История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке
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История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

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История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке
Методическая разработка для профессионального образования по специальностям: "Технология парикмахерского искусства" и "Парикмахерское искусство". История прически начиная с древних времен и заканчивая 21 веком. Материал опирается на исторические факты от самых простых причесок до самых сложных. Материал рекомендуется учащимся для повышения профессиональных навыков и мастерства.Методическая разработка для профессионального образования по специальностям: "Технология парикмахерского искусства" и "Парикмахерское искусство". История прически начиная с древних времен и заканчивая 21 веком.
История парикмахерского искусства.docx
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение города ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ Москвы «Техникум сервиса и туризма № 29» (ГБПОУ ТСиТ № 29) МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА ПРАКТИЧЕСКОЙ РАБОТЫ по дисциплине: Иностранный язык( английский) в профессиональной деятельности. Тема:_ История парикмахерского искусства  ___________________________________________________ Для специальности :  Технология парикмахерского искусства МОСКВА 2017 Методическая разработка предназначена для преподавателей и студентов  техникума с целью совершенствования качества обучения по учебной дисциплине. Данная работа направлена на выполнение практической работы на данную тему в  единой форме по техникуму. Рассмотрена на заседании ПЦК специальности Технология парикмахерского искуссва Протокол № __2___ от «11___»_октября_______________2017г. Председатель ПЦК__________Атаманова М.В. Заместитель директора по научно- методической работе _______________И.Б.Селиванова Составитель: Смирнова Т.Н.., преподаватель высшей категории ГБПОУ ТСиТ № 29 The origins of hairdressing art go back to antiquity. It is known that 2-3 thousand years BC it was typical of our ancestors to decorate their appearance by different hairstyles. As centuries were passing by , people brought into the objects they created their own vision of “beauty”, which reflected their personal taste, and the overall aesthetic ideal that was peculiar for a certain era. Hairdressing was not an exception. But clothes and hairstyle turned out to be a kind of utilitarian and social phenomena. Different people formed their own style and certain traditions connected with the environmental conditions of the country and individual status of a person in a society. Study the history of hairdressing art is not only interesting, but also bears certain practical value, as some points may be used at the present moment. Peculiar haircuts were created in Ancient Egypt. They required specially trained slaves. Egyptians dyed their hair with henna and decorated it with ornamental elements.  Fair hair color was considered fashionable in ancient Greece. In the classical period casual men's hairstyle was short -cropped hair, the "total" (ie, from temple to temple) rather short beard and moustache. Some dandies wore their hair long, curled in ringlets and caught up by golden ribbon. On solemn occasions they would lay hair over the forehead into a beautiful bow, so-called “cicadas”.  Greek women wore their hair long and knew several types of hairstyles, but classic hairstyle can be considered the so-called Greek knot – “corimbos”. This hairstyle demanded long hair to be parted in the middle, curled in waves and lowered them pretty low on the forehead , as according to aesthetic norms of the time , the forehead should be rather low (only two fingers shall fit between the eyebrows and the hair on the forehead). Further on the hair were hung along the cheeks, lifted and were set in a knot on the nape, fastened by studs and narrow ribbons. Often hair were set in net woven of golden ribbons, or put on an elegant decoration – “stefana” . Stefana had a variety of shapes and have always been heavily decorated. Men's hairstyle in different periods of Roman history was different. Hair could be curled or combed smoothly with bangs over the forehead. Romans would usually shave their face, but small curled beards were also in fashion. Hairstyles of Roman noble women very diverse and complex . In some periods they wore smoothly combed hair , parted in the middle, sometimes they curled hair in long ringlets , sometimes they wore " Greek " hair - but true Roman hairstyle were high curly hair , fixed on the frame. Fan-shaped frame was fixed above forehead and was similar to the shape of a Russian “kokoshnik”. Neat rows of curls were laid on the frame. Rest of the hair were braided and set on the nape in the form of a basket. Blond and fair hair were considered fashionable. Cultural history of feudal society is divided into two main periods: early (IX-XII century) and later Middle Ages (XIII-XV century ) . A huge role in the lives of people starts to play church, and therefore the development of hairdressing art depended on the regulation of the church, which sought to pacify the " sinful human flesh." In the early Middle Ages, men's hairstyle was primitive: hair cut to the earlobes, and a bang in front. In the XI century people wore long hair flowing over their shoulders. Girls wore either long braids or loose hair, caught up with a headband round the head, and married women hid their hair. Most often, this would be a round shawl of white cloth with a hole for the face. In the XV century head dresses became extremely important, caps in