Kazakhstani Cultural Values
Мы, народ Казахстана,объединенный общей исторической судьбой,созидая государственность на исконной казахской земле,сознавая себя миролюбивым гражданским обществом,приверженным идеалам свободы, равенства и согласия,желая занять достойное место в мировом сообществе,осознавая свою высокую ответственностьперед нынешним и будущими поколениями,исходя из своего суверенного права,принимаем настоящую Конституцию.
We, the people of Kazakhstan,united by a common historic fate,creating a state on the indigenous Kazakh land,considering ourselves a peace-loving and civil society,dedicated to the ideals of freedom, equality and concord,wishing to take a worthy place in the world community,realizing our high responsibility before the present and future generations,proceeding from our sovereign right,accept this Constitution.
Kazakhstani Cultural Values
The cultural heritage of the people of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a set of cultural values of state importance belonging exclusively to the Republic of Kazakhstan without the right to transfer them to other states. This definition is given in paragraph 3 of Art. 1 of the Law "On Culture".
Period of developing Kazakhstani Cultural Values
In the culture of Kazakhstan there are three periods:
1. Before the Soviet - at the heart of religion and folk art with the illiteracy of the majority of the population.
2. Soviet - the creation of writing with the Cyrillic alphabet, the ideas of internationalism, low national identity.
3. Modern - the development of a culture of independent Kazakhstan, the rise of national identity under the patronage of the country's leadership.
Kazakhstani Cultural Values
Since ancient times, Kazakh national values were considered:
- freedom (any Kazakh could gather his yurt overnight and move with his family to another village or to an endless steppe);
- mutual assistance (the famous Kazakh custom “Asar”, when the whole village helped to build a house or to collect a new herd of livestock instead of a burnt home or a herd fallen from jute);
- hospitality (custom, due to the value of any wanderer in the deserted steppes);
- respect for elders
Kazakhstani Cultural Values
At the same time, there are also such values that clearly do not fit into modern realities:
- tribalism (separation of a single nation by kind, the granting of various privileges on a generic basis);
- protectionism (providing illegal support to friends and relatives in various matters, the so-called telephone law or the "principle of bac-sake");
- arrogance (parading its real or imaginary advantages in terms of material wealth, kinship, own achievements or the achievements of relatives).
Kazakhstani Cultural Values
1. Kazakhs in one audience can speak contradictory arguments, it is difficult to understand when they are sincere and what they think when they are left alone?.
(Казахи в одной аудитории могут говорить противоречащие друг-другу аргументы, трудно понять когда они искрении и что думают когда остаются одни)?.
2. In the mass consciousness of Kazakh society, in which the Russian-Kazakh cultural environment prevailed, is it transformed into a Kazakh cultural environment?
(В массовом сознании казахстанского общества, в котором преобладала русско-казахская культурная среда, трансформируется в казахскую культурную среду)?
3. It is difficult for the general mass of Russians to understand and accept Kazakh traditions and customs?
(Общей массе русских сложно понять и принять казахские традиции и обычаи)?
4. Is it true that for Russian-speaking Kazakhstan there is a question whether to leave or dissolve?
(Правда ли что для русскоязычных Казахстана стоит вопрос уехать или раствориться?)
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