the century, ladies who used make up were
not accepted in high society.
Today the use of cosmetics is accepted everywhere, and it is common to see women and girls
making up in public. The cosmetics industry is one of the largest in the country, and large sums
of money go to the owners of beauty salons.
1. Why, probably, did men first begin to paint their faces?
a) To look beautiful
b) To have a more threatening appearance
c) To perform national dances
2. Ancient Egyptian records tell us that
a) Women weren`t acquainted with makeup 4000 years ago
b) Ancient women painted only their eyebrows
c) Egyptian women used cosmetics in accordance with nature
3. Women in ancient Rome
a) Were the first to use cosmetics
b) Never used cosmetics
c) Used mainly natural substances to paint their faces
4. Which of the following statements is true?
In the 19th century ladies used make up abundantly
b) Women were not allowed to use makeup in England
c) Women belonging to high classes ceased to use makeup in the 19th century
5. According to the passage
a) Cosmetics industry has no future
b) The owners of beauty salons are often bankrupt
c) A lot of money is spent on cosmetics
"History of cosmetics" test of reading
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