Influence of Sadriddin Aini life and works in spiritual and moral development of students
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Influence of Sadriddin Aini life and works in spiritual and moral development of students

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Influence of Sadriddin Aini life and works in spiritual and moral development of students
Jumayev Ruzokul Xoliqulovich.pdf

Influence of Sadriddin Aini life and works in spiritual and moral development of students


Jumayev Ruzokul Xoliqulovich –

Teacher of the Department of Primary Education Methods, 

Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan


Abstract: Numerous works of S.Ayni, aimed at educating the younger generation, full of love for the motherland, high human morality, contribute to the education of present and future generations and their high spirituality.

Keywords: Basic content, place names, urbanism, hydronyms origin of the phenomenon, vocabulary.


Introduction. Today the formation of moral and spiritual qualities of the personality of young students is one of the most important tasks in the field of education, in this process the role of the teacher is very important.

Moral and spiritual education of young people, especially students, is a priority in all human life, because the basis of society is morality and spirituality.  The study of the works of Tajik and Persian thinkers shows that in order to comprehensively educate the younger generation, they promote the issues of morality, patriotism, physical education and family ethics, legal education, humanism and other aspects of the spirituality of young people..

II. Main part

Sadriddin Aini, a well-known writer and founder of modern Tajik literature, is one of such great personalities, whose works are full of issues of high human morality, patriotism, self-knowledge, humanism and diligence, and is dedicated to the education of the perfect man.  It should be noted that the life, literary, pedagogical and valuable works of Sadriddin Aini have been studied by a number of scholars, including I.S Braginsky, B.  Gafurov, К.  Ayni, H. Ayni, A. Saifulloev, M.  Shakuri, Yu.I.  Boboev, M. Lutfulloev and others.

The results of their research and discussion.  Numerous articles and researches have been written about the life and activity of Sadriddin Aini (1878 - 1954).  The name of this great man is familiar to the Tajik reader and beyond.  His works have been translated into several languages of the peoples of the world and reflect the pre-revolutionary life of the Tajik people.  All his life S. Ayni is inextricably linked with the Tajik people, with the historical events of the country.  S. Ayni's invaluable works are not only a school of life, but also a reflection of the history of the Tajik people in the ХIХ-ХХ centuries.

Young County  S.Ayni approached the education of education in Central Asia, which is associated with the name of the writer, a great victory.  In those years, he was cooperating with the first Tajik journalists and magazines, actively contribute to the organization of Soviet schools and the development of books.  Sadridden was the first teacher of Tajik schools.  Master is well known as a scientist scientist and has a valuable contribution in the formation of the Tajik literary language.

According to scientists' ... since the beginning of the seventh century  S.Ayni expressed their best ideas to educate children.

He was the first to raise the issue of educating the younger generation in his works.  Along with

being a teacher, S.  Ayni was also involved in the development of school textbooks.  In the works

“Tahzib-us-sibyon” (Education of children) and “Dukhtarcha or Kholida” his personal educational ideas on upbringing, education and school are expressed… S. Ayni entered children's literature as a teacher and his activity in this field was connected with  The development of textbooks for schools of the new method took place, and further the images created by the national hero in his works expressed the educational and pedagogical ideas of the writer and had a significant impact on the formation of the moral image of the younger generation.

The eminent scientist I.  S.  Braginsky, who spoke about the life and work of S.  Ayni has done a lot of research, writes: “The pedagogical activity of S.  Ayni was very important and significant, and as a result, his efforts in the field of education found a whole new content.  He spoke for the education of the working people, especially the youth.  S. Ayni was the first teacher in the new school.  This aspect of his work has influenced the whole style of his literary work, brought simplicity of expression and comprehensibility to his works, and doubled their educational value.

Sadriddin Aini's writing career began in the 90s of the ХIХ century.  He began his literary career with the creation of poetry and laid the foundation for modern Tajik poetry.  The poem “March of Freedom” was written in imitation of “Marseillaise”.  The first collection of poems of S.Ayni patriotic poems of the Great Patriotic War ("March of Freedom", "Hero of Leningrad", "Song of Victory", etc.) has a worthy place.  However, Ustod Aini plays an important role in the field of prose and created his outstanding and influential works with prose.

S.  Ayni writing the lesson in February 1922 named after "Duxtarcha yo Xolida" it was published in 1924.  In this book, the specifics of children at school and the family have some of observations and ethics.  This book is important in it in which the author is one of the first in children's literature and turned to women's issue.  He raised the issue of training Tajik girls and Uzbek.  Caribib All the stories are dedicated to the formation of key repayments of the work.  The writer described in the example of a loving person, the main protagonist of the work, which has shown his or her in a similar face, and in the same way, "the positive and teacher's impact in the formation of the young generation."

S.  Ayni wrote his first outstanding work - the story "Jallodoni Bukhara" in 1920, which exposed the brutal image of the Emir, the cruelty and deception of officials, and described the life of the Emir of Bukhara in a realistic and very natural way.  The novel "Gulaman" (1934-1935) has a special place in the works of the writer.  It depicts the life of the Tajik people for more than 100 years - from the beginning of the ХIХ century until the victory of the new order in Central Asia with interesting images and colorful events.  The novel "Dokhunda" (1930) also has a special place in the works of S. Ayni.  The novel begins with the events of the first decade of the twentieth century and ends with the events of 1929, the victory of the kolkhoz system.   This work, as the first Tajik novel, has great historical and political significance.

Another work of great historical and spiritual value is "Yoddoshtho" ("Bukhara", 1949-1954).  The Memoirs depicts the life of the Tajik people in the 19th and 20th centuries.  The events of the work are described with great artistic interest, with the testimony of the writer himself, and reflect the feudal life of the Emirate of Bukhara.  The writer skillfully depicts the old world of oppression, the intolerable life of the poor, the growth of feudalism.  Along with the description of the negative events in the life of the 90s, the spiritual strength of the people, the leading representatives of science and literature, the qualities of hard work and freedom of various images are described.