particular, and the hairstyle itself, on the contrary, lost its meaning. It was considered fashionable to open forehead and temples, as well as the nape, to show the beauty of a long neck. Hair above the forehead and nape were trimmed for this purpuse. Renaissance was an important stage in the history of hairdressing art. At this time in Italy men wore fashionable hairstyle of two basic types: smooth or combed back hair and hair with bangs. Men would smoothly shave their face . Fair haired women were considered particularly beautiful. High forehead was also considered beautiful. Hairstyle could be very complex and sophisticated. It consisted of a combination of a braid, curls, decorated with pearl beads, veils , ribbons. Sometimes young girls wore loose hair. Renaissance was an important stage in the history of hairdressing art. At this time in Italy in men was considered fashionable hairstyle in two basic types: smooth or hair combed back, or wearing hair with bangs. Smoothly shaved face. Women were considered particularly beautiful golden hair. High forehead was considered beautiful. Hairstyle could be very complex and sophisticated. It consisted of a combination of the braid, curls, decorated with pearl beads, veils, ribbons. Sometimes young girls wore loose hair. In Spain, the men in fashion wore a short haircut with beard and moustache Spanish women wore a simple and strict hairstyle, mostly called “bandeau”: parted in the middle hung along the cheeks, and were folded into a chignon on the nape. Hair were beautifully decorated with flowers, headbangs, jewelry. In France, original features appeared in hairstyles, reflecting the tastes of evolving nation. Special influence on men's hairstyle was made by the last king of the XVI century Henry IV. Combed-back hair, curled up moustache and small pointed beard «a la Henri IV» were in fashion. Since the king began to turn gray early powder for hair became fashionable, but at that time only temples were powdered. In the first half of the XVI century women hairstyle was in the form of two semicircular rollers set above forehead , usually decorated with beads or small, curved for the shape of a hairstyle veil cap. At the end of the XVI century the shape of female hairstyle changes significantly. There appeared two types of hairstyle. Hair were either curled and combed back , or raised up high, where fixed it to a wire frame. Sometimes ladies wore wigs. British male and female hairstyles were very influenced by the splend or of the Queen Elizabeth court. Men wore short hair, but their garments were decorated with embroidery, jewels and lace. Women wore elaborate hairstyles decorated with caps and headbands. Sometimes women wore wigs. In the XVII century, France became a trendsetter in the field of fashion and hairstyles. The Baroque style, that best expressed the tastes of the aristocracy of the time, was finally settled. Hairstyles of the Baroque era were entirely dependent on court etiquette and characterized by splendor, stiffness, a huge amount of jewelery and complex technology. At the beginning of the XVII century men wore long hair loose over the shoulders. Nobles released a small beard and small moustache at the edge of the lips. Later wigs came into fashion. Curvy hairstyle consisted of long, curly hair, and fair colour was fashionable. This wig looked like a lion's mane. Women's hairstyle during the second half of XVII century changed countless times. Short-trendy hairstyles were of several types. In the 60s hairstyle still retains some naturalness. Women parted their hair in the middle and whipped above temples , fastening it at the back of the neck and while the rest of the hair were curled and hung in two long curls over the shoulders - «a la Mancini». In the 70s female hairstyle began to resemble the shape of male wig. Rows of curls were set so high that sometimes hair towered above the forehead by 50-60 centimeters. Sometimes ladies of that time wore smooth hair with a knot , fixed at the back - the so-called “node of humbleness”. Since the 90s the hairstyle “fontange” came ito fashion. It consisted of a combination of curls set on head in rows and blurred by protein to fasten hair , and bent in various fantastic shapes wire frame , which was decorated with was decorated with the folded cloth, lace , flowers and ribbons . If necessary, the hairstyle was supplemented by artificial hair. In the first half of the XVIII century there appeared the Rococo style, which seems to complete the development of the Baroque style. Rococo - a decorative style that bears features of fragility, elegance, sensuality and some “airs and graces” . These features were present in both male and female hairstyles. Male hairstyles at the Rococo times were small in volume. Hair were curled and sometimes smoothly combed back, tied by a black ribbon on the nape or hidden in a black bag. Usually men powdered their hair. White powdered wigs came into fashion. Female hair was also small and consisted of raised up curls , fixed at the back and decorated with ribbons , bunches of feathers , flowers , strings of pearls . Women usually powdered their hair. In the 70s of the XVIII century hairstyles are particularly elborated. It took several hours to create a fashionable hairstyle – “kuafyur”. Women tried to keep it intact for a few days . These hairstyles made as follows: hairdressers combed hair, put on top of the head a light frame , upon which the hair were raised and fastened; then the hair were curled , powdered , and finally decorated. For this purpose they used ribbons , flowers, lace. Sometimes a head would host a whole basket with fruits or even the layout of the ship with rigging and sails. Sometimes a mass of jewelry that exceeded the weight of the head was placed into a hairstyle. French Revolution of 1789 marked the beginning of a new era and that affected hairstyles too. Inspired by the ideas of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, the ideologists of the French Revolution turned to the images of the ancient world, for the ancient idea of democracy, the severity of morals and aesthetic ideals. The second half of the XVIII century - the period of the Classicism. Men would wear short-cut hair; hair powder was out of use. Women hairstyles had variety of forms, but were very simplified, became not that high and were usually curled in ringlets. With Napoleon I coming to power, there appeared the Empire style , which resembles Classicism in architecture and interiors. At that time artists and architects were not inspired by strict and graceful forms of Greek temples any longer, but heavy and curvy forms of Roman architecture took their imagination. Men would curl their hair into tight curls - «a la Titus», shave their face, but narrow strips of hair , called the “favorite” were left on cheeks. Female hairstyles changed very often: they wore the so-called Czech knot , and hairstyles of various combinations of curls. After the fall of Napoleon, 20s - 30s years see the birth of a new style- the Romanticism. The German hairstyle “Biedermeier” was in fashion. The name of this hairstyle has become synonym of a “burgher” well-being and comfort and was the leading one up to 40s. In France there appeared almost identical style called "the style of Louis Philippe". Men wore short , curly hair raised at the forehead. In the 40s hairstyles lengthened up to ears, sometimes firmly curled . In the 50s rather long, often curled, parted to one side hair became fashionable. In the 60s relatively short hairstyles, sideburns came into fashion. By the end of the century the hair was cut short . Women's hairstyles in the 30s were a real work of art. The hair were parted on one side, shorted on the sides locks were curled and large curls were set above the temples . Long strands of hair from behind were lifted up on the head top laid in different chignons. In the 40s the new idol of high society was the " grand lady" – red haired woman of fashion. In the 50s hairstyle consisted of lush chignon and sometimes parted in the middle hair were laid back in a special grid. In the 60s hair were raised above forehead in two rollers - «a la Stuart», and long curls descended on the back and shoulders. In the 70 - 80s hairstyle almost retained its form. It consists of a long, run-flat on the back curls and above the temples hair were usually combed up high . Russia focused on France in the field of fasion. Many salons were owned by French masters. Fashion magazines were discharged from Paris, where even hairdressers’ contests were held. In 1860, the Russian masters Agapov and Andreev won the first prize in the contest , and in 1888 - 1890s, Ivan Andreev received a number of awards Honorary diploma of Distinguished Professor of Hairdressing for his hairstyles . In the 1890-1900's hairstyles changed again in connection with the changes that took place in public life at the end of the century. Fashion becomes even more international, there appears business style expressed in simplicity and rationality of hairstyles. In 1904, in Germany the procedure of lasting hair curling – permanent- was firstly performed. Permanent quickly spread throughout Europe. In the 20s of XX century short hair hairstyles came into fashion. Also there appeared new chemical dyes and lighteners, bleaches for hair. Hair coloring hair allowed to bring additional effects to a hairstyle and revive it. With the invention of a perm there was a real revolution in the art of hairdressing. This method not only successfully competed with all the other methods , but gradually pushed them out. Due to chemical perms one can get good results in dealing with a wide variety of hair structure and properties. When cinema appeared the shape of hairstyles was greatly influenced by the cinematographic art . Thus hairstyle of heroines of Greta Garbo , Marlene Dietrich were in fashion in their time . In Russia the hairstyles of actresses Lyudmila Tselikovskaya, Marina Ladynina, Lyubov Orlova were extremely popular. In the 50- 60s actress Brigitte Bardot introduces new hairstyle - " ponytail " and " Babette ". In 1971, Vidal Sassoon, a famous hairdresser introduced new haircuts, that were performed only with the help of scissors. In the 70s, there appeared “punks” who protested against society, not only by their behavior and clothing, but also by means of hairstyle. Fashion designers ennobled punk style, creating haircuts "hedgehog" , "cascade" . In the 80s hairstyle fashion was distinguished by long loose hair, flowing locks of both long and short hair in warm, natural hair color: brown , red, brown, blond. The novelty of this period – “pearl blond” hair ash combination of ash blond hair colour with lighter hair colour at the end. Sometimes this effect was used for special occasions. In fashion there have always existed certain laws, but there is one elementary truth, to which modern fashion is subject. Whatever is the fashion, each person can choose his own haircut and hairstyle. To be beautiful and fashionable every day, you need to feel comfortable for a long time, not just the day you visit he hairdresser . We think our portfolio of articles will help you.

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке

История парикмахерского искусства на английском языке
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