In 1924, the story "Odina" was published in the newspaper "Ovozi Tojik", and in 1927 it was published as a separate work.  This work shows the life of mountainous Tajiks in the dark times of feudalism, oppression of the rich landowners.  "Odina" is the first work of Tajik realism, which depicts a Tajik worker and several freedom-loving young people.

A. Lohuti notes about this book.  “In August 1925, I made a pilgrimage to Samarkand. Master was drowning in his room with hundreds of books and a copy in his hand.  It was the "Namunai adabiyoti tojik"… In my opinion, the "Namunai adabiyoti tojik" is the best example of Tajik literature.  In order to find some manuscripts of Tajik poets, Ustod Aini spent many days going from door to door, to find and obtain them, and as a result, prepared a modern basis for literary criticism and analysis of Tajiks.  Basically Central Asia has always been one of the most important centers of Persian literature.  Rather, after the destruction of the literature of this period by the Arab invasion and the burning of Persian literature, Central Asia is the oldest source and source of Persian literature.  On that day, under the oppression of the Arabs, the Rudakis fought in Central Asia and revived the dead literature.

It should be noted that the "Sample of Tajik literature" was highly evaluated by scholars and readers.  In particular, a prominent Iranian scholar, Professor Said Nafisi, wrote in his review:  Anyone interested in Persian literature should definitely have this book.

It should be noted that the development and publication of "A sample of Tajik literature" (1940) was a memorable event in the literary and cultural life of the Tajik people.  By writing this work, Sadriddin Aini not only proved the existence of the Tajik nation, but also showed that the Tajik people and its literature date back to ancient times and have survived to the present day.  This work begins with the presentation and examples of Rudaki's works and ends with the works of poets of Ayni's own time.  The publication of the book "A sample of Tajik literature" was a worthy response to the enemies and detractors of the nation, who denied the existence of the Tajik people.  In this regard, the well-known linguist M.  Shukurov wrote: “Alhak, Sadriddin Aini is one of the greatest sons of the nation, who in a crucial period of crisis worked selflessly, showed heroism to ensure the survival of the nation and to help the people to rise again from the ruins of history.  , the father cared for and nurtured. ”

It is noteworthy that during this period there were public debates on the democratization of the Tajik language and the new alphabet.  S.  Ayni writes a series of articles on language issues and the development of new textbooks.  The main idea of S. Aini was to treat the Tajik language with care, to preserve its originality and to select the appropriate words and phrases from the living language of the people, and thus to enrich the literary language.

S. Ayni strongly opposed the abusive and derogatory words of the Tajik literary language and protested against the reduction of the suffix "ro" in the Tajik language.  A draft decree on the Tajik literary language had already been prepared.  S. Ayni expressed dissatisfaction with the same item of the draft law, which spoke about the reduction of the suffix "ro" in the Tajik language, and demanded its rejection. I.  S.  Braginsky, one of the active participants in such consultations, wrote: “S.  Aini was informed that the draft order would soon become an order, and specifically came from Samarkand to Stalinabad to ensure that the purity of the language was not disturbed and that "language contamination" was prevented.… After a two- to three-hour visit, he arrived in Stalinabad.  a group of friends immediately invited me to his hotel.  As soon as I approached him, he looked at me disapprovingly and began to speak: - Did you know that the suffix "ro" in the language is almost insignificant and consists of only two letters, but here we are talking about the expression and function of literary language?  goes.  This is how you enter street words and phrases.  The literary language and the living language of the people cannot be developed in this way.  My colleagues and I did not immediately grasp the importance of Master Ayni's remarks.  He cared deeply about the language and struggled to preserve the originality of the mother tongue. ”

During his lifetime, Sadriddin Aini's works were marked by outstanding personalities - L. Leonov,

Y. Fuchik, Ch.  Aytmatov, К.  Fedin and several poets and writers of world literature have praised him. III. Results and Discussions

The contribution of Sadriddin Aini in the field of world literature and culture at the World Forum of Asian and African Writers, held in Cairo in 1962, was especially noted, and among the four writers and thinkers of the East, recognized classics of modern literature, Sadriddin Aini was named.  was also recorded.  According to the declaration of this conference, the name of Ustad Ayni was put on a par with the leading writers of the East Robindranath Tagore, Lu Xin and Taho Hussein.

IV. Conclusion

Pedagogical ideas have a great influence on the formation of the human worldview.  Having completed a brief analysis of the works of Ustad Ayni, we can conclude that the promotion of such high human qualities as selflessness, patriotism, learning, courage play an important role in educating the younger generation.  are included, worthy of study and a source of pride.  Numerous works of Ustad Ayni, aimed at educating the younger generation, full of love for the motherland, high human morality, contribute to the education of present and future generations and their high spirituality. 





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Influence of Sadriddin Aini life and works in spiritual and moral development of students

Influence of Sadriddin Aini life and works in spiritual and moral development of students

He was the first to raise the issue of educating the younger generation in his works

He was the first to raise the issue of educating the younger generation in his works

In 1924, the story "Odina" was published in the newspaper "Ovozi

In 1924, the story "Odina" was published in the newspaper "Ovozi

As soon as I approached him, he looked at me disapprovingly and began to speak: -

As soon as I approached him, he looked at me disapprovingly and began to speak: -

Avezmurodovich O. R. Difficulties in learning to write and read left-handed children //European

Avezmurodovich O. R. Difficulties in learning to write and read left-handed children //European



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Yunus Y. S. Features of Logical
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